The `TransactionViewBalance` component has been split into three
separate components. This was done primarily to make the asset page
easier to implement. Also the name `TransactionViewBalance` didn't
describe this component very well anymore.
Instead of the Ethereum and token-specific logic being in the same
component, the two cases were split into the `EthOverview` and
`TokenOverview` components respectively. They both use the
`WalletOverview` component, which has the structure shared by both
A `Menu` component has been extracted from the
`ConnectedAccountsListOptions` component. The menu and the menu items
are now the `Menu` and `MenuItem` components respectively.
A custom body was added to the Storybook preview to ensure that the
`popover-content` element was present in the DOM before the Menu was
The `Identicon` component was being passed a `network` prop, despite
not accepting a `network` prop.
A duplicate set of `token-cell` tests have also been deleted, as they
used this prop. The tests were never run, because the file was misnamed
(it needs to be named `.test.js`).
CSF = Storybook’s Component Story Format (CSF)
Note that the migrations still use CommonJS require, so the default export as
an object is quite ergonomic (& I don't want to touch the migrations).
This changeset updates the `getOriginOfCurrentTab` selector and the container
for the ConnectedSites page to use `activeTab.origin` instead of parsing the
URL. The `activeTab` URL is parsed in `queryCurrentActiveTab` before the UI is
launched and any subsequent parsing of the URL is unnecessary.
See `queryCurrentActiveTab` in `ui.js:86` [1].
[1]:e7bb0876f5/app/scripts/ui.js (L86-L118)
The account options menu is now much faster, and it correctly closes
when 'Switch account' is selected.
A static width had to be set on the menu so that it could be positioned
reliably. Without this width set, it was rendered as a different size
before positioning than after, which resulted in it being positioned
incorrectly. A `z-index` had to be added (equal to the `z-index` used
by the popover component) to ensure it wasn't rendered beneath the
The menu is automatically positioned relative to the account options
button, appearing below the button by default but above it instead if
there isn't room below. It is positioned to be inside the bounds of the
popover as well.
The account options button is now a `<button>` rather than a `<i>`.
This required a few additional style rules to overrule the default
button styles. Additionally the size was increased so that it matches
the designs more closely.
The callbacks for connecting, disconnecting, and switching accounts
have been updated to use state and props to determine the correct
address to use, rather than being bound to the correct address
parameter in the render function. This means we aren't creating a new
function upon each render anymore.
The `showAccountOptions` method still needs to be bound once per
account, but this was switched to use more readable syntax (`.bind`,
instead of the double arrow function).
`react-popper` and `@popperjs/core` were both added as dependencies.
These should be used for any UI requiring relative positioning (e.g.
tooltips, menus, etc.). Older versions of these libraries are already
in our codebase as transitive dependencies of the tooltip library we're
The connected accounts are now ordered by keyring controller order
whenever the `lastSelected` time is equal. This ensures the order is
identical to what connected sites see. This is especially important
when no accounts have been selected, as it ensures the correct account
is marked as the "Primary" account.
The asset list has been updated to more closely match the new designs.
There are still a few major differences (e.g. the selection state, the
token menu) that can't be implemented until the asset screen has been
The background color of the selected asset has been lightened, so that
it's less jarring until we remove it.
- modify `ui/app/helpers/utils/transactions.util.js` and
`ui/lib/account-link.js` to strip trailing slashes
if they are present.
- added relevant tests not just for the new scenario,
but also the general scenarios for these functions,
as there previously was no test coverage for these
two functions.
- Current behaviour, when user enters a block explorer URL
when configuring a custom RPC, and that block explorer URL
contains a trailing `/`.
- e.g. `https://block.explorer/`
- this results in a double-slash (`//`) in the transaction
and account URLs generated by MetaMask.
- e.g. `https://block.explorer/tx/0xabcd...`,
- This needs to be handled using a router redirect
on the server of the block explorer,
and this changes would avoid that requirement.
The tabs on the Home page have been updated to match the new home
screen designs.
A new `activeClassName` prop was added to the `Tab` component to allow
applying different styles to the active tab state.
I ran into specificity problems when overriding the default `Tab` styles
because the import order of our CSS is bizarre and wrong. For now I've
used a crude workaround, but we can fix this properly later by changing
the import order to place styles likely to be overridden first.
All asset list items now use the same component (`AssetListItem`).
Previously the tokens and the Ethereum balance were totally separate
components, despite being styled similarly.
Various unnecessary DOM elements and style rules were removed, but the
overall list looks identical to how it looked before.
`getShowFiatSelector` would return the `showFiatInTestnets` value
directly when on mainnet, which could be `undefined`. Now it is cast to
a Boolean instead.
This was done to fix a PropType warning in a component that will be
included in a future PR, where this selector was used for a required
Defaults have been added for all three preferences. The default values
added are both falsey, so this shouldn't result in any functional
change. This was done to help make this preferences more easily
The IDs for the `numberOfTokens` and `numberOfAccounts` Action
Dimensions were swapped. These are the correct IDs. We'll have to
consider that these are swapped when viewing any pre-v8.0.0 metrics.
The `.scss` file extension is not required when importing SCSS files.
It has been removed from all imports, for consistency. I chose to
remove it rather than add it everywhere because imports without the
extension seem to be more common.
The CSS class for the fallback Ethereum logo used in the identicon
component was with the `AssetList` styles, and was confusingly named
`balance-icon`. It has been migrated to the identicon styles, and
renamed `identicon__eth-logo`.
A few redundant rules have been removed as well (they were always
overridden by inline styles).
Add alert suggesting that the user switch to a connected account. This
alert is displayed when the popup is opened over an active tab that is
connected to some account, but not the current selected account. The
user can choose to switch to a connected account, or dismiss the alert.
This alert is only shown once per account switch. So if the user
repeatedly opens the popup on a dapp without switching accounts, it'll
only be shown the first time. The alert also won't be shown if the user
has just dismissed an "Unconnected account" alert on this same dapp
and account, as that would be redundant.
The alert has a "Don't show me this again" checkbox that allows the
user to disable the alert. It can be re-enabled again on the Alerts
settings page.
This component was indended to show both ETH/fiat and token balance,
but today is not used for token balance. As a result, large pieces of
this component and many props were unused in practice. The condition
about `formattedBalance` returning a falsy or `None` or `...` result
was also removed, as that doesn't seem to be possible.
The `balanceValue` passed into the `Balance` component in the asset
list has also been removed, as it isn't used.
When disabling an alert, the background `alertEnabledness` state of the
alert was being set to `undefined` instead of `false`. This didn't have
any user-facing effect, since `undefined` is falsey, but it did result
in a PropType error on the Alert settings page. This mistake was made
in #8550.
The `alertEnabledness` state is now correctly set to `false` instead of
The unconnected account alert can now be disabled. A "don't show this
again" checkbox has been added to the alert, which prevents that alert
from being shown in the future.
An alert settings page has been added to the settings as well. This
page allows the user to disable or enable any alert.
The hover state background color of the "Account" in the popup home
screen menu bar has been updated to match the hover state background
color of the connected status indicator. Both hover state backgrounds
now match.
The checkbox color was sometimes incorrect after it was checked. I'm
not sure how to consistently reproduce this issue, but I was able to
make this happen most of the time if I clicked the checkbox while some
text was highlighted.
It seems that the `:checked` and `:indeterminate` pseudo-selectors were
not being applied right away for some reason. Either that or React
wasn't setting the `checked` state of the `input` element right away.
This problem has been worked around by using CSS classes instead of
pseudo-selectors. I am no longer able to reproduce the issue now.
A change made in #8284 had the unintended side-effect of making this
scrollbar appear on the home screen. Previously it was scrollable
without any scroll bar being visible.
This new dropdown component uses a native `select` element, thus
avoiding various issues encountered in attempting to reuse our existing
dropdown components for the new permission system alert modal.
The prefixed forms of `appearance` have been added temporarily so that
the component can be used in Storybook, as our Storybook config isn't
setup to do autoprefixing yet. Our real build system does handle
autoprefixing for this rule correctly already.
Resolves three different style issues due to overflow of content
and addresses an issue where UI was being squished due to available
screen real estate.
- On the choose account modal, when a user has enough accounts to need
to scroll within the account chooser, the last-connected data column
was squished. This is resolved by using a tooltip and icon for this data
rather than text printed in column.
- On the connection permission result screen where it shows the Dapp icon ->
Metamask icon, the bottom of the logos and dropshadows were being cut off
this was resolved by removing the height set on this element and allowing
it to fill the available space.
- On the confirmation screen the content appeared off center due to the scrollbar being overlayed instead of auto. This was resolved by removing some of the setting of manual overflow controls on the body element.
Tokens are now updated when the account switches after a failed account
import. The usual account switching flow (via the account menu) already
updated tokens, but this step was omitted when the account switched
after a failed import.
* Remove `estimatedGas` property from `txMeta`
The `estimatedGas` property was a cache of the gas value estimated for
a transaction when the default gas limit was set. This property wasn't
used anywhere. It may have been useful for debugging purposes, but the
same gas estimate is already stored on the `history` property so it
should be present in state logs regardless.
* Remove `gasLimitSpecified` txMeta property
The `gasLimitSpecified` property of `txMeta` wasn't used for anything.
It might have been useful for debugging purposes, but whether or not
the gas limit was specified can also be determined from looking at the
transaction history, so it's not a huge loss.
* Remove `gasPriceSpecified` txMeta property
The `gasPriceSpecified` property of `txMeta` wasn't used for anything.
It might have been useful for debugging purposes, but whether or not
the gas price was specified can also be determined from looking at the
transaction history, so it's not a huge loss.
* Remove `simpleSend` txMeta property
The `simpleSend` property of `txMeta` was used to ensure a buffer was
not added to the gas limit during gas estimation for simple send
transactions. It was made redundant by #8484, which accomplishes this
without the use of this property.
An alert is now shown when the user switches from an account that is
connected to the active tab to an account that is not connected. The
alert prompts the user to dismiss the alert or connect the account
they're switching to.
The "loading" state is handled by disabling the buttons, and the error
state is handled by displaying a generic error message and disabling
the connect button.
The new reducer for this alert has been created with `createSlice` from
the Redux Toolkit. This utility is recommended by the Redux team, and
represents a new style of writing reducers that I hope we will use more
in the future (or at least something similar). `createSlice` constructs
a reducer, actions, and action creators automatically. The reducer is
constructed using their `createReducer` helper, which uses Immer to
allow directly mutating the state in the reducer but exposing these
changes as immutable.
`removeFromAddressBook` returned a thunk that didn't return a Promise,
despite doing async work. It now returns a Promise.
The callers were updated to `await` the completion of this operation.
`addToAddressBook` returned a thunk that didn't return a Promise,
despite doing async work. It now returns a Promise.
The callers of this action creator were updated to `await` the
completion of the operation. It was called just before redirecting the
user to a different page or closing a modal, and it seemed appropriate
to wait before doing those things.
`editRpc` returned a thunk that didn't return a Promise, despite doing
async work. It now returns a Promise.
In the one place where this is used, it didn't seem important to update
the callsite to block on this finishing. Only one call followed it in
the event handler, and it didn't seem to depend on this.
`updateAndSetCustomRpc` returned a thunk that didn't return a Promise,
despite doing async work. It now returns a Promise.
In the one place where this is used, it didn't seem important to update
the callsite to block on this finishing. Only one call followed it in
the event handler, and it didn't seem to depend on this.
The `getSelectedAddress` selector has a fallback of selecting the first
MetaMask account. This is not useful. The only time the
`selectedAddress` is not set is during onboarding, before any accounts
exist, so selecting the first account wouldn't be useful anyway.
Co-authored-by: Erik Marks <>
`setRpcTarget` returned a thunk that didn't return a Promise, despite
doing async work. It now returns a Promise.
The callers of this action creator didn't need to be updated, as they
were all in event handlers that didn't require knowing when the
operation had completed.
`editRpc` returned a thunk that didn't return a Promise, despite doing
async work. It now returns a Promise.
In the one place where this is used, it didn't seem important to update
the callsite to block on this finishing. Only one call followed it in
the event handler, and it didn't seem to depend on this.
Changes to the background state were being detected in the `update`
event handler in `ui/index.js` that receives state updates from the
background. However this doesn't catch every update; some state
changes are received by the UI in-between these `update` events.
The background `getState` function is callable directly from the UI,
and many action creators call it via `forceUpdateMetamaskState` to
update the `metamask` state immediately without waiting for the next
`update` event. These state updates skip this change detection in
For example, if a 3Box state restoration resulted in a `currentLocale`
change, and then a `forceUpdateMetamaskState` call completed before the
next `update `event was received, then `updateCurrentLocale` wouldn't
be called, and the `locale` store would not be updated correctly with
the localized messages for the new locale.
We now check for background state changes in the `updateMetamaskState`
action creator. All `metamask` state updates go through this function,
so we aren't missing any changes anymore.
`setProviderType` returned a thunk that didn't return a Promise,
despite doing async work. It now returns a Promise.
None of the callers of this action creator needed to know when it
completed, so no changes to the call sites were made.
These action creators for the "message manager" controller
interactions have been updated to use `async/await`. There should be
almost no changes in behavior. The only things removed were a few debug
log statements, and a single `console.log`.
Many of the "message manager" background methods return a full copy of
the background state in their response; presumably to save us from
making a full round-trip to update the UI `metamask` state after it
changes. However, the action creators responsible for calling these
methods were calling `updateMetamaskState` even when the background
method failed. In effect, they were setting the UI `metamask` state to
They have been updated to only set the UI `metamask` state if the
background method succeeded.
`setSelectedAddress` returned a thunk that didn't return a Promise,
despite doing async work. It now returns a Promise.
This action creator was only called in two places, and neither benefit
from using the Promise now returned. They were both event handlers. In
both cases there was an existing Promise chain, but the only thing
after this set was a `catch` block that displayed any error
encountered. I decided not to return the result of `setSelectedAddress`
to this chain, because all it would do is set the warning a second
time in the event of failure.
The `forceUpdateMetamaskState` function now uses `async/await` instead
of a Promise constructor. This was done to make an upcoming change
easier (making `updateMetamaskState` async).
`showAccountDetail` returned a thunk that didn't return a Promise,
despite doing async work. Now it returns a Promise.
This action is only called in one place, and it looks like the actions
dispatched alongside it were meant to be run in parallel, so no changes
were made there.
`forceUpdateMetamaskState` was being called in various action creators
without `await`. Each action creator now waits for the state update to
complete before continuing.
`setCurrentCurrency` returned a thunk that didn't return a Promise,
despite doing async work. It now returns a Promise.
The callers in this case never needed to know when this action had
completed, but at least this makes our tests more reliable. They were
already `await`-ing this action, despite the lack of Promise.
The action creators that use `forceUpdateMetamaskState` without
awaiting that task's completion have been updated to use `async/await`.
This was done in preparation for `await`-ing the completion of
`forceUpdateMetamaskState`, which will be done in a subsequent PR.
The `shift-list-item` component for displaying ShapeShift transactions
has been removed, along with three other components that were used
solely by that component (`copyButton`, `eth-balance`, and
This component hasn't been used in some time, as ShapeShift
transactions no longer exist to display. The controller that ShapeShift
transactions originated from was removed in #8118, and it became
impossible to create new ShapeShift transactions from within MetaMask
in #6746
This state has been removed from the background. It was used for the
old UI, and has been unused for some time. A migration has been added
to delete this state as well.
The action creator responsible for updating this state has been removed
from the UI as well, along with the `callBackgroundThenUpdateNoSpinner`
convenience function, which was only used for this action.