@use "sass:map"; $fa-font-path: 'fonts/fontawesome'; @import '../../../node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome'; @import '../../../node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands'; @import '../../../node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/solid'; @import '../../../node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular'; $font-family: 'Avenir Next', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI','Noto Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji'; $typography-variants: ( 'h1': 2.5rem, 'h2': 2rem, 'h3': 1.5rem, 'h4': 1.125rem, 'h5': 1rem, 'h6': 0.875rem, 'paragraph': 1rem, 'h7': 0.75rem, 'h8': 0.625rem, 'h9': 0.5rem, ); $font-size-h1: map-get($typography-variants, 'h1'); $font-size-h2: map-get($typography-variants, 'h2'); $font-size-h3: map-get($typography-variants, 'h3'); $font-size-h4: map-get($typography-variants, 'h4'); $font-size-h5: map-get($typography-variants, 'h5'); $font-size-h6: map-get($typography-variants, 'h6'); $font-size-paragraph: map-get($typography-variants, 'paragraph'); $font-size-h7: map-get($typography-variants, 'h7'); $font-size-h8: map-get($typography-variants, 'h8'); $font-size-h9: map-get($typography-variants, 'h9'); @mixin typography($variant) { font-size: map-get($typography-variants, $variant); font-family: $font-family; line-height: 140%; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; } /** * @deprecated The typography mixins `@include H1` - `@include H9` have been deprecated in favor of the `` component from the component-library. * Please update your code to use the `` component instead, which can be found in ui/components/component-library/text/text.tsx. * You can find documentation for the new `` component in the MetaMask Storybook: * {@link https://metamask.github.io/metamask-storybook/?path=/docs/components-componentlibrary-text--docs} * If you would like to help with the replacement of the old mixins `@include H1` - `@include H9`, please submit a pull request against this GitHub issue: * {@link https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues/19533} */ // Typography @mixin H1 { @include typography('h1'); font-weight: 500; } @mixin H2 { @include typography('h2'); font-weight: 500; } @mixin H3 { @include typography('h3'); font-weight: 500; } @mixin H4 { @include typography('h4'); font-weight: 500; } @mixin H5 { @include typography('h5'); font-weight: 500; } @mixin H6 { @include typography('h6'); font-weight: 500; } @mixin Paragraph { @include typography('paragraph'); } @mixin H7 { @include typography('h7'); font-weight: 500; } @mixin H8 { @include typography('h8'); font-weight: 500; } @mixin H9 { @include typography('h9'); font-weight: 500; }