* adding base what's new for NFT autodetection
* lintfix
* Adding nfts svg image
* adding new notification to fixture builder for e2e
* lint:fix
* Adding new messaging, styling what's new
* styling descriptions, increasing fullscreen height
* applying firstNotification styling to NFT whats new announcement
* adding scrollDown button to whats new popup
* adding Opensea announcement, removing old announcement, moving scrollDown button up to popover component
* verify-locales:fix
* updating icon
* Add a notification for BSC Swaps
* Add a new logo for BSC sources, update an image for BSC notification
* Mark a BSC notification as seen when a user clicks on “Start swapping”
* Add conditional rendering of notifications
* Remove divider for the last notification
* Remove a divider for the last notification
* Remove !
* Trigger pipeline
* Remove padding on QR code image
* Allow the qr code to be below the description in the whats new popup
* Fix size and position of QR code in whats new notification
* Add right caret to action links in whats new popup
* Clean up placeImageBelowDescription logic
* Fix display of whats-new-popup image
* Improve spacing and sizing of whats new popup in both full screen and popup view
* refactor