// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`ConfirmApproveContent Component should render Confirm approve page correctly and display fallback copy for when we are able to retrieve a erc721 or erc1155 name in the setApprovalForAll screen and when giving a setApprovalForAll allowance 1`] = `
Allow access to and transfer of all your ZenAcademy ?
This allows a third party to access and transfer the following NFTs without further notice until you revoke its access.
Transaction fee
A fee is associated with this request.
20 ETH
View full transaction details
`; exports[`ConfirmApproveContent Component should render Confirm approve page correctly and display fallback copy for when we are able to retrieve a erc721 or erc1155 name in the setApprovalForAll screen and when revoking a setApprovalForAll allowance 1`] = `
Revoke permission to access and transfer all of your ZenAcademy ?
This revokes the permission for a third party to access and transfer all of your ZenAcademy without further notice.
Transaction fee
A fee is associated with this request.
20 ETH
View full transaction details
`; exports[`ConfirmApproveContent Component should render Confirm approve page correctly and display fallback copy for when we are not able to retrieve a erc721 or erc1155 name in the setApprovalForAll screen and when giving a setApprovalForAll allowance 1`] = `
Allow access to and transfer all of your NFTs from this collection ?
This allows a third party to access and transfer all of your NFTs from this collection without further notice until you revoke its access.
Transaction fee
A fee is associated with this request.
20 ETH
View full transaction details
`; exports[`ConfirmApproveContent Component should render Confirm approve page correctly and display fallback copy for when we are not able to retrieve a erc721 or erc1155 name in the setApprovalForAll screen and when revoking a setApprovalForAll allowance 1`] = `
Revoke permission to access and transfer all of your NFTs from this collection ?
This revokes the permission for a third party to access and transfer all of your NFTs from this collection without further notice.
Transaction fee
A fee is associated with this request.
20 ETH
View full transaction details