* Update standard swaps build quote screen token verification message
* Add actionable warning token verification message to swaps build quote screen
* Simplify swapTokenVerification translations
* Use original verifyThisTokenOn message instead of swapsConfirmTokenAddressOnEtherscan
* Restore verifyThisTokenOn message to hi locale
* Support type and the withRightButton option as parameters on the actionable message component
* Use 'continue' in place of swapPriceDifferenceAcknowledgementNoFiat message
* Use wrapperClassName property on infotooltip in actionable-message
* Remove unnecessary change
* Lint fix
The `message` prop of `ActionableMessage` had a PropType of `string`,
but it was being passed a `node`. This was resulting in a PropType
error in the console on the view quote page.
The PropType has been changed to `node`, and the error is now gone.