import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
import { Dedupe, ExtraErrorData } from '@sentry/integrations';

import { AllProperties } from '../../../shared/modules/object.utils';
import { FilterEvents } from './sentry-filter-events';
import extractEthjsErrorMessage from './extractEthjsErrorMessage';

/* eslint-disable prefer-destructuring */
// Destructuring breaks the inlining of the environment variables
  process.env.SENTRY_DSN_DEV ||
const IN_TEST = process.env.IN_TEST;
/* eslint-enable prefer-destructuring */

export const ERROR_URL_ALLOWLIST = {
  CODEFI: '',
  SEGMENT: '',

// This describes the subset of background controller state attached to errors
// sent to Sentry These properties have some potential to be useful for
// debugging, and they do not contain any identifiable information.
  AccountTracker: {
    accounts: false,
    currentBlockGasLimit: true,
  AddressBookController: {
    addressBook: false,
  AlertController: {
    alertEnabledness: true,
    unconnectedAccountAlertShownOrigins: false,
    web3ShimUsageOrigins: false,
  AnnouncementController: {
    announcements: false,
  AppMetadataController: {
    currentAppVersion: true,
    currentMigrationVersion: true,
    previousAppVersion: true,
    previousMigrationVersion: true,
  ApprovalController: {
    approvalFlows: false,
    pendingApprovals: false,
    pendingApprovalCount: false,
  AppStateController: {
    browserEnvironment: true,
    connectedStatusPopoverHasBeenShown: true,
    currentPopupId: false,
    defaultHomeActiveTabName: true,
    fullScreenGasPollTokens: true,
    hadAdvancedGasFeesSetPriorToMigration92_3: true,
    nftsDetectionNoticeDismissed: true,
    nftsDropdownState: true,
    notificationGasPollTokens: true,
    outdatedBrowserWarningLastShown: true,
    popupGasPollTokens: true,
    qrHardware: true,
    recoveryPhraseReminderHasBeenShown: true,
    recoveryPhraseReminderLastShown: true,
    serviceWorkerLastActiveTime: true,
    showBetaHeader: true,
    showProductTour: true,
    showTestnetMessageInDropdown: true,
    snapsInstallPrivacyWarningShown: true,
    termsOfUseLastAgreed: true,
    timeoutMinutes: true,
    trezorModel: true,
    usedNetworks: true,
  CachedBalancesController: {
    cachedBalances: false,
  CronjobController: {
    jobs: false,
  CurrencyController: {
    conversionDate: true,
    conversionRate: true,
    currentCurrency: true,
    nativeCurrency: true,
    pendingCurrentCurrency: true,
    pendingNativeCurrency: true,
    usdConversionRate: true,
  DecryptMessageController: {
    unapprovedDecryptMsgs: false,
    unapprovedDecryptMsgCount: true,
  EncryptionPublicKeyController: {
    unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgs: false,
    unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgCount: true,
  EnsController: {
    ensResolutionsByAddress: false,
  GasFeeController: {
    estimatedGasFeeTimeBounds: true,
    gasEstimateType: true,
    gasFeeEstimates: true,
  IncomingTransactionsController: {
    incomingTransactions: false,
    incomingTxLastFetchedBlockByChainId: true,
  KeyringController: {
    encryptionKey: false,
    isUnlocked: true,
    keyrings: false,
    keyringTypes: false,
  MetaMetricsController: {
    eventsBeforeMetricsOptIn: false,
    fragments: false,
    metaMetricsId: true,
    participateInMetaMetrics: true,
    previousUserTraits: false,
    segmentApiCalls: false,
    traits: false,
  NetworkController: {
    networkConfigurations: false,
    networkDetails: false,
    networkId: true,
    networkStatus: true,
    providerConfig: {
      chainId: true,
      id: true,
      nickname: true,
      rpcPrefs: false,
      rpcUrl: false,
      ticker: true,
      type: true,
  NftController: {
    allNftContracts: false,
    allNfts: false,
    ignoredNfts: false,
  NotificationController: {
    notifications: false,
  OnboardingController: {
    completedOnboarding: true,
    firstTimeFlowType: true,
    onboardingTabs: false,
    seedPhraseBackedUp: true,
  PermissionController: {
    subjects: false,
  PermissionLogController: {
    permissionActivityLog: false,
    permissionHistory: false,
  PhishingController: {},
  PreferencesController: {
    advancedGasFee: true,
    currentLocale: true,
    disabledRpcMethodPreferences: true,
    dismissSeedBackUpReminder: true,
    featureFlags: true,
    forgottenPassword: true,
    identities: false,
    infuraBlocked: true,
    ipfsGateway: false,
    isLineaMainnetReleased: true,
    knownMethodData: false,
    ledgerTransportType: true,
    lostIdentities: false,
    openSeaEnabled: true,
    preferences: {
      autoLockTimeLimit: true,
      hideZeroBalanceTokens: true,
      showFiatInTestnets: true,
      showTestNetworks: true,
      useNativeCurrencyAsPrimaryCurrency: true,
    selectedAddress: false,
    snapRegistryList: false,
    theme: true,
    transactionSecurityCheckEnabled: true,
    useBlockie: true,
    useCurrencyRateCheck: true,
    useMultiAccountBalanceChecker: true,
    useNftDetection: true,
    useNonceField: true,
    usePhishDetect: true,
    useTokenDetection: true,
  SignatureController: {
    unapprovedMsgCount: true,
    unapprovedMsgs: false,
    unapprovedPersonalMsgCount: true,
    unapprovedPersonalMsgs: false,
    unapprovedTypedMessages: false,
    unapprovedTypedMessagesCount: true,
  SmartTransactionsController: {
    smartTransactionsState: {
      fees: {
        approvalTxFees: true,
        tradeTxFees: true,
      liveness: true,
      smartTransactions: false,
      userOptIn: true,
  SnapController: {
    snapErrors: false,
    snapStates: false,
    snaps: false,
  SnapsRegistry: {
    database: false,
    lastUpdated: false,
  SubjectMetadataController: {
    subjectMetadata: false,
  SwapsController: {
    swapsState: {
      approveTxId: false,
      customApproveTxData: false,
      customGasPrice: true,
      customMaxFeePerGas: true,
      customMaxGas: true,
      customMaxPriorityFeePerGas: true,
      errorKey: true,
      fetchParams: true,
      quotes: false,
      quotesLastFetched: true,
      quotesPollingLimitEnabled: true,
      routeState: true,
      saveFetchedQuotes: true,
      selectedAggId: true,
      swapsFeatureFlags: true,
      swapsFeatureIsLive: true,
      swapsQuotePrefetchingRefreshTime: true,
      swapsQuoteRefreshTime: true,
      swapsStxBatchStatusRefreshTime: true,
      swapsStxGetTransactionsRefreshTime: true,
      swapsStxMaxFeeMultiplier: true,
      swapsUserFeeLevel: true,
      tokens: false,
      topAggId: false,
      tradeTxId: false,
  TokenListController: {
    preventPollingOnNetworkRestart: true,
    tokenList: false,
    tokensChainsCache: {
      [AllProperties]: false,
  TokenRatesController: {
    contractExchangeRates: false,
  TokensController: {
    allDetectedTokens: {
      [AllProperties]: false,
    allIgnoredTokens: {
      [AllProperties]: false,
    allTokens: {
      [AllProperties]: false,
    detectedTokens: false,
    ignoredTokens: false,
    tokens: false,
  TransactionController: {
    currentNetworkTxList: false,
    lastFetchedBlockNumbers: false,
  TxController: {
    currentNetworkTxList: false,
    unapprovedTxs: false,

const flattenedBackgroundStateMask = Object.values(
).reduce((partialBackgroundState, controllerState) => {
  return {
}, {});

// This describes the subset of Redux state attached to errors sent to Sentry
// These properties have some potential to be useful for debugging, and they do
// not contain any identifiable information.
export const SENTRY_UI_STATE = {
  gas: true,
  history: true,
  metamask: {
    // This property comes from the background but isn't in controller state
    isInitialized: true,
    // These properties are in the `metamask` slice but not in the background state
    customNonceValue: true,
    isAccountMenuOpen: true,
    isNetworkMenuOpen: true,
    nextNonce: true,
    pendingTokens: false,
    welcomeScreenSeen: true,
  unconnectedAccount: true,

 * Returns whether MetaMetrics is enabled, given the application state.
 * @param {{ state: unknown} | { persistedState: unknown }} appState - Application state
 * @returns `true` if MetaMask's state has been initialized, and MetaMetrics
 * is enabled, `false` otherwise.
function getMetaMetricsEnabledFromAppState(appState) {
  // during initialization after loading persisted state
  if (appState.persistedState) {
    return getMetaMetricsEnabledFromPersistedState(appState.persistedState);
    // After initialization
  } else if (appState.state) {
    // UI
    if (appState.state.metamask) {
      return Boolean(appState.state.metamask.participateInMetaMetrics);
    // background
    return Boolean(
  // during initialization, before first persisted state is read
  return false;

 * Returns whether MetaMetrics is enabled, given the persisted state.
 * @param {unknown} persistedState - Application state
 * @returns `true` if MetaMask's state has been initialized, and MetaMetrics
 * is enabled, `false` otherwise.
function getMetaMetricsEnabledFromPersistedState(persistedState) {
  return Boolean(

 * Returns whether onboarding has completed, given the application state.
 * @param {Record<string, unknown>} appState - Application state
 * @returns `true` if MetaMask's state has been initialized, and MetaMetrics
 * is enabled, `false` otherwise.
function getOnboardingCompleteFromAppState(appState) {
  // during initialization after loading persisted state
  if (appState.persistedState) {
    return Boolean(,
    // After initialization
  } else if (appState.state) {
    // UI
    if (appState.state.metamask) {
      return Boolean(appState.state.metamask.completedOnboarding);
    // background
    return Boolean(appState.state.OnboardingController?.completedOnboarding);
  // during initialization, before first persisted state is read
  return false;

export default function setupSentry({ release, getState }) {
  if (!release) {
    throw new Error('Missing release');
  } else if (METAMASK_DEBUG && !IN_TEST) {
     * Workaround until the following issue is resolved
     * The IN_TEST condition allows the e2e tests to run with both
     * yarn start:test and yarn build:test
    return undefined;

  const environment =
    METAMASK_BUILD_TYPE === 'main'

  let sentryTarget;
  if (METAMASK_ENVIRONMENT === 'production') {
    if (!process.env.SENTRY_DSN) {
      throw new Error(
        `Missing SENTRY_DSN environment variable in production environment`,
      `Setting up Sentry Remote Error Reporting for '${environment}': SENTRY_DSN`,
    sentryTarget = process.env.SENTRY_DSN;
  } else {
      `Setting up Sentry Remote Error Reporting for '${environment}': SENTRY_DSN_DEV`,
    sentryTarget = SENTRY_DSN_DEV;

   * Returns whether MetaMetrics is enabled. If the application hasn't yet
   * been initialized, the persisted state will be used (if any).
   * @returns `true` if MetaMetrics is enabled, `false` otherwise.
  async function getMetaMetricsEnabled() {
    const appState = getState();
    if (appState.state || appState.persistedState) {
      return getMetaMetricsEnabledFromAppState(appState);
    // If we reach here, it means the error was thrown before initialization
    // completed, and before we loaded the persisted state for the first time.
    try {
      const persistedState = await globalThis.stateHooks.getPersistedState();
      return getMetaMetricsEnabledFromPersistedState(persistedState);
    } catch (error) {
      return false;

    dsn: sentryTarget,
    debug: METAMASK_DEBUG,
    integrations: [
      new FilterEvents({ getMetaMetricsEnabled }),
      new Dedupe(),
      new ExtraErrorData(),
    beforeSend: (report) => rewriteReport(report, getState),
    beforeBreadcrumb: beforeBreadcrumb(getState),

  return Sentry;

 * Receives a string and returns that string if it is a
 * regex match for a url with a `chrome-extension` or `moz-extension`
 * protocol, and an empty string otherwise.
 * @param {string} url - The URL to check.
 * @returns {string} An empty string if the URL was internal, or the unmodified URL otherwise.
function hideUrlIfNotInternal(url) {
  const re = /^(chrome-extension|moz-extension):\/\//u;
  if (!url.match(re)) {
    return '';
  return url;

 * Returns a method that handles the Sentry breadcrumb using a specific method to get the extension state
 * @param {Function} getState - A method that returns the state of the extension
 * @returns {(breadcrumb: object) => object} A method that modifies a Sentry breadcrumb object
export function beforeBreadcrumb(getState) {
  return (breadcrumb) => {
    if (!getState) {
      return null;
    const appState = getState();
    if (
      !getMetaMetricsEnabledFromAppState(appState) ||
      !getOnboardingCompleteFromAppState(appState) ||
      breadcrumb?.category === 'ui.input'
    ) {
      return null;
    const newBreadcrumb = removeUrlsFromBreadCrumb(breadcrumb);
    return newBreadcrumb;

 * Receives a Sentry breadcrumb object and potentially removes urls
 * from its `data` property, it particular those possibly found at
 * data.from, and data.url
 * @param {object} breadcrumb - A Sentry breadcrumb object:
 * @returns {object} A modified Sentry breadcrumb object.
export function removeUrlsFromBreadCrumb(breadcrumb) {
  if (breadcrumb?.data?.url) { = hideUrlIfNotInternal(;
  if (breadcrumb?.data?.to) { = hideUrlIfNotInternal(;
  if (breadcrumb?.data?.from) { = hideUrlIfNotInternal(;
  return breadcrumb;

 * Receives a Sentry event object and modifies it before the
 * error is sent to Sentry. Modifications include both sanitization
 * of data via helper methods and addition of state data from the
 * return value of the second parameter passed to the function.
 * @param {object} report - A Sentry event object:
 * @param {Function} getState - A function that should return an object representing some amount
 * of app state that we wish to submit with our error reports
 * @returns {object} A modified Sentry event object.
export function rewriteReport(report, getState) {
  try {
    // simplify certain complex error messages (e.g. Ethjs)
    // remove urls from error message
    // Remove evm addresses from error message.
    // Note that this is redundent with data scrubbing we do within our sentry dashboard,
    // but putting the code here as well gives public visibility to how we are handling
    // privacy with respect to sentry.
    // modify report urls
    // append app state
    if (getState) {
      const appState = getState();
      if (!report.extra) {
        report.extra = {};
      report.extra.appState = appState;
  } catch (err) {
  return report;

 * Receives a Sentry event object and modifies it so that urls are removed from any of its
 * error messages.
 * @param {object} report - the report to modify
function sanitizeUrlsFromErrorMessages(report) {
  rewriteErrorMessages(report, (errorMessage) => {
    let newErrorMessage = errorMessage;
    const re = /(([-.+a-zA-Z]+:\/\/)|(www\.))\S+[@:.]\S+/gu;
    const urlsInMessage = newErrorMessage.match(re) || [];
    urlsInMessage.forEach((url) => {
      try {
        const urlObj = new URL(url);
        const { hostname } = urlObj;
        if (
            (allowedHostname) =>
              hostname === allowedHostname ||
        ) {
          newErrorMessage = newErrorMessage.replace(url, '**');
      } catch (e) {
        newErrorMessage = newErrorMessage.replace(url, '**');
    return newErrorMessage;

 * Receives a Sentry event object and modifies it so that ethereum addresses are removed from
 * any of its error messages.
 * @param {object} report - the report to modify
function sanitizeAddressesFromErrorMessages(report) {
  rewriteErrorMessages(report, (errorMessage) => {
    const newErrorMessage = errorMessage.replace(/0x[A-Fa-f0-9]{40}/u, '0x**');
    return newErrorMessage;

function simplifyErrorMessages(report) {
  rewriteErrorMessages(report, (errorMessage) => {
    // simplify ethjs error messages
    let simplifiedErrorMessage = extractEthjsErrorMessage(errorMessage);
    // simplify 'Transaction Failed: known transaction'
    if (
        'Transaction Failed: known transaction',
      ) === 0
    ) {
      // cut the hash from the error message
      simplifiedErrorMessage = 'Transaction Failed: known transaction';
    return simplifiedErrorMessage;

function rewriteErrorMessages(report, rewriteFn) {
  // rewrite top level message
  if (typeof report.message === 'string') {
    report.message = rewriteFn(report.message);
  // rewrite each exception message
  if (report.exception && report.exception.values) {
    report.exception.values.forEach((item) => {
      if (typeof item.value === 'string') {
        item.value = rewriteFn(item.value);

function rewriteReportUrls(report) {
  if (report.request?.url) {
    // update request url
    report.request.url = toMetamaskUrl(report.request.url);

  // update exception stack trace
  if (report.exception && report.exception.values) {
    report.exception.values.forEach((item) => {
      if (item.stacktrace) {
        item.stacktrace.frames.forEach((frame) => {
          frame.filename = toMetamaskUrl(frame.filename);

function toMetamaskUrl(origUrl) {
  if (!globalThis.location?.origin) {
    return origUrl;

  const filePath = origUrl?.split(globalThis.location.origin)[1];
  if (!filePath) {
    return origUrl;
  const metamaskUrl = `/metamask${filePath}`;
  return metamaskUrl;