npm-debug.log yarn-error.log node_modules package-lock.json audit.json app/bower_components test/bower_components package .eslintcache # IDEs .idea .sublime-project *.bak # VIM *.swp *.swo temp .tmp .sass-cache .DS_Store app/.DS_Store storybook-build/ coverage/ jest-coverage/ dist builds/ development/ts-migration-dashboard/build test-artifacts test-builds build-artifacts #ignore css output and sourcemaps ui/css/output/ notes.txt .nyc_output # MetaMask configuration .metamaskrc .metamaskprodrc # TypeScript tsout/ # Test results test-results/ # This file is used to authenticate with the GitHub Package registry, to # enable the use of @metamask preview builds. .npmrc #yarn .yarn/* !.yarn/patches !.yarn/plugins !.yarn/releases !.yarn/sdks !.yarn/versions