mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
idmgmt - refactor
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,27 +1,18 @@
const Dnode = require('dnode')
const eos = require('end-of-stream')
const extend = require('xtend')
const EthStore = require('eth-store')
const PortStream = require('./lib/port-stream.js')
const MetaMaskProvider = require('./lib/metamask-provider')
const IdentityManager = require('./lib/idmgmt')
const eos = require('end-of-stream')
// const IdentityManager = require('./lib/idmgmt')
const IdentityStore = require('./lib/idStore')
console.log('ready to roll')
var wallet = new IdentityManager()
// connect to other contexts
// setup provider
var zeroClient = MetaMaskProvider({
rpcUrl: 'https://rawtestrpc.metamask.io/',
getAccounts: wallet.getAccounts.bind(wallet),
signTransaction: wallet.addUnconfirmedTransaction.bind(wallet),
zeroClient.on('block', function(block){
// setup messaging
function connectRemote(remotePort){
var isMetaMaskInternalProcess = (remotePort.name === 'popup')
@ -34,42 +25,33 @@ function connectRemote(remotePort){
function handleInternalCommunication(remotePort){
var duplex = new PortStream(remotePort)
var connection = Dnode({
// this is annoying, have to decompose wallet
getState: wallet.getState.bind(wallet),
submitPassword: wallet.submitPassword.bind(wallet),
setSelectedAddress: wallet.setSelectedAddress.bind(wallet),
signTransaction: wallet.signTransaction.bind(wallet),
setLocked: wallet.setLocked.bind(wallet),
getAccounts: wallet.getAccounts.bind(wallet),
newBlock: wallet.newBlock.bind(wallet),
setProvider: wallet.setProvider.bind(wallet),
connection.on('remote', function(remote){
// push updates to popup
wallet.on('update', sendUpdate)
eos(duplex, function unsubscribe(){
wallet.removeListener('update', sendUpdate)
function sendUpdate(state){
// sub to metamask store
function handleExternalCommunication(remotePort){
remotePort.onMessage.addListener(onRpcRequest.bind(null, remotePort))
// state and network
var idStore = new IdentityStore()
var zeroClient = MetaMaskProvider({
rpcUrl: 'https://rawtestrpc.metamask.io/',
getAccounts: function(cb){
var selectedAddress = idStore.getSelectedAddress()
var result = selectedAddress ? [selectedAddress] : []
cb(null, result)
signTransaction: idStore.addUnconfirmedTransaction.bind(idStore),
var ethStore = new EthStore(zeroClient)
function getState(){
var state = extend(ethStore.getState(), idStore.getState())
return state
// handle rpc requests
function onRpcRequest(remotePort, payload){
// console.log('MetaMaskPlugin - incoming payload:', payload)
@ -84,8 +66,44 @@ function onRpcRequest(remotePort, payload){
// setup badge text
wallet.on('update', updateBadge)
// popup integration
function handleInternalCommunication(remotePort){
var duplex = new PortStream(remotePort)
var connection = Dnode({
getState: function(cb){ cb(null, getState()) },
// forward directly to idStore
submitPassword: idStore.submitPassword.bind(idStore),
setSelectedAddress: idStore.setSelectedAddress.bind(idStore),
signTransaction: idStore.signTransaction.bind(idStore),
setLocked: idStore.setLocked.bind(idStore),
connection.on('remote', function(remote){
// push updates to popup
ethStore.on('update', sendUpdate)
idStore.on('update', sendUpdate)
// teardown on disconnect
eos(duplex, function unsubscribe(){
ethStore.removeListener('update', sendUpdate)
function sendUpdate(){
var state = getState()
// plugin badge text
idStore.on('update', updateBadge)
function updateBadge(state){
var label = ''
@ -97,17 +115,3 @@ function updateBadge(state){
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({color: '#506F8B'})
// function handleMessage(msg){
// console.log('got message!', msg.type)
// switch(msg.type){
// case 'addUnsignedTx':
// addTransaction(msg.payload)
// return
// case 'removeUnsignedTx':
// removeTransaction(msg.payload)
// return
// }
// }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx')
const KeyStore = require('eth-lightwallet').keystore
const async = require('async')
const clone = require('clone')
const extend = require('xtend')
const createId = require('web3-provider-engine/util/random-id')
module.exports = IdentityStore
inherits(IdentityStore, EventEmitter)
function IdentityStore(ethStore) {
const self = this
// we just use the ethStore to auto-add accounts
self._ethStore = ethStore
self._currentState = {
selectedAddress: null,
identities: {},
unconfTxs: {},
// not part of serilized metamask state - only kept in memory
self._unconfTxCbs = {}
// public
IdentityStore.prototype.setStore = function(store){
const self = this
self._ethStore = store
IdentityStore.prototype.getState = function(){
const self = this
return clone(extend(self._currentState, {
isUnlocked: self._isUnlocked(),
IdentityStore.prototype.getSelectedAddress = function(){
const self = this
return self._currentState.selectedAddress
IdentityStore.prototype.setSelectedAddress = function(address){
const self = this
self._currentState.selectedAddress = address
IdentityStore.prototype.addUnconfirmedTransaction = function(txParams, cb){
var self = this
var time = (new Date()).getTime()
var txId = createId()
self._currentState.unconfTxs[txId] = {
id: txId,
txParams: txParams,
time: time,
status: 'unconfirmed',
console.log('addUnconfirmedTransaction:', txParams)
// temp - just sign the tx
// otherwise we need to keep the cb around
// signTransaction(txId, cb)
self._unconfTxCbs[txId] = cb
// signal update
IdentityStore.prototype.setLocked = function(){
const self = this
delete self._keyStore
delete window.sessionStorage['password']
IdentityStore.prototype.submitPassword = function(password, cb){
const self = this
console.log('submitPassword:', password)
self._tryPassword(password, function(err){
if (err) console.log('bad password:', password, err)
if (err) return cb(err)
console.log('good password:', password)
window.sessionStorage['password'] = password
// load identities before returning...
IdentityStore.prototype.signTransaction = function(password, txId, cb){
const self = this
var txData = self._currentState.unconfTxs[txId]
var txParams = txData.txParams
self._signTransaction(txParams, function(err, rawTx, txHash){
if (err) {
throw err
txData.status = 'error'
txData.error = err
txData.hash = txHash
txData.status = 'pending'
// for now just remove it
delete self._currentState.unconfTxs[txData.id]
// rpc callback
var txSigCb = self._unconfTxCbs[txId] || noop
txSigCb(null, rawTx)
// confirm tx callback
// private
// internal - actually signs the tx
IdentityStore.prototype._signTransaction = function(txParams, cb){
const self = this
try {
// console.log('signing tx:', txParams)
var tx = new Transaction({
nonce: txParams.nonce,
to: txParams.to,
value: txParams.value,
data: txParams.input,
gasPrice: txParams.gasPrice,
gasLimit: txParams.gas,
var password = self._getPassword()
var serializedTx = self._keyStore.signTx(tx.serialize(), password, self._currentState.selectedAddress)
// // deserialize and dump values to confirm configuration
// var verifyTx = new Transaction(tx.serialize())
// console.log('signed transaction:', {
// to: '0x'+verifyTx.to.toString('hex'),
// from: '0x'+verifyTx.from.toString('hex'),
// nonce: '0x'+verifyTx.nonce.toString('hex'),
// value: (ethUtil.bufferToInt(verifyTx.value)/1e18)+' ether',
// data: '0x'+verifyTx.data.toString('hex'),
// gasPrice: '0x'+verifyTx.gasPrice.toString('hex'),
// gasLimit: '0x'+verifyTx.gasLimit.toString('hex'),
// })
cb(null, serializedTx, tx.hash())
} catch (err) {
IdentityStore.prototype._didUpdate = function(){
const self = this
self.emit('update', self.getState())
IdentityStore.prototype._isUnlocked = function(){
const self = this
// var password = window.sessionStorage['password']
// var result = Boolean(password)
var result = Boolean(self._keyStore)
return result
// load identities from keyStore
IdentityStore.prototype._loadIdentities = function(){
const self = this
if (!self._isUnlocked()) throw new Error('not unlocked')
// get addresses and normalize address hexString
var addresses = self._keyStore.getAddresses().map(function(address){ return '0x'+address })
// add to ethStore
// add to identities
var identity = {
name: 'Wally',
img: 'QmW6hcwYzXrNkuHrpvo58YeZvbZxUddv69ATSHY3BHpPdd',
address: address,
self._currentState.identities[address] = identity
// keyStore managment - unlocking + deserialization
IdentityStore.prototype._tryPassword = function(password, cb){
const self = this
var keyStore = self._getKeyStore(password)
var address = keyStore.getAddresses()[0]
if (!address) return cb(new Error('KeyStore - No address to check.'))
var hdPathString = keyStore.defaultHdPathString
try {
var encKey = keyStore.generateEncKey(password)
var encPrivKey = keyStore.ksData[hdPathString].encPrivKeys[address]
var privKey = KeyStore._decryptKey(encPrivKey, encKey)
var addrFromPrivKey = KeyStore._computeAddressFromPrivKey(privKey)
} catch (err) {
return cb(err)
if (addrFromPrivKey !== address) return cb(new Error('KeyStore - Decrypting private key failed!'))
IdentityStore.prototype._getKeyStore = function(password){
const self = this
var keyStore = null
var serializedKeystore = window.localStorage['lightwallet']
// returning user
if (serializedKeystore) {
keyStore = KeyStore.deserialize(serializedKeystore)
// first time here
} else {
console.log('creating new keystore with password:', password)
var secretSeed = KeyStore.generateRandomSeed()
keyStore = new KeyStore(secretSeed, password)
keyStore.generateNewAddress(password, 3)
keyStore.passwordProvider = function getPassword(cb){
cb(null, self._getPassword())
self._keyStore = keyStore
return keyStore
IdentityStore.prototype._saveKeystore = function(keyStore){
const self = this
window.localStorage['lightwallet'] = keyStore.serialize()
IdentityStore.prototype._getPassword = function(){
const self = this
var password = window.sessionStorage['password']
console.warn('using password from memory:', password)
return password
// util
function noop(){}
@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const async = require('async')
const KeyStore = require('eth-lightwallet').keystore
const createPayload = require('web3-provider-engine/util/create-payload')
const createId = require('web3-provider-engine/util/random-id')
const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx')
module.exports = IdentityManager
var selectedAddress = null
var identities = {}
var unconfTxs = {}
// not part of serilized metamask state - only keep in memory
var unconfTxCbs = {}
var provider = null
var defaultPassword = 'test'
inherits(IdentityManager, EventEmitter)
function IdentityManager(opts){
const self = this
self.on('block', function(){
// plugin popup
IdentityManager.prototype.getState = getState
IdentityManager.prototype.submitPassword = submitPassword
IdentityManager.prototype.setSelectedAddress = setSelectedAddress
IdentityManager.prototype.signTransaction = signTransaction
IdentityManager.prototype.setLocked = setLocked
// eth rpc
IdentityManager.prototype.getAccounts = getAccounts
IdentityManager.prototype.addUnconfirmedTransaction = addUnconfirmedTransaction
// etc
IdentityManager.prototype.newBlock = newBlock
IdentityManager.prototype.setProvider = setProvider
function setProvider(_provider){
provider = _provider
function newBlock(block){
var self = this
self.emit('block', block)
function getState(cb){
var result = _getState()
cb(null, result)
function _getState(cb){
var unlocked = isUnlocked()
var result = {
isUnlocked: unlocked,
identities: unlocked ? getIdentities() : {},
unconfTxs: unlocked ? unconfTxs : {},
selectedAddress: selectedAddress,
return result
function isUnlocked(){
var password = window.sessionStorage['password']
var result = Boolean(password)
return result
function setLocked(){
delete window.sessionStorage['password']
function setSelectedAddress(address, cb){
selectedAddress = address
cb(null, _getState())
function submitPassword(password, cb){
const self = this
console.log('submitPassword:', password)
tryPassword(password, function(err){
if (err) console.log('bad password:', password, err)
if (err) return cb(err)
console.log('good password:', password)
window.sessionStorage['password'] = password
// load identities before returning...
var state = _getState()
cb(null, state)
// trigger an update but dont wait for it
// get the current selected address
function getAccounts(cb){
var result = selectedAddress ? [selectedAddress] : []
cb(null, result)
function getIdentities(){
return identities
// load identities from keyStore
IdentityManager.prototype.loadIdentities = function(){
const self = this
if (!isUnlocked()) throw new Error('not unlocked')
var keyStore = getKeyStore()
var addresses = keyStore.getAddresses().map(function(address){ return '0x'+address })
var identity = {
name: 'Wally',
img: 'QmW6hcwYzXrNkuHrpvo58YeZvbZxUddv69ATSHY3BHpPdd',
address: address,
balance: null,
txCount: null,
identities[address] = identity
IdentityManager.prototype._didUpdate = function(){
const self = this
self.emit('update', _getState())
// foreach in identities, update balance + nonce
IdentityManager.prototype.updateIdentities = function(cb){
var self = this
cb = cb || function(){}
if (!isUnlocked()) return cb(new Error('Not unlocked.'))
var addresses = Object.keys(identities)
async.map(addresses, self.updateIdentity.bind(self), cb)
// gets latest info from the network for the identity
IdentityManager.prototype.updateIdentity = function(address, cb){
var self = this
getAccountBalance.bind(null, address),
getTxCount.bind(null, address),
], function(err, result){
if (err) return cb(err)
var identity = identities[address]
identity.balance = result[0]
identity.txCount = result[1]
function getTxCount(address, cb){
method: 'eth_getTransactionCount',
params: [address, 'pending'],
}), function(err, res){
if (err) return cb(err)
if (res.error) return cb(res.error)
cb(null, res.result)
function getAccountBalance(address, cb){
method: 'eth_getBalance',
params: [address, 'latest'],
}), function(err, res){
if (err) return cb(err)
if (res.error) return cb(res.error)
cb(null, res.result)
function tryPassword(password, cb){
var keyStore = getKeyStore(password)
var address = keyStore.getAddresses()[0]
if (!address) return cb(new Error('KeyStore - No address to check.'))
var hdPathString = keyStore.defaultHdPathString
try {
var encKey = keyStore.generateEncKey(password)
var encPrivKey = keyStore.ksData[hdPathString].encPrivKeys[address]
var privKey = KeyStore._decryptKey(encPrivKey, encKey)
var addrFromPrivKey = KeyStore._computeAddressFromPrivKey(privKey)
} catch (err) {
return cb(err)
if (addrFromPrivKey !== address) return cb(new Error('KeyStore - Decrypting private key failed!'))
function addUnconfirmedTransaction(txParams, cb){
var self = this
var time = (new Date()).getTime()
var txId = createId()
unconfTxs[txId] = {
id: txId,
txParams: txParams,
time: time,
status: 'unconfirmed',
console.log('addUnconfirmedTransaction:', txParams)
// temp - just sign the tx
// otherwise we need to keep the cb around
// signTransaction(txId, cb)
unconfTxCbs[txId] = cb
// signal update
// called from
function signTransaction(password, txId, cb){
const self = this
var txData = unconfTxs[txId]
var txParams = txData.txParams
console.log('signTransaction:', txData)
self._signTransaction(txParams, function(err, rawTx, txHash){
if (err) {
txData.status = 'error'
txData.error = err
txData.hash = txHash
txData.status = 'pending'
// for now just kill it
delete unconfTxs[txData.id]
var txSigCb = unconfTxCbs[txId] || function(){}
txSigCb(null, rawTx)
cb(null, _getState())
// internal - actually signs the tx
IdentityManager.prototype._signTransaction = function(txParams, cb){
try {
// console.log('signing tx:', txParams)
var tx = new Transaction({
nonce: txParams.nonce,
to: txParams.to,
value: txParams.value,
data: txParams.input,
gasPrice: txParams.gasPrice,
gasLimit: txParams.gas,
var keyStore = getKeyStore()
var serializedTx = keyStore.signTx(tx.serialize(), defaultPassword, selectedAddress)
// // deserialize and dump values to confirm configuration
// var verifyTx = new Transaction(tx.serialize())
// console.log('signed transaction:', {
// to: '0x'+verifyTx.to.toString('hex'),
// from: '0x'+verifyTx.from.toString('hex'),
// nonce: '0x'+verifyTx.nonce.toString('hex'),
// value: (ethUtil.bufferToInt(verifyTx.value)/1e18)+' ether',
// data: '0x'+verifyTx.data.toString('hex'),
// gasPrice: '0x'+verifyTx.gasPrice.toString('hex'),
// gasLimit: '0x'+verifyTx.gasLimit.toString('hex'),
// })
cb(null, serializedTx, tx.hash())
} catch (err) {
var keyStore = null
function getKeyStore(password){
if (keyStore) return keyStore
password = password || getPassword()
var serializedKeystore = window.localStorage['lightwallet']
// returning user
if (serializedKeystore) {
keyStore = KeyStore.deserialize(serializedKeystore)
// first time here
} else {
console.log('creating new keystore with default password:', defaultPassword)
var secretSeed = KeyStore.generateRandomSeed()
keyStore = new KeyStore(secretSeed, defaultPassword)
keyStore.generateNewAddress(defaultPassword, 3)
keyStore.passwordProvider = unlockKeystore
return keyStore
function saveKeystore(){
window.localStorage['lightwallet'] = keyStore.serialize()
function getPassword(){
var password = window.sessionStorage['password']
if (!password) throw new Error('No password found...')
function unlockKeystore(cb){
var password = getPassword()
console.warn('unlocking keystore...')
cb(null, password)
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"async": "^1.5.2",
"clone": "^1.0.2",
"dnode": "^1.2.2",
"end-of-stream": "^1.1.0",
"eth-lightwallet": "^1.0.1",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user