If a nodified method does not return a Promise, it will throw an error, like this:
Error in event handler for (unknown): Error: The function setSelectedAccount did not return a Promise, but was nodeified.
Mostly Fixes#893
A couple methods cache callbacks, and will require a larger refactor to fully denodeify.
Specifically, our methods involving web3 requests to sign a tx, sign a message, and approve or cancel either of those.
I think we should postpone those until the TxManager refactor, since it will likely handle this response caching itself.
At least, the portion of it that we use.
Moved salting within the encryptor, so it does not need to be managed externally.
KeyringController now caches the password instead of a passwordDerivedKey, since it is ignorant of the salt.
Encryptor payload is now in a JSON format, so its portions are both base64 encoded *and* labeled appropriately. The format is `{ "data": "0x0", "iv": "0x0", "salt": "string" }`.
Ropsten links will still not work until Etherscan publishes their ropsten link format.
At that time we will need to update ui/lib/account-link.js
Otherwise, fixes#831
It was possible for two requests to have the same ID, causing a crash and loss of StreamProvider connection.
This new id generation strategy creates a random ID, and increments it for each request.
In case the id generator is included from two different processes, I'm initializing the counter at a random number, and rolling it over a large number when it gets too big.
Our gas price buffering logic had a bug, because bn.js has inconsistent behavior when using hex-prefixed output. The issue has been opened with them here:
We've corrected our usage in the mean time.
Now old vaults are recognized as an "Initialized" MetaMask instance.
Upon logging in, when fetching the initial password-derived key, if there is no new-style vault, but there is an old style vault, it is migrated to the new format before proceeding through the usual unlocking steps.