ENS currently supports a variety of tlds in addition to `.eth`, and
more will be supported in the future. Rather than hard-code a list of
supported ENS tlds, all valid domain names will now be interpreted as
potential ENS addresses in our address input component.
The QR scanner component error handling would sometimes redirect the
user to the wrong page. It was also confusingly handled in two places;
the action used to open the QR scanner, and the scanner component.
The error handling has now been corrected, simplified, and integrated
into the QR scanner component itself.
The old way of handling an error within the component was to close the
modal, then call the action to open it all over again. This action took
a route parameter, which instructed the action on which route to open
if the fullscreen UI needed to be opened (as the fullscreen UI is the
only one where the browser will show the camera permission prompt).
This redirection worked just fine for handling the initial opening
of the QR scanner modal. But for any subsequent errors the same action
was used with a _default route_, meaning the user could click "try
again" and find themselves on a completely different screen.
Instead, errors now trigger a state change instead of closing and re-
opening the modal. The permission checks in the action have been
integrated into the component as well.
One functional change is that the scenario where you have an invalid
QR code has been made an error. Previously this just showed the error
message below the video preview, but left the user with no way to try
again. There error page has a "Try again" button, so it seemed better
suited as an error. Also the message literally started with "Error:".
Another functional change is that _all_ errors during initialization
will result in the error UI being shown. Previously there was one error
case that would instead log to the console and leave the user stuck.
* Use @metamask/eslint-config@1.1.0
* Use eslint-plugin-mocha@6.2.2
* Mark root ESLint config as root
* Update Mocha ESLint rules with shared ESLint config
* Various component tests and some conditional statements
Conditional in account-menu in removeAccount when keyring sometimes is not initially provideed
Conditional on unlock-page when there is no target.getBoundingClientRect on the element.
* Update helpers
* Remove component debugging
* Add default params for render helpers
* Remove stubComponent for old Mascot
Changes in https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/pull/7893 has prevented the need to stub it out.
Change logout to lock in account-menu test
These two functions differ slightly in options, but none of those
options are being used by us, so in these cases they're functionally
equivalent. They're even both descendants of the original `debounce`
function from `underscore`.
This was done to reduce the number of direct dependencies we have. It
should not affect bundle size, as we still depend upon the `debounce`
package transitively.
* Update lodash
All versions of the full `lodash` package have been updated to 4.17.15.
The only exception is v4.17.14 which is pinned by `ganache-core`.
* Switch to using `lodash` instead of per-method packages
We have the full lodash package _ten times_ as a production transitive
dependency, so including per-method packages is not saving space (it
might instead result in slightly more space being used).
The `withFixtures` helper will instantiate ganache, a web driver, and
a fixture server initialized with the given set of fixtures. It is
meant to facilitating writing small, isolated e2e tests.
The first example test has been added: simple-send. It ensures that the
user can send 1 ETH to another account.
These new e2e tests will run during the normal e2e test run.
* Remove unused functions from `mapDispatchToProps`
The actions import was also updated to import only the two actions
used, rather than all actions.
* Remove unused container component
Well, technically it was the props injected by this container that were
unused. The container served no purpose, so the component it surrounded
is now used directly instead.
* Remove both unused `getCurrentViewContext` selectors
* Remove unused SHOW_CONFIG_PAGE action
* Remove checks for `currentView` with name `config`
Now that the SHOW_CONFIG_PAGE action has been removed, it's no longer
possible for `currentView.name` to be set to that value.
* Remove unused `wallet-view` container props
* Delete unused SHOW_SEND_PAGE and SHOW_ADD_TOKEN_PAGE actions
* Remove unused `account-menu.container` props
* Remove unused SHOW_INFO_PAGE action
* Remove unused SET_NEW_ACCOUNT_FORM action
This component used to persist form contents to LocalStorage. This was
especially useful for the popup UI, as each time the mouse left the
popup, the UI was completely torn down and state was lost.
This component was only being referenced by one form, and it wasn't
even being used there (e.g. no fields were labelled appropriately to
be persisted).
This was a useful component, and it seems this feature was lost
somewhere in the past couple of years. It was tempting to re-instate it
rather than delete it, but I decided not to because I'd likely approach
the problem differently if we wanted to reinstate it again today (maybe
by using a React Hook, or storing the state in Redux and persisting a
subset of the Redux store instead).
These unused props weren't being caught by ESLint because this
component extended another, which I guess made it difficult for the
React plugin to determine what was unused.
The `componentWillUpdate` logic was moved into `componentDidUpdate` so
that it would be picked up by ESLint. Also it seemed like a sensible
place for it to go. Having three redundant gas updates as part of
the same lifecycle function seemed too far, so I ensured it's
only called once.
* Make gas estimate update on debounced token amount change, not just on blur after change
* Updated tests
* Ensure `updateGas` is bound early
Co-authored-by: Mark Stacey <markjstacey@gmail.com>
* Add `react/no-unused-prop-types` rule
All detected unused prop types have been removed. I have attempted to
ensure these props are no longer passed in either.
* Update handling of props to avoid false positive lint errors
These cases were detected by `react/no-unused-prop-types` as being
unused props, even though they were used. These minor adjustments
prevent them from being flagged as errors.
* Update unit tests
Many of these tests were just checking that specific props were passed
from containers or to a child component. These were deleted, as I can't
imagine how they'd be useful.
* Disable `react/no-unused-prop-types` in `componentWillReceiveProps
The rule `react/no-unused-prop-types` doesn't seem to be detecting
props used within `UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps`. The two cases
have been disabled temporarily until we can replace these unsafe
lifecycle functions.
* Use arrow property initializer functions
* Use pure components where applicable
* Add UNSAFE_ prefix for deprecated lifecycle hooks
* Add allow UNSAFE_
* Removed unused "Component"
* Replace boron with 'fade-modal'
* Upgrade react/no-deprecated to an error
* Paste react-tooltip-component source directly
* Use arrow functions to bind `this`
* Add UNSAFE_ prefix
* Update react-redux, react-router-dom
* Remove things from inlined 'fade-modal'
* Adjust mountWithRouter to get unit tests passing again
* Remove domkit
* Add Wrapper to render-helpers
* Upgrade @storybook/addon-knobs
* Use `AdvancedGasInputs` in `AdvancedTabContent`
The `AdvancedGasInputs` component was originally extracted from the
`AdvancedTabContent` component, duplicating much of the rendering
logic. They have since evolved separately, with bugs being fixed in one
place but not the other.
The inputs and outputs expected weren't exactly the same, as the
`AdvancedGasInputs` component converts the input custom gas price and
limit, and it converts them both in the setter methods as well.
The `GasModalPageContainer` had to be adjusted to avoid converting
these values multiple times.
Both components dealt with input debouncing separately, both in less
than ideal ways. `AdvancedTabContent` didn't debounce either field, but
it did debounce the check for whether the gas limit field was below the
minimum value. So if a less-than-minimum value was set, it would be
propogated upwards and could be saved if the user clicked 'Save'
quickly enough. After a second delay it would snap back to the minimum
value. The `AdvancedGasInputs` component debounced both fields, but
it would replace any gas limit below the minimum with the minimum
value. This led to a problem where a brief pause during typing would
reset the field to 21000.
The `AdvancedGasInputs` approach was chosen, except that it was
updated to no longer change the gas limit if it was below the minimum.
Instead it displays an error. Parent components were checked to ensure
they would detect the error case of the gas limit being set too low,
and prevent the form submission in those cases. Of the three parents,
one had already dealt with it correctly, one needed to convert the
gas limit from hex first, and another needed the gas limit check added.
* Cleanup send components
Empty README files have been removed, and a mistake in the index file
for the send page has been corrected. The Gas Slider component class
name was updated as well; it looks like it was originally created from
`AdvancedTabContent`, so it still had that class name.
* Ensure correct transaction category when sending to contracts but there is no txParams data
* Update gas when pasting address in send
* Gracefully fall back is send.util/estimateGas when blockGasLimit from background is falsy
* Remove network request frontend fallback for blockGasLimit
* Add some needed slow downs to e2e tests
* Remove unused sendWarnings
The send warnings state and associated component is no longer used
* Remove unused subtitleParams
The `subtitleParams` SendHeader prop was being ignored. It has been
removed, along with associated selectors and tests.
* Create RTL stylesheets using `gulp-rtl`
* Handle RTL stylesheet special cases
Certain blocks of Sass were set to bypass "rtlcss" using ignore
comments. Certain icons had to be flipped 180 degrees.
* Switch stylesheets when locale changes
A second stylesheet has been added to each HTML page for use with
right-to-left locales. It is disabled by default. It is enabled on
startup if a RTL locale is set, and when switching to a RTL locale.
Similarly the LTR stylesheet is disabled when a RTL locale is used.
Unfortunately there is an unpleasant flash of unstyled content when
switching between a LTR and a RTL locale. There is also a slightly
longer page load time when using a RTL locale (<1s difference). We
couldn't think of an easy way to avoid these problems.
* Set `dir="auto"` as default on `TextFields`
In the case where the block gas limit in the MetaMask state is blank,
an exception is sometimes thrown when that blank value is passed to
`multiplyCurrencies` to be parsed as a hex number.
Instead the minimum gas limit is now used instead whenever the block
gas limit is falsy. This was already being done in one case anyway.
* Ensure address book send flow correctly matches address book addresses to ens addresses
* Use nodify on background.setAddressBook to receive correct result in actions.js
* Better error handling for actions.js addToAddressBook
* Eliminate unnecessary data normalization and move more data manipluation to ens-input and send-content containers
* Fix address book name saving and ens input errors on good inputs on unsupported networks
* Add initial e2e test for address book send flow.
* No longer need to click recipient row in e2e tests
* Click write button in address book e2e test on seed confirm screen
* Use correct seed phrase and private key in address-book.spec tests