Brad Decker
normalize page font styles ( #9697 )
2020-10-29 11:31:48 -05:00
Brad Decker
Standardize scss import practices ( #9183 )
2020-08-19 11:41:56 -05:00
Mark Stacey
Uncomment and fix all auto-fixable stylelint rules ( #8989 )
All stylelint rules that can be automatically fixed have been uncommented. The rules are:
* `at-rule-empty-line-before`
* `block-closing-brace-empty-line-before`
* `block-closing-brace-newline-before`
* `block-opening-brace-space-before`
* `color-hex-case`
* `color-hex-length`
* `comment-empty-line-before`
* `declaration-block-semicolon-newline-after`
* `declaration-block-semicolon-space-after`
* `declaration-block-trailing-semicolon`
* `declaration-colon-space-after`
* `declaration-empty-line-before`
* `function-comma-space-after`
* `function-comma-space-before`
* `indentation`
* `length-zero-no-unit`
* `no-eol-whitespace`
* `no-missing-end-of-source-newline`
* `number-leading-zero`
* `number-no-trailing-zeros`
* `rule-empty-line-before`
* `selector-list-comma-newline-after`
* `selector-pseudo-element-colon-notation`
2020-07-15 10:13:40 -03:00
Dan J Miller
Move checkExistingAddresses to helpers/utils/util and stop its use of ramda ( #8868 )
2020-07-07 19:18:18 -03:00
Whymarrh Whitby
Migrate codebase to use ESM ( #7730 )
* Update eslint-plugin-import version
* Convert JS files to use ESM
* Update ESLint rules to check imports
* Fix test:unit:global command env
* Cleanup mock-dev script
2020-01-09 00:04:58 -03:30
Whymarrh Whitby
eslint: Enable more react/jsx-* rules ( #7592 )
2019-12-03 13:05:44 -03:30
Nick Doiron
Right-to-left CSS (using module for conversion) ( #7072 )
* Create RTL stylesheets using `gulp-rtl`
* Handle RTL stylesheet special cases
Certain blocks of Sass were set to bypass "rtlcss" using ignore
comments. Certain icons had to be flipped 180 degrees.
* Switch stylesheets when locale changes
A second stylesheet has been added to each HTML page for use with
right-to-left locales. It is disabled by default. It is enabled on
startup if a RTL locale is set, and when switching to a RTL locale.
Similarly the LTR stylesheet is disabled when a RTL locale is used.
Unfortunately there is an unpleasant flash of unstyled content when
switching between a LTR and a RTL locale. There is also a slightly
longer page load time when using a RTL locale (<1s difference). We
couldn't think of an easy way to avoid these problems.
* Set `dir="auto"` as default on `TextFields`
2019-09-03 14:47:54 -03:00
Chi Kei Chan
Update buttons & colors to match design system ( #6446 )
* Refactoring button styles
* renaming buttons
* Add Link and Button styles
* Update new btn styles and storybook
* Fix tests
* Change font weight; Update storybook
* Fix linter
2019-04-16 17:05:22 -02:30
Chi Kei Chan
Folder restructure ( #6304 )
* Remove ui/app/keychains/
* Remove ui/app/img/ (unused images)
* Move conversion-util to helpers/utils/
* Move token-util to helpers/utils/
* Move /helpers/*.js inside /helpers/utils/
* Move util tests inside /helpers/utils/
* Renameand move confirm-transaction/util.js to helpers/utils/
* Move higher-order-components to helpers/higher-order-components/
* Move infura-conversion.json to helpers/constants/
* Move all utility functions to helpers/utils/
* Move pages directory to top-level
* Move all constants to helpers/constants/
* Move metametrics inside helpers/
* Move app and root inside pages/
* Move routes inside helpers/
* Re-organize ducks/
* Move reducers to ducks/
* Move selectors inside selectors/
* Move test out of test folder
* Move action, reducer, store inside store/
* Move ui components inside ui/
* Move UI components inside ui/
* Move connected components inside components/app/
* Move i18n-helper inside helpers/
* Fix unit tests
* Fix unit test
* Move pages components
* Rename routes component
* Move reducers to ducks/index
* Fix bad path in unit test
2019-03-21 20:33:30 -02:30