import React from 'react'; import { ComponentStory, ComponentMeta } from '@storybook/react'; import Box from '../../ui/box'; import { ICON_NAMES, Button, ButtonIcon, BUTTON_ICON_SIZES, BUTTON_SIZES, Text, } from '..'; import { AlignItems, BackgroundColor, TextVariant, TEXT_ALIGN, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { HeaderBase } from './header-base'; import README from './README.mdx'; export default { title: 'Components/ComponentLibrary/HeaderBase', component: HeaderBase, parameters: { docs: { page: README, }, }, } as ComponentMeta; const Template: ComponentStory = (args) => ( ); export const DefaultStory = Template.bind({}); DefaultStory.args = { children: ( Title is sentence case no period ), startAccessory: ( ), endAccessory: ( ), }; DefaultStory.storyName = 'Default'; export const Children = (args) => { return ( Title is sentence case no period ); }; export const StartAccessory = (args) => { return ( } {...args} > Title is sentence case no period ); }; export const EndAccessory = (args) => { return ( } {...args} > Title is sentence case no period ); }; export const UseCaseDemos = (args) => ( <> children only assigned Title is sentence case no period children and endAccessory assigned } {...args} > Title is sentence case no period children and startAccessory assigned } {...args} > Title is sentence case no period children, startAccessory, and endAccessory assigned } endAccessory={ } {...args} > Title is sentence case no period children, startAccessory, and endAccessory assigned Unlock Now } endAccessory={ } {...args} > Title is sentence case no period children, startAccessory, and endAccessory assigned with prop alignItems= {} passed at HeaderBase } endAccessory={ } {...args} > Title is sentence case no period startAccessory and endAccessory assigned Unlock } endAccessory={ } {...args} > );