import { migrate } from './092.3'; const PREFERENCES_CONTROLLER_MOCK = { useBlockie: false, useNonceField: false, usePhishDetect: true, dismissSeedBackUpReminder: false, disabledRpcMethodPreferences: { eth_sign: false, }, useMultiAccountBalanceChecker: true, useTokenDetection: false, useNftDetection: false, use4ByteResolution: true, useCurrencyRateCheck: true, openSeaEnabled: false, advancedGasFee: null, featureFlags: { showIncomingTransactions: true, }, knownMethodData: {}, currentLocale: 'EN', identities: {}, lostIdentities: {}, forgottenPassword: false, preferences: { autoLockTimeLimit: undefined, showFiatInTestnets: false, showTestNetworks: false, useNativeCurrencyAsPrimaryCurrency: true, hideZeroBalanceTokens: false, }, // ENS decentralized website resolution ipfsGateway: '', useAddressBarEnsResolution: true, infuraBlocked: null, ledgerTransportType: 'U2F', snapRegistryList: {}, transactionSecurityCheckEnabled: false, theme: 'OS', isLineaMainnetReleased: false, }; describe('migration #92.3', () => { it('updates the version metadata', async () => { const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 92.2 }, data: {}, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(newStorage.meta).toStrictEqual({ version: 92.3 }); }); it('does nothing if no PreferencesController state', async () => { const oldData = { some: 'data', }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 92.2 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('does nothing if no AppStateController state', async () => { const oldData = { some: 'data', }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 92.2 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect(; }); it('changes advancedGasFee from null to an empty object, and sets hadAdvancedGasFeesSetPriorToMigration92_3 to false', async () => { const oldData = { some: 'data', PreferencesController: { ...PREFERENCES_CONTROLLER_MOCK, }, AppStateController: {}, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 92.2 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ some: oldData.some, PreferencesController: { ...PREFERENCES_CONTROLLER_MOCK, advancedGasFee: {}, }, AppStateController: { hadAdvancedGasFeesSetPriorToMigration92_3: false, }, }); }); it('changes advancedGasFee from an object of values to an empty object and sets hadAdvancedGasFeesSetPriorToMigration92_3 to true', async () => { const oldData = { some: 'data', PreferencesController: { ...PREFERENCES_CONTROLLER_MOCK, advancedGasFee: { priorityFee: '0x1', maxBaseFee: '0x1', }, }, AppStateController: {}, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 92.2 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ some: oldData.some, PreferencesController: { ...PREFERENCES_CONTROLLER_MOCK, advancedGasFee: {}, }, AppStateController: { hadAdvancedGasFeesSetPriorToMigration92_3: true, }, }); }); it('does not erase advancedGasFee if it does not contain the expected data prior to this migration', async () => { const oldData = { some: 'data', PreferencesController: { ...PREFERENCES_CONTROLLER_MOCK, advancedGasFee: { '0x5': { priorityFee: '0x1', maxBaseFee: '0x1', }, }, }, AppStateController: {}, }; const oldStorage = { meta: { version: 92.2 }, data: oldData, }; const newStorage = await migrate(oldStorage); expect({ some: oldData.some, PreferencesController: { ...PREFERENCES_CONTROLLER_MOCK, advancedGasFee: { '0x5': { priorityFee: '0x1', maxBaseFee: '0x1', }, }, }, AppStateController: { hadAdvancedGasFeesSetPriorToMigration92_3: false, }, }); }); });