import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import PageContainerFooter from '../../../components/ui/page-container/page-container-footer'; import { CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ROUTE } from '../../../helpers/constants/routes'; export default class SendFooter extends Component { static propTypes = { addToAddressBookIfNew: PropTypes.func, amount: PropTypes.string, data: PropTypes.string, clearSend: PropTypes.func, editingTransactionId: PropTypes.string, from: PropTypes.object, gasLimit: PropTypes.string, gasPrice: PropTypes.string, gasTotal: PropTypes.string, history: PropTypes.object, inError: PropTypes.bool, sendToken: PropTypes.object, sign: PropTypes.func, to: PropTypes.string, toAccounts: PropTypes.array, tokenBalance: PropTypes.string, unapprovedTxs: PropTypes.object, update: PropTypes.func, sendErrors: PropTypes.object, gasEstimateType: PropTypes.string, gasIsLoading: PropTypes.bool, mostRecentOverviewPage: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }; static contextTypes = { t: PropTypes.func, metricsEvent: PropTypes.func, }; onCancel() { const { clearSend, history, mostRecentOverviewPage } = this.props; clearSend(); history.push(mostRecentOverviewPage); } async onSubmit(event) { event.preventDefault(); const { addToAddressBookIfNew, amount, data, editingTransactionId, from: { address: from }, gasLimit: gas, gasPrice, sendToken, sign, to, unapprovedTxs, update, toAccounts, history, gasEstimateType, } = this.props; const { metricsEvent } = this.context; // Should not be needed because submit should be disabled if there are errors. // const noErrors = !amountError && toError === null // if (!noErrors) { // return // } // TODO: add nickname functionality await addToAddressBookIfNew(to, toAccounts); const promise = editingTransactionId ? update({ amount, data, editingTransactionId, from, gas, gasPrice, sendToken, to, unapprovedTxs, }) : sign({ data, sendToken, to, amount, from, gas, gasPrice }); Promise.resolve(promise).then(() => { metricsEvent({ eventOpts: { category: 'Transactions', action: 'Edit Screen', name: 'Complete', }, customVariables: { gasChanged: gasEstimateType, }, }); history.push(CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ROUTE); }); } formShouldBeDisabled() { const { data, inError, sendToken, tokenBalance, gasTotal, to, gasLimit, gasIsLoading, } = this.props; const missingTokenBalance = sendToken && !tokenBalance; const gasLimitTooLow = gasLimit < 5208; // 5208 is hex value of 21000, minimum gas limit const shouldBeDisabled = inError || !gasTotal || missingTokenBalance || !(data || to) || gasLimitTooLow || gasIsLoading; return shouldBeDisabled; } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { inError, sendErrors } = this.props; const { metricsEvent } = this.context; if (!prevProps.inError && inError) { const errorField = Object.keys(sendErrors).find((key) => sendErrors[key]); const errorMessage = sendErrors[errorField]; metricsEvent({ eventOpts: { category: 'Transactions', action: 'Edit Screen', name: 'Error', }, customVariables: { errorField, errorMessage, }, }); } } render() { return ( <PageContainerFooter onCancel={() => this.onCancel()} onSubmit={(e) => this.onSubmit(e)} disabled={this.formShouldBeDisabled()} /> ); } }