/* eslint-disable jest/require-top-level-describe */ import React from 'react'; import reactRouterDom from 'react-router-dom'; import { fireEvent, renderWithProvider } from '../../../../test/jest'; import configureStore from '../../../store/store'; import mockState from '../../../../test/data/mock-state.json'; import { CONNECT_HARDWARE_ROUTE } from '../../../helpers/constants/routes'; import { AccountListMenu } from '.'; const render = (props = { onClose: () => jest.fn() }) => { const store = configureStore({ activeTab: { id: 113, title: 'E2E Test Dapp', origin: 'https://metamask.github.io', protocol: 'https:', url: 'https://metamask.github.io/test-dapp/', }, metamask: { ...mockState.metamask, }, }); return renderWithProvider(, store); }; describe('AccountListMenu', () => { const historyPushMock = jest.fn(); jest .spyOn(reactRouterDom, 'useHistory') .mockImplementation() .mockReturnValue({ push: historyPushMock }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); it('displays important controls', () => { const { getByPlaceholderText, getByText } = render(); expect(getByPlaceholderText('Search accounts')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('Add account')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('Import account')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('Hardware wallet')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('shows the account creation UI when Add Account is clicked', () => { const { getByText, getByPlaceholderText } = render(); fireEvent.click(getByText('Add account')); expect(getByText('Create')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('Cancel')).toBeInTheDocument(); fireEvent.click(getByText('Cancel')); expect(getByPlaceholderText('Search accounts')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('shows the account import UI when Import Account is clicked', () => { const { getByText, getByPlaceholderText } = render(); fireEvent.click(getByText('Import account')); expect(getByText('Import')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('Cancel')).toBeInTheDocument(); fireEvent.click(getByText('Cancel')); expect(getByPlaceholderText('Search accounts')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('navigates to hardware wallet connection screen when clicked', () => { const { getByText } = render(); fireEvent.click(getByText('Hardware wallet')); expect(historyPushMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(CONNECT_HARDWARE_ROUTE); }); it('displays accounts for list and filters by search', () => { render(); const listItems = document.querySelectorAll( '.multichain-account-list-item', ); expect(listItems).toHaveLength(4); const searchBox = document.querySelector('input[type=search]'); fireEvent.change(searchBox, { target: { value: 'Le' }, }); const filteredListItems = document.querySelectorAll( '.multichain-account-list-item', ); expect(filteredListItems).toHaveLength(1); }); it('displays the "no accounts" message when search finds nothing', () => { const { getByTestId } = render(); const searchBox = document.querySelector('input[type=search]'); fireEvent.change(searchBox, { target: { value: 'adslfkjlx' }, }); const filteredListItems = document.querySelectorAll( '.multichain-account-list-item', ); expect(filteredListItems).toHaveLength(0); expect( getByTestId('multichain-account-menu-popover-no-results'), ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should not render search bar when there is only one account', () => { const mockStore = configureStore({ activeTab: { title: 'Eth Sign Tests', origin: 'https://remix.ethereum.org', protocol: 'https:', url: 'https://remix.ethereum.org/', }, metamask: { ...mockState.metamask, accounts: { '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc': { balance: '0x346ba7725f412cbfdb', address: '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc', }, }, }, }); const props = { onClose: () => jest.fn() }; const { container } = renderWithProvider( , mockStore, ); const searchBox = container.querySelector('input[type=search]'); expect(searchBox).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render search bar when there is more than one account', () => { render(); const searchBox = document.querySelector('input[type=search]'); expect(searchBox).toBeInTheDocument(); }); });