import { strict as assert } from 'assert'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import proxyquire from 'proxyquire'; import { ApprovalRequestNotFoundError } from '@metamask/approval-controller'; import { PermissionsRequestNotFoundError } from '@metamask/permission-controller'; import nock from 'nock'; import { ORIGIN_METAMASK } from '../../shared/constants/app'; const Ganache = require('../../test/e2e/ganache'); const ganacheServer = new Ganache(); const browserPolyfillMock = { runtime: { id: 'fake-extension-id', onInstalled: { addListener: () => undefined, }, onMessageExternal: { addListener: () => undefined, }, getPlatformInfo: async () => 'mac', }, storage: { local: { get: sinon.stub().resolves({}), set: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, }, }; let loggerMiddlewareMock; const createLoggerMiddlewareMock = () => (req, res, next) => { if (loggerMiddlewareMock) { loggerMiddlewareMock.requests.push(req); next((cb) => { loggerMiddlewareMock.responses.push(res); cb(); }); return; } next(); }; const TEST_SEED = 'debris dizzy just program just float decrease vacant alarm reduce speak stadium'; const MetaMaskController = proxyquire('./metamask-controller', { './lib/createLoggerMiddleware': { default: createLoggerMiddlewareMock }, }).default; describe('MetaMaskController', function () { let metamaskController; const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const noop = () => undefined; before(async function () { await ganacheServer.start(); }); beforeEach(function () { nock('') .persist() .get('/api/v1/lists/stalelist.json') .reply( 200, JSON.stringify({ version: 2, tolerance: 2, fuzzylist: [], allowlist: [], blocklist: [''], lastUpdated: 0, }), ) .get('/api/v1/lists/hotlist.json') .reply( 200, JSON.stringify([ { url: '', targetList: 'blocklist', timestamp: 0 }, ]), ); metamaskController = new MetaMaskController({ showUserConfirmation: noop, encryptor: { encrypt(_, object) { this.object = object; return Promise.resolve('mock-encrypted'); }, decrypt() { return Promise.resolve(this.object); }, }, initLangCode: 'en_US', platform: { showTransactionNotification: () => undefined, getVersion: () => 'foo', }, browser: browserPolyfillMock, infuraProjectId: 'foo', }); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); nock.cleanAll(); }); after(async function () { await ganacheServer.quit(); }); describe('#addNewAccount', function () { it('two parallel calls with same accountCount give same result', async function () { await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndKeychain('test@123'); const [addNewAccountResult1, addNewAccountResult2] = await Promise.all([ metamaskController.addNewAccount(1), metamaskController.addNewAccount(1), ]); assert.deepEqual( Object.keys(addNewAccountResult1.identities), Object.keys(addNewAccountResult2.identities), ); }); it('two successive calls with same accountCount give same result', async function () { await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndKeychain('test@123'); const addNewAccountResult1 = await metamaskController.addNewAccount(1); const addNewAccountResult2 = await metamaskController.addNewAccount(1); assert.deepEqual( Object.keys(addNewAccountResult1.identities), Object.keys(addNewAccountResult2.identities), ); }); it('two successive calls with different accountCount give different results', async function () { await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndKeychain('test@123'); const addNewAccountResult1 = await metamaskController.addNewAccount(1); const addNewAccountResult2 = await metamaskController.addNewAccount(2); assert.notDeepEqual(addNewAccountResult1, addNewAccountResult2); }); }); describe('#importAccountWithStrategy', function () { it('two sequential calls with same strategy give same result', async function () { let keyringControllerState1; let keyringControllerState2; const importPrivkey = '4cfd3e90fc78b0f86bf7524722150bb8da9c60cd532564d7ff43f5716514f553'; await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndKeychain('test@123'); await Promise.all([ metamaskController.importAccountWithStrategy('Private Key', [ importPrivkey, ]), Promise.resolve(1).then(() => { keyringControllerState1 = JSON.stringify( metamaskController.keyringController.memStore.getState(), ); metamaskController.importAccountWithStrategy('Private Key', [ importPrivkey, ]); }), Promise.resolve(2).then(() => { keyringControllerState2 = JSON.stringify( metamaskController.keyringController.memStore.getState(), ); }), ]); assert.deepEqual(keyringControllerState1, keyringControllerState2); }); }); describe('#createNewVaultAndRestore', function () { it('two successive calls with same inputs give same result', async function () { const result1 = await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndRestore( 'test@123', TEST_SEED, ); const result2 = await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndRestore( 'test@123', TEST_SEED, ); assert.deepEqual(result1, result2); }); }); describe('#createNewVaultAndKeychain', function () { it('two successive calls with same inputs give same result', async function () { const result1 = await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndKeychain( 'test@123', ); const result2 = await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndKeychain( 'test@123', ); assert.notEqual(result1, undefined); assert.deepEqual(result1, result2); }); }); describe('#addToken', function () { const address = '0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca'; const symbol = 'LINK'; const decimals = 18; it('two parallel calls with same token details give same result', async function () { const supportsInterfaceStub = sinon .stub() .returns(Promise.resolve(false)); sinon .stub(metamaskController.tokensController, '_createEthersContract') .callsFake(() => Promise.resolve({ supportsInterface: supportsInterfaceStub }), ); const [token1, token2] = await Promise.all([ metamaskController.getApi().addToken(address, symbol, decimals), metamaskController.getApi().addToken(address, symbol, decimals), ]); assert.deepEqual(token1, token2); }); }); describe('#updateTransactionSendFlowHistory', function () { it('two sequential calls with same history give same result', async function () { const recipientAddress = '0xc42edfcc21ed14dda456aa0756c153f7985d8813'; await metamaskController.createNewVaultAndKeychain('test@123'); const accounts = await metamaskController.keyringController.getAccounts(); const txMeta = await metamaskController.getApi().addUnapprovedTransaction( undefined, { from: accounts[0], to: recipientAddress, }, ORIGIN_METAMASK, ); const [transaction1, transaction2] = await Promise.all([ metamaskController .getApi() .updateTransactionSendFlowHistory(, 2, ['foo1', 'foo2']), Promise.resolve(1).then(() => metamaskController .getApi() .updateTransactionSendFlowHistory(, 2, ['foo1', 'foo2']), ), ]); assert.deepEqual(transaction1, transaction2); }); }); describe('#removePermissionsFor', function () { it('should not propagate PermissionsRequestNotFoundError', function () { const error = new PermissionsRequestNotFoundError('123'); metamaskController.permissionController = { revokePermissions: () => { throw error; }, }; // Line below will not throw error, in case it throws this test case will fail. metamaskController.removePermissionsFor({ subject: 'test_subject' }); }); it('should propagate Error other than PermissionsRequestNotFoundError', function () { const error = new Error(); metamaskController.permissionController = { revokePermissions: () => { throw error; }, }; assert.throws(() => { metamaskController.removePermissionsFor({ subject: 'test_subject' }); }, error); }); }); describe('#rejectPermissionsRequest', function () { it('should not propagate PermissionsRequestNotFoundError', function () { const error = new PermissionsRequestNotFoundError('123'); metamaskController.permissionController = { rejectPermissionsRequest: () => { throw error; }, }; // Line below will not throw error, in case it throws this test case will fail. metamaskController.rejectPermissionsRequest('DUMMY_ID'); }); it('should propagate Error other than PermissionsRequestNotFoundError', function () { const error = new Error(); metamaskController.permissionController = { rejectPermissionsRequest: () => { throw error; }, }; assert.throws(() => { metamaskController.rejectPermissionsRequest('DUMMY_ID'); }, error); }); }); describe('#acceptPermissionsRequest', function () { it('should not propagate PermissionsRequestNotFoundError', function () { const error = new PermissionsRequestNotFoundError('123'); metamaskController.permissionController = { acceptPermissionsRequest: () => { throw error; }, }; // Line below will not throw error, in case it throws this test case will fail. metamaskController.acceptPermissionsRequest('DUMMY_ID'); }); it('should propagate Error other than PermissionsRequestNotFoundError', function () { const error = new Error(); metamaskController.permissionController = { acceptPermissionsRequest: () => { throw error; }, }; assert.throws(() => { metamaskController.acceptPermissionsRequest('DUMMY_ID'); }, error); }); }); describe('#resolvePendingApproval', function () { it('should not propagate ApprovalRequestNotFoundError', function () { const error = new ApprovalRequestNotFoundError('123'); metamaskController.approvalController = { accept: () => { throw error; }, }; // Line below will not throw error, in case it throws this test case will fail. metamaskController.resolvePendingApproval('DUMMY_ID', 'DUMMY_VALUE'); }); it('should propagate Error other than ApprovalRequestNotFoundError', function () { const error = new Error(); metamaskController.approvalController = { accept: () => { throw error; }, }; assert.throws(() => { metamaskController.resolvePendingApproval('DUMMY_ID', 'DUMMY_VALUE'); }, error); }); }); describe('#rejectPendingApproval', function () { it('should not propagate ApprovalRequestNotFoundError', function () { const error = new ApprovalRequestNotFoundError('123'); metamaskController.approvalController = { reject: () => { throw error; }, }; // Line below will not throw error, in case it throws this test case will fail. metamaskController.rejectPendingApproval('DUMMY_ID', { code: 1, message: 'DUMMY_MESSAGE', data: 'DUMMY_DATA', }); }); it('should propagate Error other than ApprovalRequestNotFoundError', function () { const error = new Error(); metamaskController.approvalController = { reject: () => { throw error; }, }; assert.throws(() => { metamaskController.rejectPendingApproval('DUMMY_ID', { code: 1, message: 'DUMMY_MESSAGE', data: 'DUMMY_DATA', }); }, error); }); }); });