mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
tx-manager - add eip155 support
This commit is contained in:
@ -205,11 +205,23 @@ module.exports = class TransactionManager extends EventEmitter {
getChainId() {
const networkState = this.networkStore.getState()
const getChainId = parseInt(networkState.network)
if (Number.isNaN(getChainId)) {
return 0
} else {
return getChainId
signTransaction (txId, cb) {
let txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
let txParams = txMeta.txParams
let fromAddress = txParams.from
let ethTx = this.txProviderUtils.buildEthTxFromParams(txParams)
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
const txParams = txMeta.txParams
const fromAddress = txParams.from
// add network/chain id
txParams.chainId = this.getChainId()
const ethTx = this.txProviderUtils.buildEthTxFromParams(txParams)
this.signEthTx(ethTx, fromAddress).then(() => {
cb(null, ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethTx.serialize()))
@ -1,19 +1,30 @@
const assert = require('assert')
// const assert = require('assert')
const assert = require('chai').assert
const extend = require('xtend')
const EventEmitter = require('events')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const EthTx = require('ethereumjs-tx')
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const STORAGE_KEY = 'metamask-persistance-key'
const TransactionManager = require('../../app/scripts/transaction-manager')
const noop = () => true
const currentNetworkId = 42
const otherNetworkId = 36
const privKey = new Buffer('8718b9618a37d1fc78c436511fc6df3c8258d3250635bba617f33003270ec03e', 'hex')
describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
let txManager
beforeEach(function() {
txManager = new TransactionManager({
networkStore: new ObservableStore({ network: 'unit test' }),
networkStore: new ObservableStore({ network: currentNetworkId }),
txHistoryLimit: 10,
blockTracker: new EventEmitter(),
signTransaction: (ethTx) => new Promise((resolve) => {
const result = ethTx.serialize()
@ -27,7 +38,6 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
it('returns error for negative values', function() {
var sample = {
value: '-0x01'
@ -51,7 +61,7 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
describe('#addTx', function() {
it('adds a tx returned in getTxList', function() {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txManager.addTx(tx, noop)
var result = txManager.getTxList()
@ -60,8 +70,8 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
it('does not override txs from other networks', function() {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }
var tx2 = { id: 2, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: 'another net', txParams: {} }
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
var tx2 = { id: 2, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: otherNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txManager.addTx(tx, noop)
txManager.addTx(tx2, noop)
var result = txManager.getFullTxList()
@ -73,7 +83,7 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
it('cuts off early txs beyond a limit', function() {
const limit = txManager.txHistoryLimit
for (let i = 0; i < limit + 1; i++) {
let tx = { id: i, time: new Date(), status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }
let tx = { id: i, time: new Date(), status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txManager.addTx(tx, noop)
var result = txManager.getTxList()
@ -84,7 +94,7 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
it('cuts off early txs beyond a limit whether or not it is confirmed or rejected', function() {
const limit = txManager.txHistoryLimit
for (let i = 0; i < limit + 1; i++) {
let tx = { id: i, time: new Date(), status: 'rejected', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }
let tx = { id: i, time: new Date(), status: 'rejected', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txManager.addTx(tx, noop)
var result = txManager.getTxList()
@ -93,11 +103,11 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
it('cuts off early txs beyond a limit but does not cut unapproved txs', function() {
var unconfirmedTx = { id: 0, time: new Date(), status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }
var unconfirmedTx = { id: 0, time: new Date(), status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txManager.addTx(unconfirmedTx, noop)
const limit = txManager.txHistoryLimit
for (let i = 1; i < limit + 1; i++) {
let tx = { id: i, time: new Date(), status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }
let tx = { id: i, time: new Date(), status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txManager.addTx(tx, noop)
var result = txManager.getTxList()
@ -110,7 +120,7 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
describe('#setTxStatusSigned', function() {
it('sets the tx status to signed', function() {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txManager.addTx(tx, noop)
var result = txManager.getTxList()
@ -121,7 +131,7 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
it('should emit a signed event to signal the exciton of callback', (done) => {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
let noop = function () {
assert(true, 'event listener has been triggered and noop executed')
@ -134,7 +144,7 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
describe('#setTxStatusRejected', function() {
it('sets the tx status to rejected', function() {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
var result = txManager.getTxList()
@ -145,7 +155,7 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
it('should emit a rejected event to signal the exciton of callback', (done) => {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
let noop = function (err, txId) {
assert(true, 'event listener has been triggered and noop executed')
@ -159,9 +169,9 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
describe('#updateTx', function() {
it('replaces the tx with the same id', function() {
txManager.addTx({ id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }, noop)
txManager.addTx({ id: '2', status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }, noop)
txManager.updateTx({ id: '1', status: 'blah', hash: 'foo', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} })
txManager.addTx({ id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
txManager.addTx({ id: '2', status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
txManager.updateTx({ id: '1', status: 'blah', hash: 'foo', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} })
var result = txManager.getTx('1')
assert.equal(result.hash, 'foo')
@ -169,8 +179,8 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
describe('#getUnapprovedTxList', function() {
it('returns unapproved txs in a hash', function() {
txManager.addTx({ id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }, noop)
txManager.addTx({ id: '2', status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }, noop)
txManager.addTx({ id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
txManager.addTx({ id: '2', status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
let result = txManager.getUnapprovedTxList()
assert.equal(typeof result, 'object')
assert.equal(result['1'].status, 'unapproved')
@ -180,8 +190,8 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
describe('#getTx', function() {
it('returns a tx with the requested id', function() {
txManager.addTx({ id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }, noop)
txManager.addTx({ id: '2', status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test', txParams: {} }, noop)
txManager.addTx({ id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
txManager.addTx({ id: '2', status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
assert.equal(txManager.getTx('1').status, 'unapproved')
assert.equal(txManager.getTx('2').status, 'confirmed')
@ -190,16 +200,16 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
describe('#getFilteredTxList', function() {
it('returns a tx with the requested data', function() {
let txMetas = [
{ id: 0, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test' },
{ id: 1, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test' },
{ id: 2, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test' },
{ id: 3, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test' },
{ id: 4, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test' },
{ id: 5, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test' },
{ id: 6, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test' },
{ id: 7, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test' },
{ id: 8, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test' },
{ id: 9, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: 'unit test' },
{ id: 0, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 1, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 2, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 3, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 4, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 5, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 6, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 7, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 8, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 9, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
txMetas.forEach((txMeta) => txManager.addTx(txMeta, noop))
let filterParams
@ -219,4 +229,21 @@ describe('Transaction Manager', function() {
describe('#sign replay-protected tx', function() {
it('prepares a tx with the chainId set', function() {
txManager.addTx({ id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
txManager.signTransaction('1', (err, rawTx) => {
if (err) return assert.fail('it should not fail')
const ethTx = new EthTx(ethUtil.toBuffer(rawTx))
console.log('ethTx.getChainId(), currentNetworkId')
console.log(ethTx.getChainId(), currentNetworkId)
assert.equal(ethTx.getChainId(), currentNetworkId)
@ -12,6 +12,23 @@ describe('txUtils', function() {
txUtils = new TxUtils()
describe('chain Id', function() {
it('prepares a transaction with the provided chainId', function() {
const txParams = {
to: '0x70ad465e0bab6504002ad58c744ed89c7da38524',
from: '0x69ad465e0bab6504002ad58c744ed89c7da38525',
value: '0x0',
gas: '0x7b0c',
gasPrice: '0x199c82cc00',
data: '0x',
nonce: '0x3',
chainId: 42,
const ethTx = txUtils.buildEthTxFromParams(txParams)
assert.equal(ethTx.getChainId(), 42, 'chainId is set from tx params')
describe('addGasBuffer', function() {
it('multiplies by 1.5, when within block gas limit', function() {
// naive estimatedGas: 0x16e360 (1.5 mil)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user