* Remove periodic calls to the /featureFlag API
* Always show the Swap button on the main page
* Check if the Swaps feature is enabled, show loading animation while waiting
* Reuse an existing useEffect call
* Use ‘isFeatureFlagLoaded’ in React’s state, resolve lint issues
* Add a watch mode for Jest testing
* Add unit tests for Swaps: fetchSwapsLiveness, add /ducks/swaps into Jest testing
* Remove Swaps Jest tests from Mocha’s ESLint rules
* Ignore Swaps Jest tests while running Mocha, update paths
* Increase test coverage to the current max
* Fix ESLint issues for Swaps
* Enable the Swaps feature by default and after state reset, remove loading screen before seeing Swaps
* Update Jest config, fix tests
* Update Jest coverage threshold to the current maximum
* Update ESLint rule in jest.config.js
* Disable the “Review Swap” button if the feature flag hasn’t loaded yet
* Update jest threshold
* Swaps support for local testnet
* Create util method for comparison of token addresses/symbols to default swaps token
* Get chainId from txMeta in _trackSwapsMetrics of transaction controller
* Add comment to document purpose of getTransactionGroupRecipientAddressFilter
* Use isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol in place of repeated defaultTokenSymbol comparisons in build-quote.js