import { Story, Canvas, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
import { Text } from '..';
import { Label } from './label';
# Label
`Label` is used to describe the purpose of a form field
## Props
`Label` accepts all [Text](/docs/components-componentlibrary-text--default-story#props) component props
### Children
The `children` of the label can be text or a react node
import { DISPLAY, AlignItems, FLEX_DIRECTION, Size, IconColor } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system';
import { Label, TextField, Icon, IconName, IconSize } from '../../component-library';
### Html For
Use the `htmlFor` prop to allow the `Label` to focus on an input with the same id when clicked. The cursor will also change to a `pointer` when the `htmlFor` has a value.
import { Label, TextField } from '../../component-library';
### Internal Resources
- [Figma component](
- [Insight report](