import React from 'react'; import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import { fireEvent, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import { CHAIN_IDS } from '../../../../shared/constants/network'; import { renderWithProvider } from '../../../../test/jest/rendering'; import { KeyringType } from '../../../../shared/constants/keyring'; import EthOverview from './eth-overview'; // Mock BUYABLE_CHAINS_MAP jest.mock('../../../../shared/constants/network', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('../../../../shared/constants/network'), BUYABLE_CHAINS_MAP: { // MAINNET '0x1': { nativeCurrency: 'ETH', network: 'ethereum', }, // POLYGON '0x89': { nativeCurrency: 'MATIC', network: 'polygon', }, }, })); let openTabSpy; describe('EthOverview', () => { const mockStore = { metamask: { providerConfig: { type: 'test', chainId: CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET, }, cachedBalances: { '0x1': { '0x1': '0x1F4', }, }, preferences: { useNativeCurrencyAsPrimaryCurrency: true, }, useCurrencyRateCheck: true, conversionRate: 2, identities: { '0x1': { address: '0x1', }, }, accounts: { '0x1': { address: '0x1', balance: '0x1F4', }, }, selectedAddress: '0x1', keyrings: [ { type: KeyringType.imported, accounts: ['0x1', '0x2'], }, { type: KeyringType.ledger, accounts: [], }, ], contractExchangeRates: {}, }, }; const store = configureMockStore([thunk])(mockStore); const ETH_OVERVIEW_BUY = 'eth-overview-buy'; const ETH_OVERVIEW_BRIDGE = 'eth-overview-bridge'; const ETH_OVERVIEW_PORTFOLIO = 'eth-overview-portfolio'; const ETH_OVERVIEW_SWAP = 'token-overview-button-swap'; const ETH_OVERVIEW_PRIMARY_CURRENCY = 'eth-overview__primary-currency'; const ETH_OVERVIEW_SECONDARY_CURRENCY = 'eth-overview__secondary-currency'; afterEach(() => { store.clearActions(); }); describe('EthOverview', () => { beforeAll(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); Object.defineProperty(global, 'platform', { value: { openTab: jest.fn(), }, }); openTabSpy = jest.spyOn(global.platform, 'openTab'); }); beforeEach(() => { openTabSpy.mockClear(); }); it('should show the primary balance', async () => { const { queryByTestId, queryByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); const primaryBalance = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_PRIMARY_CURRENCY); expect(primaryBalance).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(primaryBalance).toHaveTextContent('0ETH'); expect(queryByText('*')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should show the cached primary balance', async () => { const mockedStoreWithCachedBalance = { metamask: { ...mockStore.metamask, accounts: { '0x1': { address: '0x1', }, }, cachedBalances: { '0x1': { '0x1': '0x24da51d247e8b8', }, }, }, }; const mockedStore = configureMockStore([thunk])( mockedStoreWithCachedBalance, ); const { queryByTestId, queryByText } = renderWithProvider( , mockedStore, ); const primaryBalance = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_PRIMARY_CURRENCY); expect(primaryBalance).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(primaryBalance).toHaveTextContent('0.0104ETH'); expect(queryByText('*')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should show the secondary balance', async () => { const { queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider(, store); const secondaryBalance = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_SECONDARY_CURRENCY); expect(secondaryBalance).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(secondaryBalance).toHaveTextContent('0'); }); it('should have the Bridge button enabled if chain id is part of supported chains', () => { const mockedAvalancheStore = { ...mockStore, metamask: { ...mockStore.metamask, providerConfig: { ...mockStore.metamask.providerConfig, chainId: '0xa86a', }, }, }; const mockedStore = configureMockStore([thunk])(mockedAvalancheStore); const { queryByTestId, queryByText } = renderWithProvider( , mockedStore, ); const bridgeButton = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_BRIDGE); expect(bridgeButton).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(bridgeButton).toBeEnabled(); expect(queryByText('Bridge').parentElement).not.toHaveAttribute( 'data-original-title', 'Unavailable on this network', ); }); it('should open the Bridge URI when clicking on Bridge button on supported network', async () => { const { queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider(, store); const bridgeButton = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_BRIDGE); expect(bridgeButton).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(bridgeButton).not.toBeDisabled();; expect(openTabSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); await waitFor(() => expect(openTabSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ url: expect.stringContaining( '/bridge?metamaskEntry=ext_bridge_button', ), }), ); }); it('should open the MMI PD Swaps URI when clicking on Swap button with a Custody account', async () => { const mockedStoreWithCustodyKeyring = { metamask: { ...mockStore.metamask, keyrings: [ { type: 'Custody', accounts: ['0x1'], }, ], }, }; const mockedStore = configureMockStore([thunk])( mockedStoreWithCustodyKeyring, ); const { queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider( , mockedStore, ); const swapButton = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_SWAP); expect(swapButton).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(swapButton).not.toBeDisabled();; expect(openTabSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); await waitFor(() => expect(openTabSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ url: expect.stringContaining( '', ), }), ); }); it('should have the Bridge button disabled if chain id is not part of supported chains', () => { const mockedFantomStore = { ...mockStore, metamask: { ...mockStore.metamask, providerConfig: { ...mockStore.metamask.providerConfig, chainId: '0xfa', }, }, }; const mockedStore = configureMockStore([thunk])(mockedFantomStore); const { queryByTestId, queryByText } = renderWithProvider( , mockedStore, ); const bridgeButton = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_BRIDGE); expect(bridgeButton).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(bridgeButton).toBeDisabled(); expect(queryByText('Bridge').parentElement).toHaveAttribute( 'data-original-title', 'Unavailable on this network', ); }); it('should always show the Portfolio button', () => { const { queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider(, store); const portfolioButton = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_PORTFOLIO); expect(portfolioButton).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should open the Portfolio URI when clicking on Portfolio button', async () => { const { queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider(, store); const portfolioButton = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_PORTFOLIO); expect(portfolioButton).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(portfolioButton).not.toBeDisabled();; expect(openTabSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); await waitFor(() => expect(openTabSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ url: expect.stringContaining(`?metamaskEntry=ext`), }), ); }); it('should always show the Buy button regardless of current chain Id', () => { const { queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider(, store); const buyButton = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_BUY); expect(buyButton).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should have the Buy native token button disabled if chain id is not part of supported buyable chains', () => { const mockedStoreWithUnbuyableChainId = { metamask: { ...mockStore.metamask, providerConfig: { type: 'test', chainId: CHAIN_IDS.FANTOM }, }, }; const mockedStore = configureMockStore([thunk])( mockedStoreWithUnbuyableChainId, ); const { queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider( , mockedStore, ); const buyButton = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_BUY); expect(buyButton).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(buyButton).toBeDisabled(); }); it('should have the Buy native token enabled if chain id is part of supported buyable chains', () => { const mockedStoreWithUnbuyableChainId = { metamask: { ...mockStore.metamask, providerConfig: { type: 'test', chainId: CHAIN_IDS.POLYGON }, }, }; const mockedStore = configureMockStore([thunk])( mockedStoreWithUnbuyableChainId, ); const { queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider( , mockedStore, ); const buyButton = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_BUY); expect(buyButton).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(buyButton).not.toBeDisabled(); }); it('should open the Buy native token URI when clicking on Buy button for a buyable chain ID', async () => { const mockedStoreWithBuyableChainId = { metamask: { ...mockStore.metamask, providerConfig: { type: 'test', chainId: CHAIN_IDS.POLYGON }, }, }; const mockedStore = configureMockStore([thunk])( mockedStoreWithBuyableChainId, ); const { queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider( , mockedStore, ); const buyButton = queryByTestId(ETH_OVERVIEW_BUY); expect(buyButton).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(buyButton).not.toBeDisabled();; expect(openTabSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); await waitFor(() => expect(openTabSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ url: expect.stringContaining(`/buy?metamaskEntry=ext_buy_button`), }), ); }); }); });