import * as core from '@actions/core'; import { context, getOctokit } from '@actions/github'; import { GitHub } from '@actions/github/lib/utils'; main().catch((error: Error): void => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); }); async function main(): Promise { // "GITHUB_TOKEN" is an automatically generated, repository-specific access token provided by GitHub Actions. // We can't use "GITHUB_TOKEN" here, as its permissions are scoped to the repository where the action is running. // "GITHUB_TOKEN" does not have access to other repositories, even when they belong to the same organization. // As we want to update bug report issues which are not located in the same repository, // we need to create our own "BUG_REPORT_TOKEN" with "repo" permissions. // Such a token allows to access other repositories of the MetaMask organisation. const personalAccessToken = process.env.BUG_REPORT_TOKEN; if (!personalAccessToken) { core.setFailed('BUG_REPORT_TOKEN not found'); process.exit(1); } const repoOwner = context.repo.owner; // MetaMask const bugReportRepo = process.env.BUG_REPORT_REPO; if (!bugReportRepo) { core.setFailed('BUG_REPORT_REPO not found'); process.exit(1); } // Extract branch name from the context const branchName: string = context.payload.pull_request?.head.ref || ""; // Extract semver version number from the branch name const releaseVersionNumberMatch = branchName.match(/^Version-v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/); if (!releaseVersionNumberMatch) { core.setFailed(`Failed to extract version number from branch name: ${branchName}`); process.exit(1); } const releaseVersionNumber = releaseVersionNumberMatch[1]; // Initialise octokit, required to call Github GraphQL API const octokit: InstanceType = getOctokit(personalAccessToken); const bugReportIssue = await retrieveOpenBugReportIssue(octokit, repoOwner, bugReportRepo, releaseVersionNumber); if (!bugReportIssue) { throw new Error(`No open bug report issue was found for release ${releaseVersionNumber} on ${repoOwner}/${bugReportRepo} repo`); } if (bugReportIssue.title?.toLocaleLowerCase() !== `v${releaseVersionNumber} Bug Report`.toLocaleLowerCase()) { throw new Error(`Unexpected bug report title: "${bugReportIssue.title}" instead of "v${releaseVersionNumber} Bug Report"`); } console.log(`Closing bug report issue with title "${bugReportIssue.title}" and id: ${}`); await closeIssue(octokit,; console.log(`Issue with id: ${} successfully closed`); } // This function retrieves the issue titled "vx.y.z Bug Report" on a specific repo async function retrieveOpenBugReportIssue(octokit: InstanceType, repoOwner: string, repoName: string, releaseVersionNumber: string): Promise<{ id: string; title: string; } | undefined> { const retrieveOpenBugReportIssueQuery = ` query RetrieveOpenBugReportIssue { search(query: "repo:${repoOwner}/${repoName} type:issue is:open in:title v${releaseVersionNumber} Bug Report", type: ISSUE, first: 1) { nodes { ... on Issue { id title } } } } `; const retrieveOpenBugReportIssueQueryResult: { search: { nodes: { id: string; title: string; }[]; }; } = await octokit.graphql(retrieveOpenBugReportIssueQuery); const bugReportIssues = retrieveOpenBugReportIssueQueryResult?.search?.nodes; return bugReportIssues?.length > 0 ? bugReportIssues[0] : undefined; } // This function closes a Github issue, based on its ID async function closeIssue(octokit: InstanceType, issueId: string): Promise { const closeIssueMutation = ` mutation CloseIssue($issueId: ID!) { updateIssue(input: {id: $issueId, state: CLOSED}) { clientMutationId } } `; const closeIssueMutationResult: { updateIssue: { clientMutationId: string; }; } = await octokit.graphql(closeIssueMutation, { issueId, }); const clientMutationId = closeIssueMutationResult?.updateIssue?.clientMutationId; return clientMutationId; }