#!/usr/bin/env node const fs = require('fs').promises; const assert = require('assert').strict; const path = require('path'); const { escapeRegExp } = require('lodash'); const { version } = require('../app/manifest/_base.json'); const runCommand = require('./lib/runCommand'); const URL = 'https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension'; async function main() { await runCommand('git', ['fetch', '--tags']); const [mostRecentTagCommitHash] = await runCommand('git', [ 'rev-list', '--tags', '--max-count=1', ]); const [mostRecentTag] = await runCommand('git', [ 'describe', '--tags', mostRecentTagCommitHash, ]); assert.equal(mostRecentTag[0], 'v', 'Most recent tag should start with v'); const commitsSinceLastRelease = await runCommand('git', [ 'rev-list', `${mostRecentTag}..HEAD`, ]); const commitEntries = []; for (const commit of commitsSinceLastRelease) { const [subject] = await runCommand('git', [ 'show', '-s', '--format=%s', commit, ]); let prNumber; let description = subject; // Squash & Merge: the commit subject is parsed as ` (#)` if (subject.match(/\(#\d+\)/u)) { const matchResults = subject.match(/\(#(\d+)\)/u); prNumber = matchResults[1]; description = subject.match(/^(.+)\s\(#\d+\)/u)[1]; // Merge: the PR ID is parsed from the git subject (which is of the form `Merge pull request // # from `, and the description is assumed to be the first line of the body. // If no body is found, the description is set to the commit subject } else if (subject.match(/#\d+\sfrom/u)) { const matchResults = subject.match(/#(\d+)\sfrom/u); prNumber = matchResults[1]; const [firstLineOfBody] = await runCommand('git', [ 'show', '-s', '--format=%b', commit, ]); description = firstLineOfBody || subject; } // Otherwise: // Normal commits: The commit subject is the description, and the PR ID is omitted. commitEntries.push({ prNumber, description }); } const changelogFilename = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'CHANGELOG.md'); const changelog = await fs.readFile(changelogFilename, { encoding: 'utf8' }); const changelogLines = changelog.split('\n'); const prNumbersWithChangelogEntries = []; for (const line of changelogLines) { const matchResults = line.match(/- \[#(\d+)\]/u); if (matchResults === null) { continue; } const prNumber = matchResults[1]; prNumbersWithChangelogEntries.push(prNumber); } const changelogEntries = []; for (const { prNumber, description } of commitEntries) { if (prNumbersWithChangelogEntries.includes(prNumber)) { continue; } let changelogEntry; if (prNumber) { const prefix = `[#${prNumber}](${URL}/pull/${prNumber})`; changelogEntry = `- ${prefix}: ${description}`; } else { changelogEntry = `- ${description}`; } changelogEntries.push(changelogEntry); } if (changelogEntries.length === 0) { console.log('CHANGELOG required no updates'); return; } // remove the "v" prefix const mostRecentVersion = mostRecentTag.slice(1); const isReleaseCandidate = mostRecentVersion !== version; const versionHeader = `## [${version}]`; const escapedVersionHeader = escapeRegExp(versionHeader); const currentDevelopBranchHeader = '## [Unreleased]'; const currentReleaseHeaderPattern = isReleaseCandidate ? // This ensures this doesn't match on a version with a suffix // e.g. v9.0.0 should not match on the header v9.0.0-beta.0 `${escapedVersionHeader}$|${escapedVersionHeader}\\s` : escapeRegExp(currentDevelopBranchHeader); let releaseHeaderIndex = changelogLines.findIndex((line) => line.match(new RegExp(currentReleaseHeaderPattern, 'u')), ); if (releaseHeaderIndex === -1) { if (!isReleaseCandidate) { throw new Error( `Failed to find release header '${currentDevelopBranchHeader}'`, ); } // Add release header if not found const firstReleaseHeaderIndex = changelogLines.findIndex((line) => line.match(/## \[\d+\.\d+\.\d+\]/u), ); const [, previousVersion] = changelogLines[firstReleaseHeaderIndex].match( /## \[(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\]/u, ); changelogLines.splice(firstReleaseHeaderIndex, 0, versionHeader, ''); releaseHeaderIndex = firstReleaseHeaderIndex; // Update release link reference definitions // A link reference definition is added for the new release, and the // "Unreleased" header is updated to point at the range of commits merged // after the most recent release. const unreleasedLinkIndex = changelogLines.findIndex((line) => line.match(/\[Unreleased\]:/u), ); changelogLines.splice( unreleasedLinkIndex, 1, `[Unreleased]: ${URL}/compare/v${version}...HEAD`, `[${version}]: ${URL}/compare/v${previousVersion}...v${version}`, ); } // Ensure "Uncategorized" header is present const uncategorizedHeaderIndex = releaseHeaderIndex + 1; const uncategorizedHeader = '### Uncategorized'; if (changelogLines[uncategorizedHeaderIndex] !== '### Uncategorized') { const hasEmptyLine = changelogLines[uncategorizedHeaderIndex] === ''; changelogLines.splice( uncategorizedHeaderIndex, 0, uncategorizedHeader, // Ensure an empty line follows the new header ...(hasEmptyLine ? [] : ['']), ); } changelogLines.splice(uncategorizedHeaderIndex + 1, 0, ...changelogEntries); const updatedChangelog = changelogLines.join('\n'); await fs.writeFile(changelogFilename, updatedChangelog); console.log('CHANGELOG updated'); } main().catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); });