diff --git a/app/_locales/de/messages.json b/app/_locales/de/messages.json index 4c7749a01..bbfbc552e 100644 --- a/app/_locales/de/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/de/messages.json @@ -2462,9 +2462,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "Unterschrieben" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "Diese Transaktion wird voraussichtlich fehlschlagen. Der Versuch, sie auszuführen, wird voraussichtlich teuer aber fehlschlagen und wird nicht empfohlen." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "Wir konnten das Gas nicht schätzen. Es könnte einen Fehler im Vertrag geben und diese Transaktion könnte fehlschlagen." }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "Erneut versuchen" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "Ich werde es trotzdem versuchen" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "Erweiterte Token-Erkennung aktivieren" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/el/messages.json b/app/_locales/el/messages.json index f91fc7653..c25a1549c 100644 --- a/app/_locales/el/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/el/messages.json @@ -2465,9 +2465,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "Συνδεδεμένος" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "Αυτή η συναλλαγή αναμένεται να αποτύχει. Η προσπάθεια εκτέλεσης αναμένεται να είναι δαπανηρή αλλά να αποτύχει και δεν συνιστάται." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "Δεν ήμασταν σε θέση να εκτιμήσουμε το τέλος συναλλαγής. Μπορεί να υπάρχει σφάλμα στο συμβόλαιο και αυτή η συναλλαγή μπορεί να αποτύχει." }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "Δοκιμάστε ξανά" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "Θα προσπαθήσω ούτως ή άλλως" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "Ενεργοποιήστε την ενισχυμένη ανίχνευση token" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/en/messages.json b/app/_locales/en/messages.json index 95e2c1b45..9713782fb 100644 --- a/app/_locales/en/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/en/messages.json @@ -2836,9 +2836,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "Signed" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "This transaction is expected to fail. Trying to execute it is expected to be expensive but fail, and is not recommended." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "We were not able to estimate gas. There might be an error in the contract and this transaction may fail." }, @@ -3704,9 +3701,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "Try again" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "I will try anyway" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "Turn on enhanced token detection" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/es_419/messages.json b/app/_locales/es_419/messages.json index 759bc10bf..d43eb4f92 100644 --- a/app/_locales/es_419/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/es_419/messages.json @@ -2517,9 +2517,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "Firmado" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "Se anticipa que esta transacción falle. En caso de intentar ejecutarla, se anticipa que eso sea costoso y a la vez falle, y por lo tanto no se recomienda." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "No pudimos estimar el gas. Podría haber un error en el contrato y esta transacción podría fallar." }, @@ -3191,9 +3188,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "Vuelva a intentarlo" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "Lo intentaré de todos modos" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "Activar la detección mejorada de tokens" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/fr/messages.json b/app/_locales/fr/messages.json index 69d8a2d5a..af76f6953 100644 --- a/app/_locales/fr/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/fr/messages.json @@ -2465,9 +2465,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "Signé" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "Cette transaction devrait échouer. Si vous choisissez de l’exécuter, cela devrait à la fois être coûteux et voué à l’échec. Ce n’est donc pas recommandé." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "Nous n’avons pas pu estimer le prix de carburant. Par conséquent, il se peut qu’il y ait une erreur dans le contrat et que cette transaction échoue." }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "Réessayez" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "Je veux quand même essayer" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "Activer la détection améliorée des jetons" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/hi/messages.json b/app/_locales/hi/messages.json index 69b111159..65459170a 100644 --- a/app/_locales/hi/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/hi/messages.json @@ -2465,9 +2465,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "हस्ताक्षर किया गया" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "यह लेन-देन विफल होने की उम्मीद है। इसे निष्पादित करने के प्रयास के महंगा होने की उम्मीद है लेकिन विफल है, और इसकी अनुशंसा नहीं की जाती है।" - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "हम गैस का अनुमान नहीं लगा पाए। अनुबंध में कोई त्रुटि हो सकती है और यह लेन-देन विफल हो सकता है।" }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "पुनः प्रयास करें" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "मैं फिर भी कोशिश करूंगा" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "उन्नत टोकन डिटेक्शन चालू करें" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/id/messages.json b/app/_locales/id/messages.json index 720cbd97d..20876b81d 100644 --- a/app/_locales/id/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/id/messages.json @@ -2465,9 +2465,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "Ditandatangani" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "Transaksi ini diperkirakan akan gagal. Pelaksanaannya diperkirakan akan mahal dan berpotensi gagal, dan tidak direkomendasikan." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "Kami tidak dapat memperkirakan gas. Tampaknya ada kesalahan dalam kontrak dan transaksi ini berpotensi gagal." }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "Coba lagi" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "Saya akan tetap mencobanya" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "Nyalakan deteksi token yang ditingkatkan" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/ja/messages.json b/app/_locales/ja/messages.json index 4107b4396..c1a4350bd 100644 --- a/app/_locales/ja/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/ja/messages.json @@ -2465,9 +2465,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "署名が完了しました" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "このトランザクションは失敗する見込みです。実行しようとすると多くのコストがかかるうえに失敗する可能性が高いため、お勧めしません。" - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "ガス代を見積もれませんでした。コントラクトにエラーがある可能性があり、このトランザクションは失敗するかもしれません。" }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "再試行" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "とにかく試してみる" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "強化されたトークン検出をオンにする" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/ko/messages.json b/app/_locales/ko/messages.json index 35c9e2c4d..e115da9d9 100644 --- a/app/_locales/ko/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/ko/messages.json @@ -2465,9 +2465,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "서명완료" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "이 거래는 실패할 것으로 예상됩니다. 실행하려면 비용이 많이 들지만 실패할 것으로 예상되어 권장하지 않습니다." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "가스 요금을 추정할 수 없었습니다. 계약에 오류가 있을 수 있으며 이 거래가 실패할 수 있습니다." }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "다시 시도" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "계속 시도" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "향상된 토큰 감지 켜기" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json b/app/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json index 793a95650..cda080e4c 100644 --- a/app/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json @@ -2501,9 +2501,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "Assinado" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "É esperado que essa transação falhe. Como é esperado que sua tentativa de execução seja dispendiosa e falhe, ela não é recomendada." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "Não conseguimos estimar o preço do gás. Pode haver um erro no contrato, e essa transação poderá falhar." }, @@ -3175,9 +3172,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "Tente novamente" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "Vou tentar mesmo assim" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "Ativar detecção avançada de token" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/ru/messages.json b/app/_locales/ru/messages.json index fed0f9550..78573e8ff 100644 --- a/app/_locales/ru/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/ru/messages.json @@ -2465,9 +2465,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "Подписано" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "Ожидается, что эта транзакция завершится неудачно. Предполагается, что попытка выполнить ее будет дорогостоящей, но потерпит неудачу, и поэтому ее не рекомендуется выполнять." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "Мы не смогли оценить размер платы за газ. В контракте может быть ошибка, и эта транзакция может завершиться неудачно." }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "Попробуйте еще раз" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "Я все равно попробую" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "Включите расширенное обнаружение токенов" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/tl/messages.json b/app/_locales/tl/messages.json index fa2d0773f..e6f793c02 100644 --- a/app/_locales/tl/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/tl/messages.json @@ -2465,9 +2465,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "Nilagdaan" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "Inaasahang mabibigo ang transaksyong ito. Ang pagsisikap na isagawa ito ay inaasahang magastos ngunit nabigo, at hindi inirerekomenda." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "Hindi namin nagawang tantyahin ang gas. Maaaring may error sa kontrata at maaaring mabigo ang transaksyong ito." }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "Subukan ulit" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "Susubukan ko pa rin" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "I-on ang pinahusay na pag-detect ng token" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/tr/messages.json b/app/_locales/tr/messages.json index 6633eccba..0ff8c2d27 100644 --- a/app/_locales/tr/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/tr/messages.json @@ -2465,9 +2465,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "İmzalandı" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "Bu işlemin başarısız olması bekleniyor. Gerçekleştirmeye çalışıldığında maliyetli olması ancak başarısız olması bekleniyor ve önerilmiyor." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "Gaz tahmini yapamadık. Sözleşmede bir hata olabilir ve bu işlem başarısız olabilir." }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "Tekrar dene" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "Yine de deneyeceğim" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "Gelişmiş token algılamayı açın" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/vi/messages.json b/app/_locales/vi/messages.json index d2e38f2f1..c94d6d291 100644 --- a/app/_locales/vi/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/vi/messages.json @@ -2465,9 +2465,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "Đã ký" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "Giao dịch này có khả năng thất bại. Việc cố gắng thực hiện sẽ được cho là gây tốn kém nhưng lại không thành công và không được khuyến khích." - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "Chúng tôi không thể ước tính gas. Có thể đã xảy ra lỗi trong hợp đồng và giao dịch này có thể thất bại." }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "Thử lại" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "Tôi vẫn sẽ thử" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "Bật phát hiện token nâng cao" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json b/app/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json index 94bc07f8f..c144dd3f1 100644 --- a/app/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json @@ -2465,9 +2465,6 @@ "signed": { "message": "已签名" }, - "simulationErrorMessage": { - "message": "此交易预计将失败。尝试执行该交易预计将是昂贵的,但失败,不推荐。" - }, "simulationErrorMessageV2": { "message": "我们无法估计燃料。合同中可能有一个错误,这笔交易可能失败。" }, @@ -3133,9 +3130,6 @@ "tryAgain": { "message": "重试" }, - "tryAnywayOption": { - "message": "我仍然会试" - }, "turnOnTokenDetection": { "message": "打开增强代币检测" }, diff --git a/test/e2e/tests/failing-contract.spec.js b/test/e2e/tests/failing-contract.spec.js index f95fba9e4..603d0641e 100644 --- a/test/e2e/tests/failing-contract.spec.js +++ b/test/e2e/tests/failing-contract.spec.js @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ describe('Failing contract interaction ', function () { // display warning when transaction is expected to fail const warningText = - 'This transaction is expected to fail. Trying to execute it is expected to be expensive but fail, and is not recommended.'; + 'We were not able to estimate gas. There might be an error in the contract and this transaction may fail.'; const warning = await driver.findElement( '.actionable-message__message', ); @@ -87,7 +87,10 @@ describe('Failing contract interaction ', function () { assert.equal(await confirmButton.isEnabled(), false); // dismiss warning and confirm the transaction - await driver.clickElement({ text: 'I will try anyway', tag: 'button' }); + await driver.clickElement({ + text: 'I want to proceed anyway', + tag: 'button', + }); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' }); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); await driver.switchToWindow(extension); diff --git a/ui/components/app/confirm-page-container/confirm-page-container-content/confirm-page-container-content.component.js b/ui/components/app/confirm-page-container/confirm-page-container-content/confirm-page-container-content.component.js index 641a13f03..c10d0219a 100644 --- a/ui/components/app/confirm-page-container/confirm-page-container-content/confirm-page-container-content.component.js +++ b/ui/components/app/confirm-page-container/confirm-page-container-content/confirm-page-container-content.component.js @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ export default class ConfirmPageContainerContent extends Component { detailsComponent: PropTypes.node, errorKey: PropTypes.string, errorMessage: PropTypes.string, - hasSimulationError: PropTypes.bool, hideSubtitle: PropTypes.bool, tokenAddress: PropTypes.string, nonce: PropTypes.string, @@ -41,10 +40,8 @@ export default class ConfirmPageContainerContent extends Component { onCancel: PropTypes.func, cancelText: PropTypes.string, onSubmit: PropTypes.func, - setUserAcknowledgedGasMissing: PropTypes.func, submitText: PropTypes.string, disabled: PropTypes.bool, - hideUserAcknowledgedGasMissing: PropTypes.bool, unapprovedTxCount: PropTypes.number, rejectNText: PropTypes.string, hideTitle: PropTypes.bool, @@ -100,7 +97,6 @@ export default class ConfirmPageContainerContent extends Component { action, errorKey, errorMessage, - hasSimulationError, title, image, titleComponent, @@ -122,8 +118,6 @@ export default class ConfirmPageContainerContent extends Component { origin, ethGasPriceWarning, hideTitle, - setUserAcknowledgedGasMissing, - hideUserAcknowledgedGasMissing, supportsEIP1559V2, hasTopBorder, currentTransaction, @@ -135,17 +129,10 @@ export default class ConfirmPageContainerContent extends Component { isBuyableChain, } = this.props; - const primaryAction = hideUserAcknowledgedGasMissing - ? null - : { - label: this.context.t('tryAnywayOption'), - onClick: setUserAcknowledgedGasMissing, - }; const { t } = this.context; const showInsuffienctFundsError = supportsEIP1559V2 && - !hasSimulationError && (errorKey || errorMessage) && errorKey === INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_ERROR_KEY; @@ -159,15 +146,6 @@ export default class ConfirmPageContainerContent extends Component { {ethGasPriceWarning && ( )} - {hasSimulationError && ( -
- -
- )} {this.renderContent()} {!supportsEIP1559V2 && - !hasSimulationError && (errorKey || errorMessage) && currentTransaction.type !== TRANSACTION_TYPES.SIMPLE_SEND && (
diff --git a/ui/components/app/confirm-page-container/confirm-page-container-content/confirm-page-container-content.component.test.js b/ui/components/app/confirm-page-container/confirm-page-container-content/confirm-page-container-content.component.test.js index 89c855a71..aec9b8ca2 100644 --- a/ui/components/app/confirm-page-container/confirm-page-container-content/confirm-page-container-content.component.test.js +++ b/ui/components/app/confirm-page-container/confirm-page-container-content/confirm-page-container-content.component.test.js @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ describe('Confirm Page Container Content', () => { action: ' Withdraw Stake', errorMessage: null, errorKey: null, - hasSimulationError: true, onCancelAll: mockOnCancelAll, onCancel: mockOnCancel, cancelText: 'Reject', @@ -52,38 +51,7 @@ describe('Confirm Page Container Content', () => { }; }); - it('render ConfirmPageContainer component with simulation error', async () => { - const { queryByText, getByText } = renderWithProvider( - , - store, - ); - - expect( - queryByText('Transaction Error. Exception thrown in contract code.'), - ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); - expect( - queryByText( - 'This transaction is expected to fail. Trying to execute it is expected to be expensive but fail, and is not recommended.', - ), - ).toBeInTheDocument(); - expect(queryByText('I will try anyway')).toBeInTheDocument(); - - const confirmButton = getByText('Confirm'); - expect(getByText('Confirm').closest('button')).toBeDisabled(); - fireEvent.click(confirmButton); - expect(props.onSubmit).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); - - const iWillTryButton = getByText('I will try anyway'); - fireEvent.click(iWillTryButton); - expect(props.setUserAcknowledgedGasMissing).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - - const cancelButton = getByText('Reject'); - fireEvent.click(cancelButton); - expect(props.onCancel).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - }); - it('render ConfirmPageContainer component with another error', async () => { - props.hasSimulationError = false; props.disabled = true; props.errorKey = TRANSACTION_ERROR_KEY; props.currentTransaction = { @@ -96,10 +64,10 @@ describe('Confirm Page Container Content', () => { expect( queryByText( - 'This transaction is expected to fail. Trying to execute it is expected to be expensive but fail, and is not recommended.', + 'We were not able to estimate gas. There might be an error in the contract and this transaction may fail.', ), ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); - expect(queryByText('I will try anyway')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); + expect(queryByText('I want to proceed anyway')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('Confirm').closest('button')).toBeDisabled(); expect( getByText('Transaction Error. Exception thrown in contract code.'), @@ -111,7 +79,6 @@ describe('Confirm Page Container Content', () => { }); it('render ConfirmPageContainer component with no errors', async () => { - props.hasSimulationError = false; props.disabled = false; const { queryByText, getByText } = renderWithProvider( , @@ -120,13 +87,13 @@ describe('Confirm Page Container Content', () => { expect( queryByText( - 'This transaction is expected to fail. Trying to execute it is expected to be expensive but fail, and is not recommended.', + 'We were not able to estimate gas. There might be an error in the contract and this transaction may fail.', ), ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect( queryByText('Transaction Error. Exception thrown in contract code.'), ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); - expect(queryByText('I will try anyway')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); + expect(queryByText('I want to proceed anyway')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); const confirmButton = getByText('Confirm'); fireEvent.click(confirmButton); @@ -138,7 +105,6 @@ describe('Confirm Page Container Content', () => { }); it('render contract address name from addressBook in title for contract', async () => { - props.hasSimulationError = false; props.disabled = false; props.toAddress = '0x06195827297c7A80a443b6894d3BDB8824b43896'; props.transactionType = TRANSACTION_TYPES.CONTRACT_INTERACTION; @@ -151,7 +117,6 @@ describe('Confirm Page Container Content', () => { }); it('render simple title without address name for simple send', async () => { - props.hasSimulationError = false; props.disabled = false; props.toAddress = '0x06195827297c7A80a443b6894d3BDB8824b43896'; props.transactionType = TRANSACTION_TYPES.SIMPLE_SEND; diff --git a/ui/pages/confirm-transaction-base/confirm-transaction-base.component.js b/ui/pages/confirm-transaction-base/confirm-transaction-base.component.js index 097aa7f25..c008bc8cc 100644 --- a/ui/pages/confirm-transaction-base/confirm-transaction-base.component.js +++ b/ui/pages/confirm-transaction-base/confirm-transaction-base.component.js @@ -560,13 +560,18 @@ export default class ConfirmTransactionBase extends Component { const simulationFailureWarning = () => (
this.setUserAcknowledgedGasMissing(), - }} - message={this.context.t('simulationErrorMessage')} - roundedButtons + primaryActionV2={ + userAcknowledgedGasMissing === true + ? undefined + : { + label: t('proceedWithTransaction'), + onClick: () => this.setUserAcknowledgedGasMissing(), + } + } />
); @@ -593,7 +598,9 @@ export default class ConfirmTransactionBase extends Component { : () => this.handleEditGas() } rows={[ - renderSimulationFailureWarning && simulationFailureWarning(), + renderSimulationFailureWarning && + !this.supportsEIP1559V2 && + simulationFailureWarning(), !renderSimulationFailureWarning && !isMultiLayerFeeNetwork && renderGasDetailsItem(), @@ -1034,10 +1041,6 @@ export default class ConfirmTransactionBase extends Component { requestsWaitingText, } = this.getNavigateTxData(); - const isDisabled = () => { - return userAcknowledgedGasMissing ? false : !valid; - }; - let functionType; if (txData.type === TRANSACTION_TYPES.CONTRACT_INTERACTION) { functionType = getMethodName(name); @@ -1089,7 +1092,6 @@ export default class ConfirmTransactionBase extends Component { lastTx={lastTx} ofText={ofText} requestsWaitingText={requestsWaitingText} - hideUserAcknowledgedGasMissing={!isDisabled()} disabled={ renderSimulationFailureWarning || !valid || @@ -1101,7 +1103,6 @@ export default class ConfirmTransactionBase extends Component { onCancelAll={() => this.handleCancelAll()} onCancel={() => this.handleCancel()} onSubmit={() => this.handleSubmit()} - setUserAcknowledgedGasMissing={this.setUserAcknowledgedGasMissing} hideSenderToRecipient={hideSenderToRecipient} origin={txData.origin} ethGasPriceWarning={ethGasPriceWarning}