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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
Combine pending-tx-details component into pending-tx-details
These were only separated originally so we could make the notification-based TX approval work, which provided its own buttons. This two templates are logically highly coupled, and keeping them working while separate has been difficult at times, and has even required resorting to dubious practices, like using React's `refs` pattern. This combines them into one fairly large component, but I think it's ok, we can still break this up into components, just not the separation that it had previously.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
const Component = require('react').Component
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const extend = require('xtend')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const BN = ethUtil.BN
const MiniAccountPanel = require('./mini-account-panel')
const EthBalance = require('./eth-balance')
const util = require('../util')
const addressSummary = util.addressSummary
const nameForAddress = require('../../lib/contract-namer')
const HexInput = require('./hex-as-decimal-input')
const DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE_BN = new BN(20000000000, '10')
const MIN_GAS_PRICE_BN = new BN(20000000)
module.exports = PendingTxDetails
inherits(PendingTxDetails, Component)
function PendingTxDetails () {
this.state = { valid: true }
const PTXP = PendingTxDetails.prototype
PTXP.render = function () {
var props = this.props
var state = this.state || {}
var txData = state.txMeta || props.txData
var txParams = txData.txParams || {}
var address = txParams.from || props.selectedAddress
var identity = props.identities[address] || { address: address }
var account = props.accounts[address]
var balance = account ? account.balance : '0x0'
const gas = (state.gas === undefined) ? txParams.gas : state.gas
const gasPrice = (state.gasPrice === undefined) ? txData.gasPrice : state.gasPrice
var txFee = state.txFee || txData.txFee || ''
var txFeeBn = new BN(txFee, 16)
var maxCost = state.maxCost || txData.maxCost || ''
var dataLength = txParams.data ? (txParams.data.length - 2) / 2 : 0
var imageify = props.imageifyIdenticons === undefined ? true : props.imageifyIdenticons
log.debug(`rendering gas: ${gas}, gasPrice: ${gasPrice}, txFee: ${txFee}, maxCost: ${maxCost}`)
return (
h('div', [
h('.flex-row.flex-center', {
style: {
maxWidth: '100%',
}, [
h(MiniAccountPanel, {
imageSeed: address,
imageifyIdenticons: imageify,
picOrder: 'right',
}, [
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Bold, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, identity.name),
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, addressSummary(address, 6, 4, false)),
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, [
h(EthBalance, {
value: balance,
inline: true,
labelColor: '#F7861C',
h('style', `
.table-box {
margin: 7px 0px 0px 0px;
width: 100%;
.table-box .row {
margin: 0px;
background: rgb(236,236,236);
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
font-family: Montserrat Light, sans-serif;
font-size: 13px;
padding: 5px 25px;
.table-box .row .value {
font-family: Montserrat Regular;
h('.table-box', [
// Ether Value
// Currently not customizable, but easily modified
// in the way that gas and gasLimit currently are.
h('.row', [
h('.cell.label', 'Amount'),
h(EthBalance, { value: txParams.value }),
// Gas Limit (customizable)
h('.cell.row', [
h('.cell.label', 'Gas Limit'),
h('.cell.value', {
}, [
h(HexInput, {
name: 'Gas Limit',
value: gas,
min: 21000, // The hard lower limit for gas.
suffix: 'UNITS',
style: {
position: 'relative',
top: '5px',
onChange: (newHex) => {
log.info(`Gas limit changed to ${newHex}`)
this.setState({ gas: newHex })
// Gas Price (customizable)
h('.cell.row', [
h('.cell.label', 'Gas Price'),
h('.cell.value', {
}, [
h(HexInput, {
name: 'Gas Price',
value: gasPrice,
suffix: 'WEI',
min: MIN_GAS_PRICE_BN.toString(10),
style: {
position: 'relative',
top: '5px',
onChange: (newHex) => {
log.info(`Gas price changed to: ${newHex}`)
this.setState({ gasPrice: newHex })
// Max Transaction Fee (calculated)
h('.cell.row', [
h('.cell.label', 'Max Transaction Fee'),
h(EthBalance, { value: txFeeBn.toString(16) }),
h('.cell.row', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Regular',
background: 'white',
padding: '10px 25px',
}, [
h('.cell.label', 'Max Total'),
h('.cell.value', {
style: {
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
}, [
h(EthBalance, {
value: maxCost.toString(16),
inline: true,
labelColor: 'black',
fontSize: '16px',
// Data size row:
h('.cell.row', {
style: {
background: '#f7f7f7',
paddingBottom: '0px',
}, [
h('.cell.value', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light',
fontSize: '11px',
}, `Data included: ${dataLength} bytes`),
]), // End of Table
PTXP.miniAccountPanelForRecipient = function () {
var props = this.props
var txData = props.txData
var txParams = txData.txParams || {}
var isContractDeploy = !('to' in txParams)
var imageify = props.imageifyIdenticons === undefined ? true : props.imageifyIdenticons
// If it's not a contract deploy, send to the account
if (!isContractDeploy) {
return h(MiniAccountPanel, {
imageSeed: txParams.to,
imageifyIdenticons: imageify,
picOrder: 'left',
}, [
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Bold, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, nameForAddress(txParams.to, props.identities)),
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, addressSummary(txParams.to, 6, 4, false)),
} else {
return h(MiniAccountPanel, {
imageifyIdenticons: imageify,
picOrder: 'left',
}, [
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Bold, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, 'New Contract'),
PTXP.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps, previousState) {
log.debug(`pending-tx-details componentDidUpdate`)
const state = this.state || {}
const prevState = previousState || {}
const { gas, gasPrice } = state
// Only if gas or gasPrice changed:
if (!prevState ||
(gas !== prevState.gas ||
gasPrice !== prevState.gasPrice)) {
log.debug(`recalculating gas since prev state change: ${JSON.stringify({ prevState, state })}`)
PTXP.isValid = function () {
return this.state.valid
PTXP.calculateGas = function () {
const txMeta = this.gatherParams()
log.debug(`pending-tx-details calculating gas for ${JSON.stringify(txMeta)}`)
var txParams = txMeta.txParams
var gasCost = new BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(txParams.gas || txMeta.estimatedGas), 16)
var gasPrice = new BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(txParams.gasPrice || DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE), 16)
const valid = !gasPrice.lt(MIN_GAS_PRICE_BN)
var txFee = gasCost.mul(gasPrice)
var txValue = new BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(txParams.value || '0x0'), 16)
var maxCost = txValue.add(txFee)
const txFeeHex = '0x' + txFee.toString('hex')
const maxCostHex = '0x' + maxCost.toString('hex')
const gasPriceHex = '0x' + gasPrice.toString('hex')
txMeta.txFee = txFeeHex
txMeta.maxCost = maxCostHex
txMeta.txParams.gasPrice = gasPriceHex
const newState = {
txFee: '0x' + txFee.toString('hex'),
maxCost: '0x' + maxCost.toString('hex'),
log.info(`tx form updating local state with ${JSON.stringify(newState)}`)
if (this.props.onTxChange) {
PTXP.resetGasFields = function () {
const txData = this.props.txData
gas: txData.txParams.gas,
gasPrice: txData.gasPrice,
// After a customizable state value has been updated,
PTXP.gatherParams = function () {
const props = this.props
const state = this.state || {}
const txData = state.txData || props.txData
const txParams = txData.txParams
const gas = state.gas || txParams.gas
const gasPrice = state.gasPrice || txParams.gasPrice
const resultTx = extend(txParams, {
const resultTxMeta = extend(txData, {
txParams: resultTx,
log.debug(`UI has computed tx params ${JSON.stringify(resultTx)}`)
return resultTxMeta
PTXP.verifyGasParams = function () {
// We call this in case the gas has not been modified at all
if (!this.state) { return true }
return this._notZeroOrEmptyString(this.state.gas) && this._notZeroOrEmptyString(this.state.gasPrice)
PTXP._notZeroOrEmptyString = function (obj) {
return obj !== '' && obj !== '0x0'
function forwardCarrat () {
return (
h('img', {
src: 'images/forward-carrat.svg',
style: {
padding: '5px 6px 0px 10px',
height: '37px',
@ -2,10 +2,25 @@ const Component = require('react').Component
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const PendingTxDetails = require('./pending-tx-details')
const extend = require('xtend')
const actions = require('../actions')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const BN = ethUtil.BN
const MiniAccountPanel = require('./mini-account-panel')
const EthBalance = require('./eth-balance')
const util = require('../util')
const addressSummary = util.addressSummary
const nameForAddress = require('../../lib/contract-namer')
const HexInput = require('./hex-as-decimal-input')
const DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE_BN = new BN(20000000000, '10')
const MIN_GAS_PRICE_BN = new BN(20000000)
module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(PendingTx)
function mapStateToProps (state) {
@ -22,12 +37,28 @@ function PendingTx () {
PendingTx.prototype.render = function () {
const props = this.props
const newProps = extend(props, {
ref: 'details',
validChanged: this.validChanged.bind(this),
const txData = props.txData
const state = this.state
const txParams = txData.txParams || {}
const address = txParams.from || props.selectedAddress
const identity = props.identities[address] || { address: address }
const account = props.accounts[address]
const balance = account ? account.balance : '0x0'
const gas = (state.gas === undefined) ? txParams.gas : state.gas
const gasPrice = (state.gasPrice === undefined) ? txData.gasPrice : state.gasPrice
const txFee = state.txFee || txData.txFee || ''
const txFeeBn = new BN(txFee, 16)
const maxCost = state.maxCost || txData.maxCost || ''
const dataLength = txParams.data ? (txParams.data.length - 2) / 2 : 0
const imageify = props.imageifyIdenticons === undefined ? true : props.imageifyIdenticons
return (
h('div', {
@ -50,7 +81,168 @@ PendingTx.prototype.render = function () {
}, [
// tx info
h(PendingTxDetails, newProps),
h('div', [
h('.flex-row.flex-center', {
style: {
maxWidth: '100%',
}, [
h(MiniAccountPanel, {
imageSeed: address,
imageifyIdenticons: imageify,
picOrder: 'right',
}, [
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Bold, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, identity.name),
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, addressSummary(address, 6, 4, false)),
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, [
h(EthBalance, {
value: balance,
inline: true,
labelColor: '#F7861C',
h('style', `
.table-box {
margin: 7px 0px 0px 0px;
width: 100%;
.table-box .row {
margin: 0px;
background: rgb(236,236,236);
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
font-family: Montserrat Light, sans-serif;
font-size: 13px;
padding: 5px 25px;
.table-box .row .value {
font-family: Montserrat Regular;
h('.table-box', [
// Ether Value
// Currently not customizable, but easily modified
// in the way that gas and gasLimit currently are.
h('.row', [
h('.cell.label', 'Amount'),
h(EthBalance, { value: txParams.value }),
// Gas Limit (customizable)
h('.cell.row', [
h('.cell.label', 'Gas Limit'),
h('.cell.value', {
}, [
h(HexInput, {
name: 'Gas Limit',
value: gas,
min: 21000, // The hard lower limit for gas.
suffix: 'UNITS',
style: {
position: 'relative',
top: '5px',
onChange: (newHex) => {
log.info(`Gas limit changed to ${newHex}`)
this.setState({ gas: newHex })
// Gas Price (customizable)
h('.cell.row', [
h('.cell.label', 'Gas Price'),
h('.cell.value', {
}, [
h(HexInput, {
name: 'Gas Price',
value: gasPrice,
suffix: 'WEI',
min: MIN_GAS_PRICE_BN.toString(10),
style: {
position: 'relative',
top: '5px',
onChange: (newHex) => {
log.info(`Gas price changed to: ${newHex}`)
this.setState({ gasPrice: newHex })
// Max Transaction Fee (calculated)
h('.cell.row', [
h('.cell.label', 'Max Transaction Fee'),
h(EthBalance, { value: txFeeBn.toString(16) }),
h('.cell.row', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Regular',
background: 'white',
padding: '10px 25px',
}, [
h('.cell.label', 'Max Total'),
h('.cell.value', {
style: {
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
}, [
h(EthBalance, {
value: maxCost.toString(16),
inline: true,
labelColor: 'black',
fontSize: '16px',
// Data size row:
h('.cell.row', {
style: {
background: '#f7f7f7',
paddingBottom: '0px',
}, [
h('.cell.value', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light',
fontSize: '11px',
}, `Data included: ${dataLength} bytes`),
]), // End of Table
h('style', `
.conf-buttons button {
@ -118,3 +310,151 @@ PendingTx.prototype.render = function () {
PendingTx.prototype.validChanged = function (newValid) {
this.setState({ valid: newValid })
PendingTx.prototype.miniAccountPanelForRecipient = function () {
const props = this.props
const txData = props.txData
const txParams = txData.txParams || {}
const isContractDeploy = !('to' in txParams)
const imageify = props.imageifyIdenticons === undefined ? true : props.imageifyIdenticons
// If it's not a contract deploy, send to the account
if (!isContractDeploy) {
return h(MiniAccountPanel, {
imageSeed: txParams.to,
imageifyIdenticons: imageify,
picOrder: 'left',
}, [
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Bold, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, nameForAddress(txParams.to, props.identities)),
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, addressSummary(txParams.to, 6, 4, false)),
} else {
return h(MiniAccountPanel, {
imageifyIdenticons: imageify,
picOrder: 'left',
}, [
h('span.font-small', {
style: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Bold, Montserrat, sans-serif',
}, 'New Contract'),
PendingTx.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps, previousState) {
log.debug(`pending-tx-details componentDidUpdate`)
const state = this.state || {}
const prevState = previousState || {}
const { gas, gasPrice } = state
// Only if gas or gasPrice changed:
if (!prevState ||
(gas !== prevState.gas ||
gasPrice !== prevState.gasPrice)) {
log.debug(`recalculating gas since prev state change: ${JSON.stringify({ prevState, state })}`)
PendingTx.prototype.isValid = function () {
return this.state.valid
PendingTx.prototype.calculateGas = function () {
const txMeta = this.gatherParams()
log.debug(`pending-tx-details calculating gas for ${JSON.stringify(txMeta)}`)
const txParams = txMeta.txParams
const gasCost = new BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(txParams.gas || txMeta.estimatedGas), 16)
const gasPrice = new BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(txParams.gasPrice || DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE), 16)
const valid = !gasPrice.lt(MIN_GAS_PRICE_BN)
const txFee = gasCost.mul(gasPrice)
const txValue = new BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(txParams.value || '0x0'), 16)
const maxCost = txValue.add(txFee)
const txFeeHex = '0x' + txFee.toString('hex')
const maxCostHex = '0x' + maxCost.toString('hex')
const gasPriceHex = '0x' + gasPrice.toString('hex')
txMeta.txFee = txFeeHex
txMeta.maxCost = maxCostHex
txMeta.txParams.gasPrice = gasPriceHex
const newState = {
txFee: '0x' + txFee.toString('hex'),
maxCost: '0x' + maxCost.toString('hex'),
log.info(`tx form updating local state with ${JSON.stringify(newState)}`)
if (this.props.onTxChange) {
PendingTx.prototype.resetGasFields = function () {
const txData = this.props.txData
gas: txData.txParams.gas,
gasPrice: txData.gasPrice,
// After a customizable state value has been updated,
PendingTx.prototype.gatherParams = function () {
const props = this.props
const state = this.state || {}
const txData = state.txData || props.txData
const txParams = txData.txParams
const gas = state.gas || txParams.gas
const gasPrice = state.gasPrice || txParams.gasPrice
const resultTx = extend(txParams, {
const resultTxMeta = extend(txData, {
txParams: resultTx,
log.debug(`UI has computed tx params ${JSON.stringify(resultTx)}`)
return resultTxMeta
PendingTx.prototype.verifyGasParams = function () {
// We call this in case the gas has not been modified at all
if (!this.state) { return true }
return this._notZeroOrEmptyString(this.state.gas) && this._notZeroOrEmptyString(this.state.gasPrice)
PendingTx.prototype._notZeroOrEmptyString = function (obj) {
return obj !== '' && obj !== '0x0'
function forwardCarrat () {
return (
h('img', {
src: 'images/forward-carrat.svg',
style: {
padding: '5px 6px 0px 10px',
height: '37px',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user