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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
Add test for importing from private key to from-import-beta-ui.spec.js, and remove non-import related tests from that file.
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ describe('Using MetaMask with an existing account', function () {
const testSeedPhrase = 'phrase upgrade clock rough situate wedding elder clever doctor stamp excess tent'
const testAddress = '0xE18035BF8712672935FDB4e5e431b1a0183d2DFC'
const testPrivateKey2 = '14abe6f4aab7f9f626fe981c864d0adeb5685f289ac9270c27b8fd790b4235d6'
const regularDelayMs = 1000
const largeDelayMs = regularDelayMs * 2
const waitingNewPageDelayMs = regularDelayMs * 10
@ -289,143 +290,36 @@ describe('Using MetaMask with an existing account', function () {
describe('Send ETH from Faucet', () => {
it('starts a send transaction inside Faucet', async () => {
await driver.executeScript('window.open("https://faucet.metamask.io")')
await delay(waitingNewPageDelayMs)
const [extension, faucet] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
await driver.switchTo().window(faucet)
describe('Imports an account with private key', () => {
it('choose Create Account from the account menu', async () => {
await driver.findElement(By.css('.account-menu__icon')).click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const send1eth = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '10 ether')]`), 14000)
await send1eth.click()
const [importAccount] = await findElements(driver, By.xpath(`//div[contains(text(), 'Import Account')]`))
await importAccount.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
it('enter private key', async () => {
const privateKeyInput = await findElement(driver, By.css('#private-key-box'))
await privateKeyInput.sendKeys(testPrivateKey2)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const importButtons = await findElements(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Import')]`))
await importButtons[0].click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`), 14000)
await confirmButton.click()
it('should show the correct account name', async () => {
const [accountName] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.account-name'))
assert.equal(await accountName.getText(), 'Account 3')
await delay(regularDelayMs)
await driver.switchTo().window(faucet)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
await driver.close()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
describe('Add existing token using search', () => {
it('clicks on the Add Token button', async () => {
const addToken = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Token')]`))
await addToken.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('picks an existing token', async () => {
const tokenSearch = await findElement(driver, By.css('#search-tokens'))
await tokenSearch.sendKeys('BAT')
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const token = await findElement(driver, By.xpath("//span[contains(text(), 'BAT')]"))
await token.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
await nextScreen.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const addTokens = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Tokens')]`))
await addTokens.click()
await delay(largeDelayMs)
it('renders the balance for the new token', async () => {
const balance = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tx-view .balance-display .token-amount'))
await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(balance, /^0\s*BAT\s*$/), 10000)
const tokenAmount = await balance.getText()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
describe('Add a custom token from TokenFactory', () => {
it('creates a new token', async () => {
await driver.executeScript('window.open("https://tokenfactory.surge.sh/#/factory")')
await delay(waitingNewPageDelayMs)
const [extension, tokenFactory] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
await driver.switchTo().window(tokenFactory)
const [
] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.form-control'))
await totalSupply.sendKeys('100')
await tokenName.sendKeys('Test')
await tokenDecimal.sendKeys('0')
await tokenSymbol.sendKeys('TST')
const createToken = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Create Token')]`))
await createToken.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
await confirmButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
await driver.switchTo().window(tokenFactory)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const tokenContactAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('div > div > div:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(3)'))
tokenAddress = await tokenContactAddress.getText()
await driver.close()
await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('clicks on the Add Token button', async () => {
const addToken = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Token')]`))
await addToken.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('picks the new Test token', async () => {
const addCustomToken = await findElement(driver, By.xpath("//div[contains(text(), 'Custom Token')]"))
await addCustomToken.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const newTokenAddress = await findElement(driver, By.css('#custom-address'))
await newTokenAddress.sendKeys(tokenAddress)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
await nextScreen.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const addTokens = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Tokens')]`))
await addTokens.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('renders the balance for the new token', async () => {
const balance = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tx-view .balance-display .token-amount'))
await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(balance, /^100\s*TST\s*$/), 10000)
const tokenAmount = await balance.getText()
it('should show the imported label', async () => {
const [importedLabel] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.wallet-view__keyring-label'))
assert.equal(await importedLabel.getText(), 'IMPORTED')
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ set -o pipefail
export PATH="$PATH:./node_modules/.bin"
shell-parallel -s 'npm run ganache:start' -x 'sleep 5 && mocha test/e2e/beta/metamask-beta-ui.spec'
shell-parallel -s 'npm run ganache:start' -x 'sleep 5 && mocha test/e2e/beta/from-import-beta-ui.spec'
shell-parallel -s 'npm run ganache:start -- -d' -x 'sleep 5 && mocha test/e2e/beta/from-import-beta-ui.spec'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user