import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { Display, TextColor, TextVariant, } from '../../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { useTokenTracker } from '../../../../hooks/useTokenTracker'; import { useTokenFiatAmount } from '../../../../hooks/useTokenFiatAmount'; import { getUseCurrencyRateCheck } from '../../../../selectors'; import { Box, Checkbox, Text } from '../../../component-library'; const DetectedTokenValues = ({ token, handleTokenSelection, tokensListDetected, }) => { const [tokenSelection, setTokenSelection] = useState(() => { return tokensListDetected[token.address]?.selected; }); const { tokensWithBalances } = useTokenTracker([token]); const balanceString = tokensWithBalances[0]?.string; const formattedFiatBalance = useTokenFiatAmount( token.address, balanceString, token.symbol, ); const useCurrencyRateCheck = useSelector(getUseCurrencyRateCheck); useEffect(() => { setTokenSelection(tokensListDetected[token.address]?.selected); }, [tokensListDetected, token.address, tokenSelection, setTokenSelection]); const handleCheckBoxSelection = () => { setTokenSelection(!tokenSelection); handleTokenSelection(token); }; return ( {`${balanceString || '0'} ${token.symbol}`} {useCurrencyRateCheck ? formattedFiatBalance || '$0' // since formattedFiatBalance will be when the conversion rate is not obtained, should replace the `$0` with `N/A` : formattedFiatBalance} ); }; DetectedTokenValues.propTypes = { token: PropTypes.shape({ address: PropTypes.string.isRequired, decimals: PropTypes.number, symbol: PropTypes.string, iconUrl: PropTypes.string, aggregators: PropTypes.array, }), handleTokenSelection: PropTypes.func.isRequired, tokensListDetected: PropTypes.object, }; export default DetectedTokenValues;