mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/metamask-extension.git synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00

New Crowdin translations by Github Action (#14975)

Co-authored-by: metamaskbot <metamaskbot@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
MetaMask Bot 2022-07-28 12:36:21 -02:30 committed by GitHub
parent f31bac9fbf
commit 1caab93c07
No known key found for this signature in database
14 changed files with 1325 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "Notiz hinzufügen"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "weitere Netzwerke manuell hinzufügen"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "Netzwerk hinzufügen"
@ -438,7 +441,7 @@
"message": "$1 mit Wyre kaufen"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Wyre ermöglicht Ihnen die Verwendung einer Kreditkarte zum direkten Einzahlen von $1 auf Ihr MetaMask-Konto."
"message": "Einfaches Onboarding für Käufe bis zu 1000 $. Schnelle interaktive Überprüfung von Käufen mit hohem Limit. Unterstützt Debit-/Kreditkarte, Apple Pay, Banküberweisungen. Verfügbar in über 100 Ländern. Einzahlung von Token auf Ihr MetaMask-Konto"
"bytes": {
"message": "Bytes"
@ -466,6 +469,13 @@
"message": "Für eine Transaktion im Wert von $1 muss die Gasgebühr um mindestens 10 % erhöht werden, damit sie vom Netz erkannt wird.",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "Tausch für 1 $ abbrechen",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "Tausch kostenlos abbrechen"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "Stornierungs-Gasgebühr"
@ -1943,6 +1953,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "Netzwerk:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "Netzwerk erfolgreich hinzugefügt!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "Netzwerkdetails"
@ -2059,6 +2072,9 @@
"message": "Nonce ist höher als vorgeschlagen nonce von $1",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "Token-ID eingeben"
@ -2262,7 +2278,7 @@
"message": "Alle als gelesen markieren"
"numberOfNewTokensDetected": {
"message": "$1 neue Tokens in diesem Konto gefunden\n",
"message": "$1 neue Tokens in diesem Konto gefunden",
"description": "$1 is the number of new tokens detected"
"ofTextNofM": {
@ -2877,6 +2893,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "Wählen Sie dies aus, um den Gaspreis und die Limitkontrollen direkt auf den Senden- und Bestätigen-Bildschirmen anzuzeigen."
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "Benutzerdefinierte Netzwerkliste anzeigen"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "Diese Option zeigt eine Liste von Netzwerken mit vorausgefüllten Details an, sobald ein neues Netzwerk hinzugefügt wird."
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "Umwandlung auf Testnets anzeigen"
@ -2986,6 +3008,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "Ein Snap wird nur ausgeführt, wenn er aktiviert ist"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "Einige Netzwerke können Sicherheits- und/oder Datenschutzrisiken bergen. Informieren Sie sich über die Risiken, bevor Sie ein Netzwerk hinzufügen und nutzen."
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "Hoppla! Da hat etwas nicht geklappt."
@ -3075,7 +3100,7 @@
"message": "Status"
"statusConnected": {
"message": "Verbunden"
"message": "Verbinden"
"statusNotConnected": {
"message": "Nicht verbunden"
@ -3548,6 +3573,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "Netzwerk wechseln"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "Zu 1 $ wechseln",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "Zu diesem Konto wechseln"
@ -3851,6 +3880,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "Hoppla! Etwas ist schiefgegangen ..."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "Unbenannte Sammlung"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Unbekanntes privates Netzwerk"
@ -3962,7 +3994,7 @@
"description": "$1 is the action type. e.g (Account, Transaction, Swap)"
"visitWebSite": {
"message": "Gehe zu unserer Webseite"
"message": "Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite"
"walletConnectionGuide": {
"message": "unsere Hardware-Wallet-Verbindungsanleitung"
@ -3987,6 +4019,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "Wallet-Erstellung erfolgreich"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "Möchten Sie dieses Netzwerk hinzufügen?"
"warning": {
"message": "Warnung"
@ -4049,6 +4084,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "Ja, versuchen wir es"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "Sie haben alle beliebten Netzwerke hinzugefügt. Sie können weitere Netzwerke entdecken 1 $ oder Sie können 2 $",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "Sie müssen Zugriff auf die Kamera erlauben, um diese Funktion nutzen zu können."

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "Προσθήκη σημειώματος"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "προσθέστε περισσότερα δίκτυα χειροκίνητα"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "Προσθήκη Δικτύου"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "Ειδοποιήσεις"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "Όλα σας τα $1",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "Επιτρέψτε σε αυτή την εξωτερική επέκταση να:"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "Έγκριση"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Δίνετε άδεια για να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση σε όλα σας τα $1;",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "Έγκριση και Εγκατάσταση"
@ -438,7 +449,7 @@
"message": "Αγοράστε $1 με το Wyre"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Το Wyre σας επιτρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσετε μια πιστωτική κάρτα για να καταθέσετε $1 απευθείας στον λογαριασμό σας MetaTask."
"message": "Εύκολη ενσωμάτωση για αγορές μέχρι και $ 1000. Γρήγορη διαδραστική επαλήθευση αγοράς υψηλού ορίου. Υποστηρίζει χρεωστικές/πιστωτικές κάρτες, Apple Pay, Τραπεζικές Μεταφορές. Διαθέσιμο σε 100+ χώρες. Καταθέσεις token στον λογαριασμό σας MetaMask"
"bytes": {
"message": "Bytes"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "Για να $1 τη συναλλαγή, τα τέλη συναλλαγής πρέπει να αυξηθούν κατά τουλάχιστον 10% ώστε να αναγνωριστούν από το δίκτυο.",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "Ακυρώστε τη συναλλαγή για ~$1",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "Ακυρώστε τη συναλλαγή δωρεάν"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "Ακύρωση Χρέωσης Αερίου"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "Λειτουργία: Έγκριση"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Λειτουργία: SetApprovalForAll"
"functionType": {
"message": "Τύπος Λειτουργίας"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Μη έγκυρη Μυστική Φράση Ανάκτησής"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "Μη έγκυρη εισαγωγή! Η Μυστική σας Φράση Ανάκτησης κάνει διάκριση πεζών-κεφαλαίων."
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "Πύλη IPFS"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "επαληθεύστε τα στοιχεία δικτύου",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "Σας προτείνουμε να $1 πριν συνεχίσετε.",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "Σύμφωνα με τις καταχωρήσεις μας, το όνομα δικτύου ίσως δεν ταιριάζει με το αναγνωριστικό αλυσίδας."
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "Το σύμβολο νομίσματος που υποβλήθηκε δεν ταιριάζει με αυτό που αναμενόταν για αυτό το αναγνωριστικό αλυσίδας."
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "Σύμφωνα με τις καταχωρήσεις μας, η τιμή RPC URL που υποβλήθηκε δεν ταιριάζει με κάποιον γνωστό πάροχο για αυτό το αναγνωριστικό αλυσίδας."
"missingNFT": {
"message": "Δεν βλέπετε το NFT σας;"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "Δίκτυο:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "Το δίκτυο προστέθηκε επιτυχώς!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "Λεπτομέρειες Δικτύου"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "Το Nonce είναι υψηλότερο από το προτεινόμενο nonce του $1",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "Εισάγετε το συλλεκτικό αναγνωριστικό"
@ -2154,11 +2197,21 @@
"message": "Ενεργοποίηση dark mode"
"notifications12Description": {
"message": "Το Dark Mode (σκουρόχρωμη λειτουργία) θα ενεργοποιηθεί για νέους χρήστες ανάλογα με τις προτιμήσεις του συστήματός τους. Εάν είστε ήδη χρήστης, ενεργοποιήστε τo dark mode με μη αυτόματο τρόπο στην ενότητα Ρυθμίσεις -> Πειραματικές."
"message": "Έφτασε επιτέλους το Dark Mode (σκουρόχρωμη λειτουργία)! Για να το ενεργοποιήσετε, μεταβείτε στις Ρυθμίσεις -> Πειραματικό και επιλέξτε μία από τις επιλογές εμφάνισης: Light, Dark, Σύστημα."
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "Θέλετε dark mode; Τώρα έχετε dark mode! 🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "Προβολή λίστας προσαρμοσμένων δικτύων"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "Τώρα μπορείτε να προσθέσετε εύκολα τα ακόλουθα δημοφιλή προσαρμοσμένα δίκτυα: Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Harmony, Optimism, Palm and Polygon! Για να ενεργοποιήσετε αυτήν τη λειτουργία, πηγάινετε στις Ρυθμίσεις -> Πειραματικό και ενεργοποιήστε το «Προβολή λίστας προσαρμοσμένων δικτύων»!",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "Προσθήκη Δημοφιλών Δικτύων"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "Οι χρήστες του MetaMask Mobile μπορούν τώρα να ανταλλάξουν tokens μέσα στο κινητό τους πορτοφόλι. Σαρώστε τον κωδικό QR για να πάρετε την εφαρμογή για κινητά και να αρχίσετε να ανταλλάζετε.",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Αποκάλυψη φράσης ανάκτησης"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Ανάκληση άδειας πρόσβασης σε όλα σας τα $1;",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "Με την ανάκληση της άδειας, το ακόλουθο $1 δεν θα έχει πλέον πρόσβαση στο $2 σας",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Δοκιμαστικό Δίκτυο Rinkeby"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "Αποστολή $1",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "Προειδοποίηση: πρόκειται να στείλετε ένα συμβόλαιο token το οποίο ίσως καταλήξει σε απώλεια χρημάτων. $1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "Ορίστε ρυθμίσεις απορρήτου για προχωρημένους"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "Το MetaMask χρησιμοποιεί αυτές τις αξιόπιστες υπηρεσίες τρίτων για να ενισχύσει τη χρηστικότητα και την ασφάλεια των προϊόντων."
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Ρύθμιση Έγκρισης Όλων"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "Έγκριση $1 χωρίς όριο δαπανών",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "Ρυθμίσεις"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "Επιλέξτε αυτό για να εμφανίσετε τις τιμές αερίου και να περιορίσετε τα στοιχεία ελέγχου απευθείας στις οθόνες αποστολής και επιβεβαίωσης."
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "Προβολή Λίστας Προσαρμοσμένων Δικτύων"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "Επιλέξτε αυτό για να εμφανιστεί μια λίστα δικτύων με προσυμπληρωμένα στοιχεία κατά την προσθήκη ενός νέου δικτύου."
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "Εμφάνιση Μετατροπής σε Δοκιμαστικά Δίκτυα"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "Ένα snap θα εκτελεστεί μόνο εάν είναι ενεργοποιημένο"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "Ορισμένα δίκτυα ενδέχεται να ενέχουν κινδύνους για την ασφάλεια ή/και το απόρρητο. Ενημερωθείτε για τους κινδύνους πριν προσθέσετε και χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα δίκτυο."
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "Ουπς! Κάτι πήγε στραβά."
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "Αλλαγή Δικτύων"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "Εναλλαγή σε $1",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "Εναλλαγή σε αυτόν τον λογαριασμό"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "Ουπς! Κάτι πήγε στραβά...."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "Ανώνυμη συλλογή"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Άγνωστο Ιδιωτικό Δίκτυο"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία πορτοφολιού"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "Θέλετε να προσθέσετε αυτό το δίκτυο;"
"warning": {
"message": "Προειδοποίηση"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "Ναι, ας δοκιμάσουμε"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "Προσθέσατε όλα τα δημοφιλή δίκτυα. Μπορείτε να ανακαλύψετε περισσότερα δίκτυα $1 Ή μπορείτε να \n $2",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "Πρέπει να επιτρέψετε πρόσβαση στην κάμερα για να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτήν τη λειτουργία."

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "Añadir memo"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "agregar más redes manualmente"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "Agregar red"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "Alertas"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "Todo su $1",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "Permitir que esta extensión externa haga lo siguiente:"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "Aprobar límite de gastos"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "¿Dar permiso para acceder a todo su $1?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "Aprobar e instalar"
@ -438,7 +449,7 @@
"message": "Comprar $1 con Wyre"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Acceso fácil a transacciones de $ 1,000 o menos con verificación rápida y efectiva. Aceptamos tarjetas débito, crédito, Apple Pay y transferencias bancarias en más de 100 países. Tokens serán depósitados en su MetaMask."
"message": "Acceso fácil a compras de hasta $1,000. Verificación interactiva rápida de compra de límite alto. Acepta tarjeta de débito/crédito, Apple Pay y transferencias bancarias. Disponible para más de 100 países. Los tokens se depositarán en su cuenta MetaMask"
"bytes": {
"message": "Bytes"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "Para $1 una transacción, la tarifa de gas debe aumentar al menos un 10% para que sea reconocida por la red.",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "Cancelar el swap por ~$1",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "Cancelar el swap gratuitamente"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "Cuota de gas por cancelación"
@ -650,7 +668,7 @@
"message": "Interacción con el contrato"
"convertTokenToNFTDescription": {
"message": "Hemos detectado que este activo es un NFT. MetaMask ahora tiene soporte nativo completo para NFTs. ¿Quieres eliminarlo de tu lista de tokens y añadirlo como un NFT?"
"message": "Hemos detectado que este activo es un NFT. MetaMask ahora tiene soporte nativo completo para NFT. ¿Quiere eliminarlo de su lista de tokens y añadirlo como un NFT?"
"convertTokenToNFTExistDescription": {
"message": "Hemos detectado que este recurso se ha agregado como NFT. ¿Quiere eliminarlo de su lista de tokens?"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "Función: Aprobar"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Función: SetApprovalForAll"
"functionType": {
"message": "Tipo de función"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Frase secreta de recuperación no válida"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "¡Entrada inválida! La frase secreta de recuperación distingue entre mayúsculas y minúsculas."
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "Puerta de enlace de IPFS"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "verifique los detalles de la red",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "Recomendamos que usted $1 antes de proceder.",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "Según nuestros registros, es posible que el nombre de la red no coincida correctamente con este ID de cadena."
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "El símbolo de moneda enviado no coincide con lo que esperamos para este ID de cadena."
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "Según nuestros registros, el valor de la URL de RPC enviado no coincide con un proveedor conocido para este ID de cadena."
"missingNFT": {
"message": "¿No ve su NFT?"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "Red:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "¡Red añadida exitosamente!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "Detalles de la red"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "El nonce es superior al nonce sugerido de $1",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "Ingresa el ID del token"
@ -2154,11 +2197,21 @@
"message": "Habilitar modo oscuro"
"notifications12Description": {
"message": "¡El modo oscuro en Extension finalmente está aquí! Para encenderlo, vaya a Configuración -> Experimental y seleccione una de las opciones de visualización: Claro, Oscuro, Sistema."
"message": "¡El modo oscuro en Extensión finalmente está aquí! Para activarlo, vaya a Configuración -> Experimental y seleccione una de las opciones de visualización: Claro, Oscuro, Sistema."
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "¿Cuándo estará disponible el modo oscuro? ¡Ahora! 🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "Mostrar lista de redes personalizadas"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "Ahora puede agregar fácilmente las siguientes redes personalizadas populares: Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Harmony, Optimism, Palm y Polygon. Para habilitar esta función, vaya a Configuración -> Experimental y ¡active \"Mostrar lista de redes personalizadas\"!",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "Añadir redes populares"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "Los usuarios de la aplicación móvil de MetaMask ahora pueden canjear tokens en su cartera móvil. Escanee el código QR para obtener la aplicación móvil y comience a canjear.",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Revelar frase semilla"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "¿Revocar permiso para acceder a todo su $1?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "Al revocar permisos, el/la siguiente $1 no tendrá más acceso a su $2",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Red de prueba Rinkeby"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "Enviando $1",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "Advertencia: está a punto de enviar un contrato de token que podría dar lugar a una pérdida de fondos. $1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "Configuración avanzada de privacidad"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "MetaMask utiliza estos servicios de terceros de confianza para mejorar la usabilidad y la seguridad de los productos."
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Establecer aprobación para todos"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "Aprobar $1 sin límite preestablecido",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "Configuración"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "Seleccione esta opción para mostrar el precio del gas y limitar los controles directamente en las pantallas de envío y confirmación."
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "Mostrar lista de redes personalizadas"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "Seleccione esto para mostrar una lista de redes con detalles precargados al agregar una red nueva."
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "Mostrar conversión en redes de prueba"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "Un complemento solo se ejecutará si está habilitado"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "Algunas redes pueden presentar riesgos de seguridad y/o privacidad. Comprenda los riesgos antes de agregar y utilizar una red."
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "Lo lamentamos, se produjo un error."
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "Cambiar redes"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "Cambiar a $1",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "Cambiar a esta cuenta"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "Lo lamentamos, se produjo un error…"
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "Colección sin nombre"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Red privada desconocida"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "Creación exitosa de la cartera"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "¿Desea añadir esta red?"
"warning": {
"message": "Advertencia"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "Sí, intentémoslo"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "Ha agregado todas las redes populares. Puede descubrir más redes $1 o puede $2",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "Necesita permitir el acceso a la cámara para usar esta función."

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "Ajouter un mémo"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "ajouter manuellement dautres réseaux"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "Ajouter un réseau"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "Alertes"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "Tous vos $1",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "Autoriser cette extension externe à :"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "Approuver"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Donner lautorisation daccéder à tous vos $1 ?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "Approuver et installer"
@ -438,7 +449,7 @@
"message": "Acheter des $1 avec Wyre"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Wyre vous permet dutiliser une carte de crédit pour déposer des $1 directement sur votre compte MetaMask."
"message": "Intégration facile pour les achats à hauteur de 1000 $. Vérification interactive et rapide des achats pour les comptes qui bénéficient dun plafond de paiement élevé. Prise en charge des cartes de débit/crédit, dApple Pay et des virements bancaires. Disponible dans plus de 100 pays. Dépôt de jetons sur votre compte MetaMask."
"bytes": {
"message": "Octets"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "Pour $1 la transaction, les gas fees doivent être augmentés dau moins 10 % pour être reconnus par le réseau.",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "Annuler le swap pour ~$1",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "Annuler le swap gratuitement"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "Frais dannulation de carburant"
@ -650,7 +668,7 @@
"message": "Interaction avec un contrat"
"convertTokenToNFTDescription": {
"message": "Nous avons détecté que cet actif est un NFT. MetaMask prend désormais nativement en charge les NFT. Voulez-vous le retirer de votre liste de tokens et lajouter comme un NFT ?"
"message": "Nous avons détecté que cet actif est un NFT. MetaMask prend désormais nativement en charge les NFT. Voulez-vous le retirer de votre liste de jetons et lajouter en tant que NFT ?"
"convertTokenToNFTExistDescription": {
"message": "Nous avons détecté que cet actif a été ajouté en tant que NFT. Souhaitez-vous le retirer de votre liste de tokens ?"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "Fonction: approuver"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Fonction : SetApprovalForAll"
"functionType": {
"message": "Type de fonction"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Phrase secrète de récupération invalide"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "Entrée invalide ! La phrase secrète de récupération est sensible à la casse."
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "Passerelle IPFS"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "vérifier les détails du réseau",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "Nous vous recommandons de $1 avant de continuer.",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "Selon nos informations, le nom du réseau peut ne pas correspondre exactement à l'ID de la chaîne."
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "Le symbole monétaire soumis ne correspond à cet ID de chaîne."
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "Selon nos informations, la valeur de l'URL RPC soumise ne correspond pas à un fournisseur connu pour cet ID de chaîne."
"missingNFT": {
"message": "Vous ne voyez pas votre NFT?"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "Réseau :"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "Réseau ajouté avec succès !"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "Détails du réseau"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "Le nonce est supérieur au nonce suggéré de $1",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "Saisissez lID du collectible"
@ -2154,11 +2197,21 @@
"message": "Activer le mode sombre"
"notifications12Description": {
"message": "Le mode sombre sera activé pour les nouveaux utilisateurs en fonction de leurs préférences système. Les utilisateurs existants peuvent activer manuellement le mode sombre dans Paramètres -> Expérimental."
"message": "Le mode sombre est enfin disponible pour lextension ! Pour changer le mode d'affichage, allez dans « Paramètres » -> « Expérimental » et sélectionnez lune des options suivantes : Clair, Sombre, Système."
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "Mode sombre, quand ? Mode sombre maintenant ! 🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "Afficher la liste des réseaux personnalisés"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter facilement les réseaux personnalisés populaires suivants : Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Harmony, Optimism, Palm et Polygon ! Pour activer cette fonctionnalité, allez dans Paramètres -> Expérimental et activez « Afficher la liste des réseaux personnalisés » !",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "Ajouter des réseaux populaires"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "Les utilisateurs de MetaMask Mobile peuvent désormais échanger des jetons dans leur portefeuille mobile. Scannez le code QR pour obtenir lapplication mobile et commencez à échanger.",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Révéler la phrase mnémonique"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Révoquer l'autorisation d'accéder à tous vos $1 ?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "En révoquant cette autorisation, les $1 suivants ne pourront plus accéder à vos $2. ",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Réseau de test Rinkeby"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "Envoi de $1",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "Attention : vous êtes sur le point d'envoyer des jetons à l'adresse d'un contrat de jetons qui pourrait entraîner une perte de fonds. $1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "Définir des paramètres de confidentialité avancés"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "MetaMask utilise ces services tiers de confiance pour améliorer la convivialité et la sécurité des produits."
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Définir l'approbation pour tous"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "Approuver $1 sans limite de dépenses",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "Paramètres"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "Sélectionnez cette option pour afficher le prix du carburant et les contrôles des limites directement sur les écrans denvoi et de confirmation."
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "Afficher la liste des réseaux personnalisés"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "Sélectionnez cette option pour afficher une liste de réseaux dont ladresse est préremplie lorsque vous ajoutez un nouveau réseau."
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "Afficher la conversion sur Testnets"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "Un snap ne sexécute que sil est activé"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "Certains réseaux peuvent présenter des risques pour la sécurité et/ou la vie privée. Informez-vous sur les risques avant dajouter et dutiliser un réseau."
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "Oups ! Quelque chose a mal tourné. "
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "Changer de réseau"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "Passer à $1",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "Basculer vers ce compte"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "Oups ! Il y a eu un problème...."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "Collection sans nom"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Réseau privé inconnu"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "Portefeuille créé avec succès"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "Voulez-vous ajouter ce réseau ?"
"warning": {
"message": "Avertissement"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "Oui, essayons"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "Vous avez ajouté tous les réseaux populaires. Vous pouvez découvrir dautres réseaux $1 ou $2",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "Vous devez autoriser laccès à votre appareil pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité."

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "मेमो जोड़ें"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "मैन्युअल रूप से अधिक नेटवर्क जोड़ें"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "नेटवर्क जोड़ें"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "चेतावनियां"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "आपके सभी $1",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "इस बाहरी एक्सटेंशन को इसकी अनुमति दें:"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "खर्च सीमा अनुमोदित करें"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "आपके सभी $1 को एक्सेस करने के लिए अनुमति दें",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "स्वीकृति दें और इंस्टॉल करें"
@ -435,10 +446,10 @@
"description": "$1 represents the crypto symbol to be purchased"
"buyWithWyre": {
"message": "Wyre के जरिए $1 खरीदें"
"message": "Wyre के साथ $1 खरीदें"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Wyre आपको अपने MetaMask खाते में $1 जमा करने के लिए डेबिट कार्ड का उपयोग करने की सुविधा देता है।"
"message": "$1000 तक की खरीदारी के लिए आसान ऑनबोर्डिंग। तेज़ इंटरैक्टिव उच्च सीमा खरीद सत्यापन। डेबिट / क्रेडिट कार्ड, ऐप्पल पे, बैंक ट्रांसफर का समर्थन करता है। 100+ देशों में उपलब्ध है। टोकन आपके मेटामास्क खाते में जमा होते हैं"
"bytes": {
"message": "बाइट"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "किसी लेनदेन को $1 करने के लिए गैस शुल्क में कम से कम 10% की वृद्धि की जानी चाहिए ताकि उसे नेटवर्क द्वारा मान्यता मिल सके।",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "~$1 में स्वैप रद्द करें",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "मुफ्त में स्वैप रद्द करें"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "रद्दीकरण गैस शुल्क"
@ -650,7 +668,7 @@
"message": "अनुबंध इंटरैक्शन"
"convertTokenToNFTDescription": {
"message": "हमने पाया है कि ये एसेट एक एनएफटी है। MetaMask के पास अब एनएफटी के लिए पूर्ण स्थानीय सपोर्ट है। क्या आप इसे अपनी टोकन सूची से हटाना चाहते हैं और इसे एनएफटी के रूप में जोड़ना चाहते हैं?"
"message": "हमने पाया है कि यह संपत्ति एक एनएफटी है। मेटामास्क के पास अब एनएफटी के लिए पूर्ण देशी समर्थन है। क्या आप इसे अपनी टोकन सूची से हटाना चाहते हैं और इसे एनएफटी के रूप में जोड़ना चाहते हैं?"
"convertTokenToNFTExistDescription": {
"message": "हमने पाया है कि इस एसेट को एक एनएफटी के रूप में जोड़ा गया है। क्या आप इसे अपनी टोकन सूची से हटाना चाहते हैं?"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "फंक्शन: अनुमोदित करें"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "कार्य: सभी के लिए स्वीकृति सेट करें"
"functionType": {
"message": "फंक्शन का प्रकार"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "अमान्य गुप्त रिकवरी फ्रेज"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "अमान्य निवेश! गुप्त पुनर्प्राप्ति वाक्यांश केस संवेदी है।"
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "IPFS गेटवे"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "नेटवर्क विवरण सत्यापित करें",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "हम सिफ़ारिश करते हैं कि आगे बढ़ने से पहले आप $1 करें।",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "हमारे रिकॉर्ड के अनुसार, नेटवर्क का नाम इस चेन आईडी से ठीक से मेल नहीं खा सकता है।"
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "सबमिट किया गया मुद्रा संकेत इस चेन आईडी के लिए हमारी अपेक्षा से मेल नहीं खाता।"
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "हमारे रिकॉर्ड के अनुसार, सबमिट किया गया RPC URL मान इस चेन आईडी के किसी ज्ञात प्रोवाइडर से मेल नहीं खाता।"
"missingNFT": {
"message": "अपना NFT नहीं देख रहे हैं?"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "नेटवर्क:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "नेटवर्क सफलतापूर्वक जोड़ा गया!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "नेटवर्क विवरण"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "नॉन्स $1 के सुझाए गए नॉन्स से अधिक है",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "एनएफटी"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "संग्रहणीय ID दर्ज करें"
@ -2154,11 +2197,21 @@
"message": "डार्क मोड सक्षम करें"
"notifications12Description": {
"message": "नए उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए उनकी सिस्टम प्राथमिकताओं के आधार पर डार्क मोड सक्षम किया जाएगा। मौजूदा उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए, सेटिंग->एक्सपेरिमेंटल के नीचे मैन्युअल रूप से डार्क मोड सक्षम करें।"
"message": "एक्सटेंशन पर डार्क मोड आखिरकार आ गया है! इसे चालू करने के लिए, सेटिंग -> प्रायोगिक पर जाएं और प्रदर्शन विकल्पों में से एक का चयन करें: लाइट, डार्क, सिस्टम।"
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "वेन डार्क मोड? अब डार्क मोड! 🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "कस्टम नेटवर्क सूची दिखाएं"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "अब आप निम्नलिखित लोकप्रिय कस्टम नेटवर्क्स आसानी से जोड़ सकते हैं: आर्बिट्रम, एवलांश, बिनेंस स्मार्ट चेन, फैंटम, हार्मनी, ऑप्टिमिज़्म, पाम एंड पॉलीगॉन! इस फ़ीचर को एनेबल करने के लिए, सेटिंग्स ->एक्सपेरिमेंटल पर जाएं और \"शो कस्टम नेटवर्क लिस्ट\" ऑन करें!",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "लोकप्रिय नेटवर्क्स जोड़ें"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "MetaMask Mobile उपयोगकर्ता अब अपने मोबाइल वॉलेट के अंदर टोकन स्वैप कर सकते हैं। मोबाइल ऐप प्राप्त करने के लिए QR कोड को स्कैन करें और स्वैप करना शुरू करें।",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2255,11 +2308,11 @@
"message": "सूचनाएं"
"notificationsInfos": {
"message": "$1 से $2",
"message": "$1 को $2 से",
"description": "$1 is the date at which the notification has been dispatched and $2 is the link to the snap that dispatched the notification."
"notificationsMarkAllAsRead": {
"message": "सभी को पढ़ा हुआ मार्क करें"
"message": "सभी को पढ़ा हुआ चिन्हित करें"
"numberOfNewTokensDetected": {
"message": "इस खाते में $1 के नए टोकन पाए गए",
@ -2646,7 +2699,7 @@
"message": "आगे बढ़ने से पहले ये सुनिश्चित करें कि आप सही सीक्रेट रिकवरी फ़्रेज़ का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं। इसे आप अनडू नहीं कर पाएंगे।"
"restartMetamask": {
"message": "मेटामास्क को पुनरारंभ करें"
"message": "MetaMask को फिर से शुरू करें"
"restore": {
"message": "पुनर्स्थापित करें"
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "सीड फ़्रेज़ दिखाएं"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "अपने सभी $1 को एक्सेस करने की अनुमति निरस्त करें?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "अनुमति निरस्त करने से, निम्नलिखित $1 अब आपके $2 को एक्सेस नहीं कर सकेगा",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Rinkeby टेस्ट नेटवर्क"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "$1 भेजा जा रहा है",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "चेतावनी: आप एक टोकन अनुबंध को भेजने वाले हैं जिसके परिणामस्वरूप धन की हानि हो सकती है। $1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "एडवांस गोपनीयता सेटिंग्स निर्धारित करें"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "MetaMask उत्पाद की उपयोगिता और सुरक्षा को बढ़ाने के लिए इन विश्वसनीय तीसरे-पक्ष की सेवाओं का उपयोग करता है।"
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "सभी के लिए स्वीकृति सेट करें"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "बिना किसी खर्च सीमा के $1 स्वीकृत करें",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "सेटिंग"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "गैस मूल्य और सीमा नियंत्रण को सीधे भेजने और पुष्टि करने की स्क्रीन पर दिखाने के लिए इसका चयन करें।"
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "कस्टम नेटवर्क की सूची दिखाएं"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "नया नेटवर्क जोड़ते समय पहले से भरे हुए विवरण वाले नेटवर्कों की सूची दिखाने के लिए इसे चुनें।"
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "टेस्ट नेटवर्क पर रूपांतरण दिखाएं"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "कोई स्नैप तभी चलेगा जब उसे सक्षम किया गया हो"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "कुछ नेटवर्क सुरक्षा और/या गोपनीयता संबंधी जोखिम पैदा कर सकते हैं। नेटवर्क जोड़ने और उपयोग करने से पहले जोखिमों को समझें।"
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "ओह! कुछ गलत हो गया।"
@ -3164,10 +3245,10 @@
"message": "स्मार्ट लेनदेन अनुपलब्ध होने पर भी आप अपने टोकनों को स्वैप कर सकते हैं।"
"stxPendingPrivatelySubmittingSwap": {
"message": "आपका स्वैप निजी रूप से भेजा जा रहा है..."
"message": "आपका स्वैप निजी रूप से सबमिट किया जा रहा है..."
"stxPendingPubliclySubmittingSwap": {
"message": "आपका स्वैप सार्वजनिक रूप से भेजा जा रहा है..."
"message": "आपका स्वैप सार्वजनिक रूप से सबमिट किया जा रहा है..."
"stxSubDescription": {
"message": "* स्मार्ट लेनदेन आपके लेनदेन को निजी तौर पर, अनेक बार जमा करने का प्रयास करेंगे। यदि सभी प्रयास विफल हो जाते हैं, तो लेनदेन को सार्वजनिक रूप से प्रसारित किया जाएगा ताकि यह सुनिश्चित हो सके कि आपका स्वैप सफलतापूर्वक पूरा हो।"
@ -3180,7 +3261,7 @@
"description": "$1 is a token symbol, e.g. ETH"
"stxSwapCompleteIn": {
"message": "स्वैप < में पूरा होगा",
"message": "स्वैप पूरा होने में शेष समय <",
"description": "'<' means 'less than', e.g. Swap will complete in < 2:59"
"stxTooltip": {
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "नेटवर्क स्विच करें"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "$1 पर स्विच करें",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "इस खाते पर स्विच करें"
@ -3805,7 +3890,7 @@
"description": "$1 is the wallet device name; $2 is a link to wallet connection guide"
"troubleStarting": {
"message": "मेटामास्क को शुरू करने में दिक्कत हुई। यह त्रुटि रुक-रुक कर हो सकती है, इसलिए एक्सटेंशन को पुनरारंभ करने का प्रयास करें।"
"message": "MetaMask को शुरू करने में परेशानी आई। यह त्रुटि रुक-रुक कर हो सकती है, इसलिए एक्सटेंशन को फिर से शुरू करके देखें।"
"troubleTokenBalances": {
"message": "हमें आपके टोकन की शेषराशि लोड करने में परेशानी हुई। आप उन्हें देख सकते हैं ",
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "ओह! कुछ गलत हो गया...."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "अनाम संग्रह"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "अज्ञात निजी नेटवर्क"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "वॉलेट का निर्माण सफल हुआ"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "इस नेटवर्क को जोड़ना चाहते हैं?"
"warning": {
"message": "चेतावनी"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "हां, आइए आजमाते हैं"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "आपने सभी लोकप्रिय नेटवर्क जोड़ लिए हैं। आप अधिक नेटवर्क खोज सकते हैं $1 या आप $2 कर सकते हैं",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "आपको इस सुविधा का उपयोग करने के लिए कैमरे तक पहुंच की अनुमति देने की आवश्यकता है।"

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "Tambahkan memo"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "tambahkan jaringan secara manual"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "Tambahkan Jaringan"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "Peringatan"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "Seluruh $1 Anda",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "Izinkan ekstensi eksternal ini untuk:"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "Setujui batas penggunaan"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Berikan izin untuk mengakses seluruh $1 Anda?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "Setujui & Instal"
@ -438,7 +449,7 @@
"message": "Beli $1 dengan Wyre"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Wyre memungkinkan Anda menggunakan kartu debit untuk menyetorkan ETH langsung di akun MetaMask Anda."
"message": "Orientasi mudah untuk pembelian hingga $ 1000. Verifikasi pembelian limit tinggi interaktif yang cepat. Mendukung Kartu Debit/Kredit, Apple Pay, Transfer Bank. Tersedia di 100+ negara. Token disetor ke Akun MetaMask Anda"
"bytes": {
"message": "Byte"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "Untuk $1 suatu transaksi, biaya gas harus dinaikkan minimal 10% agar dapat dikenali oleh jaringan.",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "Batalkan swap untuk ~$1",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "Batalkan swap gratis"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "Biaya Pembatalan Gas"
@ -650,7 +668,7 @@
"message": "Interaksi Kontrak"
"convertTokenToNFTDescription": {
"message": "Kami mendeteksi bahwa aset ini merupakan NFT. Kini MetaMask memiliki dukungan asli penuh untuk NFT. Anda ingin menghapusnya dari daftar token dan menambahkannya sebagai NFT?"
"message": "Kami mendeteksi bahwa aset ini merupakan NFT. Kini MetaMask memiliki dukungan asli penuh untuk NFT. Ingin menghapusnya dari daftar token dan menambahkannya sebagai NFT?"
"convertTokenToNFTExistDescription": {
"message": "Kami mendeteksi bahwa aset ini telah ditambahkan sebagai NFT. Anda ingin menghapusnya dari daftar token?"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "Fungsi: Setujui"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Fungsi: SetApprovalForAll"
"functionType": {
"message": "Jenis Fungsi"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Frasa Pemulihan Rahasia Tidak Valid"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "Masukan tidak valid! Frasa Pemulihan Rahasia peka terhadap huruf besar/kecil."
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "Gateway IPFS"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "memverifikasi detail jaringan",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "Kami menyarankan agar Anda $1 sebelum melanjutkan.",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "Menurut catatan kami, nama jaringan mungkin tidak sepenuhnya sesuai dengan ID rantai ini."
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "Simbol mata uang yang dikirimkan tidak sesuai dengan yang kami harapkan untuk ID rantai ini."
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "Menurut catatan kami, nilai URL RPC yang dikirimkan tidak sesuai dengan penyedia yang dikenal untuk ID rantai ini."
"missingNFT": {
"message": "Tidak melihat NFT Anda?"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "Jaringan:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "Jaringan berhasil ditambahkan!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "Detail Jaringan"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "Nonce lebih tinggi dari nonce $1 yang disarankan",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "Masukkan ID koleksi"
@ -2154,11 +2197,21 @@
"message": "Aktifkan mode gelap"
"notifications12Description": {
"message": "Mode Gelap akan diaktifkan untuk pengguna baru tergantung preferensi sistem mereka. Untuk pengguna lama, aktifkan Mode Gelap secara manual di bawah Pengaturan -> Eksperimental."
"message": "Mode gelap pada Ekstensi akhirnya hadir! Untuk menyalakannya, buka Pengaturan -> Eksperimental dan pilih salah satu opsi tampilan: Terang, Gelap, Sistem."
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "Kapan mode gelap? Ini saatnya mode gelap! ️🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "Tampilkan daftar jaringan khusus"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "Kini Anda dapat menambahkan jaringan khusus populer berikut dengan mudah: Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Harmony, Optimism, Palm, dan Polygon! Untuk mengaktifkan fitur ini, buka Pengaturan -> Eksperimental dan aktifkan \"Tampilkan daftar jaringan khusus\"!",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "Tambahkan Jaringan Populer"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "Pengguna MetaMask Mobile kini bisa menukar token di dalam dompet seluler mereka. Pindai kode QR untuk mendapatkan aplikasi seluler dan mulai menukar.",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Ungkap frasa seed"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Cabut izin untuk mengakses seluruh $1 Anda?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "Dengan mencabut izin, $1 berikut tidak lagi dapat mengakses $2 Anda",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Jaringan Uji Rinkeby"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "Mengirim $1",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "Peringatan: Anda akan mengirim kontrak token yang berpotensi mengakibatkan hilangnya dana. $1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "Atur pengaturan privasi lanjutan"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "MetaMask menggunakan layanan pihak ketiga tepercaya ini untuk meningkatkan kegunaan dan keamanan produk."
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Atur Persetujuan untuk Semua"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "Setujui $1 tanpa batas penggunaan",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "Pengaturan"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "Pilih ini untuk menampilkan biaya gas dan kontrol batas secara langsung di layar kirim dan konfirmasi."
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "Tampilkan Daftar Jaringan Khusus"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "Pilih ini untuk menampilkan daftar jaringan dengan detail yang telah diisi saat menambahkan jaringan baru."
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "Tampilkan Konversi di Testnet"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "Snap hanya akan beroperasi jika diaktifkan"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "Beberapa jaringan dapat menimbulkan risiko keamanan dan/atau privasi. Pahami risikonya sebelum menambahkan & menggunakan jaringan."
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "Ups! Ada yang salah."
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "Beralih Jaringan"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "Beralih ke $1",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "Beralih ke akun ini"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "Ups! Ada yang salah..."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "Koleksi tanpa nama"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Jaringan Privat Tidak Dikenal"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "Dompet berhasil dibuat"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "Ingin menambahkan jaringan ini?"
"warning": {
"message": "Peringatan"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "Ya, mari kita coba"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "Anda telah menambahkan semua jaringan populer. Anda dapat menemukan lebih banyak jaringan $1 atau dapat $2",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "Anda harus mengizinkan akses kamera untuk menggunakan fitur ini."

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "メモを追加"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "他のネットワークを手動で追加"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "ネットワークを追加"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "アラート"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "すべての $1",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "この外部拡張機能に次の操作を許可します"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "使用限度額の承認"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "すべての $1 へのアクセスを許可しますか?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "承認してインストール"
@ -435,10 +446,10 @@
"description": "$1 represents the crypto symbol to be purchased"
"buyWithWyre": {
"message": "Wyreで $1 を購入"
"message": "Wyreで$1を購入"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Wyreを使用すると、デビット カードを使用して、$1 をMetaMaskアカウントに直接デポジットできます。"
"message": "簡単なオンボーディングプロセスで最高 $ 1000 購入可能。迅速かつインタラクティブな高限度額の購入検証。デビット・クレジットカード、Apple Pay、銀行送金に対応。100か国以上で利用可能。トークンは MetaMask アカウントに入金されます。"
"bytes": {
"message": "バイト"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "トランザクションを$1するには、ネットワークに認識されるようにガス代を 10% 以上増額する必要があります。",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "$1 以下でスワップをキャンセル",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "無料でスワップをキャンセル"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "キャンセルのガス代"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "機能: 承認"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "関数: SetApprovalForAll"
"functionType": {
"message": "機能の種類"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "無効なシークレットリカバリーフレーズ"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "入力値が無効です!秘密のリカバリーフレーズは大文字・小文字が区別されます。"
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "IPFSゲートウェイ"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "ネットワークの詳細の確認",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "先に進む前に$1をお勧めします。",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "弊社の記録によると、ネットワーク名がこのチェーン ID と正しく一致していない可能性があります。"
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "送信された通貨記号がこのチェーン ID に関して予想されるものと一致していません。"
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "弊社の記録によると、送信された RPC URL の値がこのチェーン ID の既知のプロバイダーと一致しません。"
"missingNFT": {
"message": "NFTが見当たりませんか"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "ネットワーク:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "ネットワークが追加されました!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "ネットワークの詳細"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "ナンスが提案され$1よりも大きいです",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "コレクティブルIDを入力してください"
@ -2154,11 +2197,21 @@
"message": "ダークモードを有効にする"
"notifications12Description": {
"message": "新規ユーザーの場合、システム設定に従ってダークモードが有効になります。既存のユーザーは、設定 -> 実験的機能で、ダークモードを手動で有効にできます。"
"message": "拡張機能のダークモードがついに追加されました!オンにするには、設定 - 実験的機能の順に移動し、ライト、ダーク、システムの表示オプションから一つを選択してください。"
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "いつダークモードに?今ダークモードです!🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "カスタムネットワークリストを表示"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "人気のカスタムネットワークArbitrum、Avalanche、Binance Smart Chain、Fantom、Harmony、Optimism、Palm、Polygonが簡単に追加できるようになりましたこの機能を有効にするには、設定 -> 実験的機能に移動し、「カスタムネットワークリストを表示」をオンにしてください!",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "人気のネットワークを追加"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "MetaMask Mobileのユーザーが、モバイルウォレット内でトークンを交換できるようになりました。QRコードをスキャンしてモバイルアプリを取得し、スワップを開始します。",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "シードフレーズを表示"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "すべての $1 へのアクセス許可を取り消しますか?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "アクセス許可を取り消すと、次の $1 が今後 $2 にアクセスできなくなります",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Rinkebyテストネットワーク"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "$1を送信中",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "警告: 資金の喪失に繋がる可能性のあるトークンコントラクトに送信しようとしています。$1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "高度なプライバシー設定を設定"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "MetaMaskはこれらの信頼できるサードパーティーサービスを使用して、製品の使いやすさと安全性を向上させています。"
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "すべてを承認に設定"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "使用限度額なしで $1 を承認",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "設定"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "これを選択すると、ガス代と限度額のコントロールが送金画面と確認画面に直接表示されます。"
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "カスタムネットワークリストを表示"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "新規ネットワークの追加時に事前に情報が入力済みのネットワークのリストを表示するには、これを選択します。"
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "テストネット上に変換を表示"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "スナップは有効になっている場合にのみ実行されます"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "ネットワークによっては、セキュリティやプライバシーの面でリスクが伴う可能性があります。ネットワークを追加・使用する前にリスクを理解するようにしてください。"
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "申し訳ありません。問題が発生しました。"
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "ネットワークを切り替える"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "$1 に切り替える",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "このアカウントに切り替える"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "申し訳ありません。問題が発生しました..."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "無名のコレクション"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "不明なプライベートネットワーク"
@ -3962,7 +4050,7 @@
"description": "$1 is the action type. e.g (Account, Transaction, Swap)"
"visitWebSite": {
"message": "弊社Webサイトにアクセス"
"message": "弊社 Web サイトにアクセス"
"walletConnectionGuide": {
"message": "弊社のハードウェアウォレット接続ガイド"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "ウォレットが作成されました"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "このネットワークを追加しますか?"
"warning": {
"message": "警告"
@ -4049,11 +4140,15 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "はい、やってみます"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "すべての人気ネットワークを追加しました。$1で他のネットワークを発見するか、$2できます。",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "この機能を使用するには、カメラへのアクセスを許可する必要があります。"
"youSign": {
"message": "名しています"
"message": "名しています"
"yourPrivateSeedPhrase": {
"message": "秘密のシークレットリカバリーフレーズ"

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "메모 추가"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "네트워크 직접 추가"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "네트워크 추가"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "경고"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "내 $1 모두",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "이 외부 확장을 통해 다음을 허용:"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "지출 한도 승인"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "내 모든 $1에 액세스할 수 있는 권한을 부여할까요?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "승인 및 설치"
@ -438,7 +449,7 @@
"message": "Wyre로 $1 구매"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Wyre를 사용하면 체크카드를 이용하여 $1 를 MetaMask 계정에 바로 예치할 수 있습니다."
"message": "최대 $ 1000 구매까지 간편한 온보딩. 신속한 대화형 상한 구매 확인. 직불/신용 카드, Apple Pay, 은행 송금 지원. 100여국 이상에서 사용 가능. MetaMask 계정으로 토큰 입금"
"bytes": {
"message": "바이트"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "거래를 $1하려면 가스비를 최소 10%를 인상해야 네트워크에서 인식될 수 있습니다.",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "~$1 비용으로 스왑 취소",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "무료로 스왑 취소"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "가스 수수료 취소"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "기능: 승인"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "기능: 모두승인설정"
"functionType": {
"message": "기능 유형"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "잘못된 비밀 복구 구문"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "입력 오류! 비밀 복구 구문은 대소문자를 구분해야 합니다."
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "IPFS 게이트웨이"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "네트워크 세부 정보 검증",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "계속 진행하기 전에 $1 확인을 권합니다.",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "기록에 따르면 네트워크 이름이 이 체인 ID와 일치하지 않는 것 같습니다."
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "제출하신 환율 기호가 이 체인 ID의 환율과 일치하지 않습니다."
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "기록에 따르면 제출하신 RPC URL 값이 이 체인 ID에 대해 알려진 공급업체와 일치하지 않습니다."
"missingNFT": {
"message": "NFT가 보이지 않나요?"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "네트워크:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "성공적으로 네트워크를 추가했습니다!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "네트워크 세부 정보"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "임시값이 권장 임시값인 $1보다 큽니다.",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT\n"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "수집 가능한 ID를 입력하세요."
@ -2154,11 +2197,21 @@
"message": "다크모드 활성화"
"notifications12Description": {
"message": "신규 사용자의 경우 시스템 설정에 따라 다크모드가 활성화됩니다. 기존의 사용자는 설정 -> 실험에서 직접 다크 모드를 활성화해야 합니다."
"message": "다크모드가 마침내 활성화되었습니다! 설정(Settings) -> 시험 기능(Experimental)으로 이동하여 라이트, 다크, 시스템 중 선택하세요."
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "다크모드를 원하세요? 이제 다크모드를 사용하세요! 🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "사용자 정의 네트워크 목록 보기"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "이제 Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Harmony, Optimism, Palm 및 Polygon과 같은 인기 있는 사용자 정의 네트워크를 쉽게 추가할 수 있습니다! 이 기능을 활성화하려면 설정 -> 실험으로 이동하여 \"사용자 지정 네트워크 목록 표시\"를 켜세요!",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "인기 네트워크 추가"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "MetaMask 모바일 사용자는 이제 모바일 지갑에서 토큰을 스왑할 수 있습니다. QR 코드를 스캔하여 모바일 앱을 설치하고 스왑을 시작하세요.",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "시드 구문 보기"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "내 모든 $1에 액세스할 수 있는 권한을 취소할까요?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "권한을 취소하면 다음 $1의 $2 권한은 더 이상 유효하지 않습니다",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Rinkeby 테스트 네트워크"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "$1 보내기",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "경고: 토큰 주소를 전송하면 토큰이 손실될 수 있습니다. $1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "개인정보 설정 고급 지정"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "이와 같이 MetaMask는 신용있는 타사의 서비스를 사용하여 제품 가용성과 안전성을 향상합니다."
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "모두 승인 설정"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "$1 무제한 지출 승인",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "설정"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "이 항목을 선택하면 보내기 및 확인 화면에서 바로 가스 가격과 한도 조절을 확인할 수 있습니다."
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "사용자 정의 네트워크 보기"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "이를 선택하면 새로 네트워크를 추가할 때 네트워크 목록에 상세 설명이 함께 나타납니다."
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "테스트넷에 전환 표시"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "스냅은 활성화된 상태에서만 작동합니다."
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "네트워크에 따라 보안이나 개인 정보 유출의 위험이 있을 수 있습니다. 네트워크 추가 및 사용 이전에 위험 요소를 파악하세요."
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "죄송합니다! 문제가 생겼습니다."
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "네트워크 전환"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "$1 네트워크로 전환",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "이 계정으로 전환"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "죄송합니다! 문제가 생겼습니다...."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "제목 미지정 콜렉션"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "알 수 없는 비공개 네트워크"
@ -3962,7 +4050,7 @@
"description": "$1 is the action type. e.g (Account, Transaction, Swap)"
"visitWebSite": {
"message": "당사 웹사이트 방문하기"
"message": "웹사이트를 방문하세요"
"walletConnectionGuide": {
"message": "당사의 하드웨어 지갑 연결 가이드"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "지갑 생성 성공"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "이 네트워크를 추가할까요?"
"warning": {
"message": "경고"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "예, 시도하겠습니다."
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "모든 인기 네트워크를 추가했습니다. $1에서 더 많은 네트워크를 확인하거나 $2 할 수 있습니다.",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "이 기능을 사용하려면 카메라 액세스를 허용해야 합니다."

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "Adicionar observação"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "adicionar mais redes manualmente"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "Adicionar rede"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "Alertas"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "Todos os seus $1",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "Permitir que essa extensão externa:"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "Aprovar"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Dar permissão para acessar todos os seus $1?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "Aprovar e instalar"
@ -435,10 +446,10 @@
"description": "$1 represents the crypto symbol to be purchased"
"buyWithWyre": {
"message": "Comprar $1 com Wyre"
"message": "Comprar $1 com o Wyre"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Com o Wyre, você pode usar um cartão de débito para depositar $1 diretamente na sua conta da MetaMask."
"message": "Integração fácil para compras de até US$ 1.000. Verificação de compra de alto limite rápida e interativa. Aceita cartão de crédito/débito, Apple Pay, transferências bancárias. Disponível em mais de 100 países. Depósito de tokens em sua conta na MetaMask"
"bytes": {
"message": "Bytes"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "Para $1 uma transação, a taxa de gás deve ser aumentada em pelo menos 10% para que seja reconhecida pela rede.",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "Cancelar swap por ~$1",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "Cancelar swap gratuitamente"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "Taxa de gás por cancelamento"
@ -650,7 +668,7 @@
"message": "Interação com contrato"
"convertTokenToNFTDescription": {
"message": "Detectamos que esse ativo é um NFT. A MetaMask agora oferece suporte nativo a NFTs. Gostaria de removê-lo da sua lista de tokens e adicioná-lo como NFT?"
"message": "Detectamos que esse ativo é um NFT. A MetaMask agora oferece suporte nativo a NFTs. Gostaria de removê-lo de sua lista de tokens e adicioná-lo como NFT?"
"convertTokenToNFTExistDescription": {
"message": "Detectamos que esse ativo foi adicionado como NFT. Deseja removê-lo da sua lista de tokens?"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "Função: aprovar"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Função: SetApprovalForAll"
"functionType": {
"message": "Tipo de função"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Frase Secreta de Recuperação inválida"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "Entrada inválida! A frase secreta de recuperação diferencia maiúsculas e minúsculas."
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "Gateway IPFS"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "verifique os detalhes da rede",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "Recomendamos que você $1 antes de prosseguir.",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "De acordo com os nossos registros, o nome da rede pode não corresponder à ID desta cadeia."
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "O símbolo de moeda enviado não corresponde ao esperado para a ID desta cadeia."
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "De acordo com os nossos registros, o valor da URL da RPC enviado não corresponde a um provedor conhecido da ID desta cadeia."
"missingNFT": {
"message": "Não está vendo o seu NFT?"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "Ethereum:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "Rede adicionada com sucesso!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "Detalhes da rede"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "Nonce é maior que o nonce sugerido de $1",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "Insira o ID do token"
@ -2154,11 +2197,21 @@
"message": "Ativar o modo escuro"
"notifications12Description": {
"message": "O Modo Escuro será ativado para novos usuários de acordo com suas preferências de sistema. Para usuários antigos, ative o Modo Escuro manualmente em Configurações -> Experimental."
"message": "O modo escuro na extensão finalmente chegou! Para ativá-lo, acesse Configurações -> Experimental e selecione uma das opções de exibição: claro, escuro, sistema."
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "Modo escuro quando? Modo escuro agora! 🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "Exibir lista de redes personalizadas"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "Agora você pode adicionar facilmente as seguintes redes personalizadas que são populares: Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Harmony, Optimism, Palm e Polygon. Para ativar esse recurso, acesse Configurações -> Experimentais e ative \"Exibir lista de redes personalizadas\".",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "Adicionar redes populares"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "Usuários da MetaMask Mobile agora podem trocar tokens dentro de sua carteira mobile. Leia o QR code para obter o aplicativo para dispositivos móveis e comece a trocar.",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Revelar a frase de recuperação"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Revogar permissão de acesso a todos os seus $1?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "Ao revogar a permissão, o $1 a seguir não terá mais acesso ao seu $2",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Rede de Teste Rinkeby"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "Enviando $1",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "Aviso: você está prestes a enviar a um contrato de token que pode resultar em perda de fundos. $1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "Definir configurações avançadas de privacidade"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "A MetaMask utiliza esses serviços terceirizados de confiança para aumentar a usabilidade e a segurança dos produtos."
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Definir aprovação para todos"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "Aprovar $1 sem limite de gastos",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "Definições"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "Selecione isso para mostrar o preço do gás e limitar os controles diretamente nas telas de envio e de confirmação."
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "Exibir lista de redes personalizadas"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "Selecione esta opção para exibir uma lista de redes com as informações pré-preenchidas ao adicionar uma nova rede."
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "Mostrar conversão nas redes de teste"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "O snap só será executado se estiver ativado"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "Algumas redes podem representar riscos de segurança e/ou privacidade. Tenha os riscos em mente antes de adicionar e usar uma rede."
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "Ops! Algo deu errado."
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "Trocar redes"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "Trocar para $1",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "Trocar para esta conta"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "Ops! Algo deu errado...."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "Coleção sem nome"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Rede Privada Desconhecida"
@ -3962,7 +4050,7 @@
"description": "$1 is the action type. e.g (Account, Transaction, Swap)"
"visitWebSite": {
"message": "Visite o nosso site"
"message": "Visite nosso site"
"walletConnectionGuide": {
"message": "nosso guia de conexão com a carteira de hardware"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "Carteira criada com sucesso"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "Desejar adicionar esta rede?"
"warning": {
"message": "Atenção"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "Sim, vamos tentar"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "Você adicionou todas as redes populares. Você pode descobrir mais redes $1 Ou você pode $2",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "Você precisa permitir o acesso à câmera para usar esse recurso."

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "Добавить примечание"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "добавить другие сети вручную"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "Добавить сеть"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "Предупреждения"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "Все ваши $1",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "Разрешить этому внешнему расширению:"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "Одобрить лимит расходов"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Разрешить доступ к всем вашим $1?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "Одобрить и установить"
@ -435,10 +446,10 @@
"description": "$1 represents the crypto symbol to be purchased"
"buyWithWyre": {
"message": "Купить $1 с помощью Wyre"
"message": "Купить 1 $ с помощью Wyre"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Wyre позволяет использовать дебетовую карту для внесения $1 прямо на ваш счет MetaMask."
"message": "Простая регистрация для покупок на сумму до 1000 $. Быстрая интерактивная проверка покупки с высоким лимитом. Поддерживает дебетовые/кредитные карты, Apple Pay, банковские переводы. Доступно в более чем 100 странах. Токены зачисляются на ваш счет MetaMask"
"bytes": {
"message": "Байты"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "Чтобы $1 транзакции плата за газ должна быть увеличена как минимум на 10%. Это позволит обеспечить прием транзакции сетью.",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "Отменить обмен на ~$1",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "Отменить обмен бесплатно"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "Плата за газ при отмене"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "Функция: Одобрить"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Функция: SetApprovalForAll"
"functionType": {
"message": "Тип функции"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Неверная секретная фраза для восстановления"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "Неправильный ввод! Секретная фраза для восстановления чувствительна к регистру."
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "Шлюз IPFS"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "проверить сведения о сети",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "Мы рекомендуем вам $1, прежде чем продолжить.",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "Согласно нашим данным, имя сети может не соответствовать этому идентификатору блокчейна."
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "Представленный символ валюты не соответствует тому, что мы ожидаем для этого идентификатора блокчейна."
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "Согласно нашим записям, отправленное значение URL-адреса RPC не соответствует известному поставщику для этого идентификатора блокчейна."
"missingNFT": {
"message": "Не видите свои NFT?"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "Сеть:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "Сеть успешно добавлена!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "Сведения о сети"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "Одноразовый номер больше, чем предложенный одноразовый номер $1",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "Введите ид. коллекционного актива"
@ -2159,6 +2202,16 @@
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "Когда появится темный режим? Он уже появился! "
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "Показать пользовательский список сетей"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "Теперь вы можете легко добавить следующие популярные пользовательские сети: Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Harmony, Optimism, Palm и Polygon! Чтобы включить эту функцию, перейдите в «Настройки» -> «Экспериментальная версия» и включите «Показать пользовательский список сетей»!",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "Добавить популярные сети"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "Теперь пользователи MetaMask Mobile могут обменивать токены в своем мобильном кошельке. Отсканируйте QR-код, чтобы скачать мобильное приложение и начать обмен.",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Показать сид-фразу"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Отозвать разрешение на доступ ко всем вашим $1?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "При отмене разрешения следующий $1 больше не сможет получить доступ к вашему $2",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Тестовая сеть Rinkeby"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "Отправка $1...",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "Предупреждение: вы собираетесь отправить токен-контракт, что может привести к потере средств. $1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "Задать дополнительные настройки конфиденциальности"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "MetaMask использует эти доверенные сторонние сервисы для повышения удобства использования и безопасности продукта."
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Установить одобрение для всех"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "Одобрить $1 без ограничений по расходам",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "Настройки"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "Выберите это, чтобы отображать цену газа и управление лимитами непосредственно на экранах отправки и подтверждения."
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "Показать пользовательский список сетей"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "Выберите это, чтобы отобразить список сетей с предварительно заполненными данными при добавлении новой сети."
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "Показывать конвертацию в тестовых сетях"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "Снап будет работать только в том случае, если он включен"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "Некоторые сети могут представлять угрозу безопасности и/или конфиденциальности. Прежде чем добавлять и использовать сеть, ознакомьтесь с рисками."
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "Ой! Что-то пошло не так."
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "Сменить сети"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "Переключиться на $1",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "Переключиться на этот счет"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "Ой! Что-то пошло не так...."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "Безымянная коллекция"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Неизвестная частная сеть"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "Кошелек создан"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "Хотите добавить эту сеть?"
"warning": {
"message": "Предупреждение"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "Да, давайте попробуем"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "Вы добавили все популярные сети. Вы можете открыть для себя больше сетей $1 или можете $2",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "Для использования этой функции вам необходимо предоставить доступ к камере."

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "Magdagdag ng memo"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "magdagdag pa ng mga network nang mano-mano"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "Magdagdag ng Network"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "Mga Alerto"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "Lahat ng iyong $1",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "Payagan ang external extension na ito na:"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "Aprubahan ang limitasyon sa paggastos"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Magbigay ng pahintulot na i-access ang lahat ng iyong $1?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "Aprubahan at I-install"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "Sa $1 na transaksyon ang singil sa gas ay dapat tumaas nang hindi bababa sa 10% para ito ay makilala ng network.",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "Kanselahin ang swap sa halagang ~$1",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "Kanselahin ang swap nang libre"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "Bayarin sa Gasolina para sa Pagkansela"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "Function: Aprubahan"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Function: ItakdaAngPag-aprubaParaSaLahat"
"functionType": {
"message": "Uri ng Function"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Hindi valid ang Secret Recovery Phrase"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "Di-wastong input! Ang Secret Recovery Phrase ay case sensitive."
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "Gateway na IPFS"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "i-verify ang mga detalye ng network",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "Inirerekomenda namin na $1 ka bago magpatuloy.",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "Ayon sa aming talaan, ang pangalan ng network ay maaaring hindi tumugma nang tama sa chain ID na ito."
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "Ang isinumiteng simbolo ng currency ay hindi tumutugma sa inaasahan namin para sa chain ID na ito."
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "Ayon sa aming mga talaan, ang isinumiteng RPC URL value ay hindi tumutugma sa isang kilalang provider para sa chain ID na ito."
"missingNFT": {
"message": "Hindi makita ang NFT mo?"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "Network:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "Matagumpay na naidagdag ang network!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "Mga Detalye ng Network"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "Mas mataas ang noncesa iminumungkahing nonce na $1",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "Ilagay ang collectible ID"
@ -2159,6 +2202,16 @@
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "Wen dark mode? Ngayon dark mode! 🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "Ipakita ang listahan ng custom na network"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "Madali mo na ngayong maidagdag ang mga sumusunod na sikat na custom na network: Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Harmony, Optimism, Palm at Polygon! Para i-enable ang feature na ito, pumunta sa Mga Setting -> Experimental at i-on ang \"Ipakita ang listahan ng custom na network\"!",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "Magdagdag ng mga Sikat na Network"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "Ang mga user ng MetaMask Mobile ay maaari na ngayong mag-swap ng mga token sa loob ng kanilang mobile wallet. I-scan ang QR code para makuha ang mobile app at magsimulang mag-swap.",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Ipakita ang seed phrase"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Bawiin ang pahintulot na i-access ang lahat ng iyong $1?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "Sa pamamagitan ng pagbawi ng pahintulot, hindi na maa-access ng sumusunod na $1 ang iyong $2",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Rinkeby Test Network"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "Nagpapadala ng $1",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "Babala: magpapadala ka sa isang kontrata ng token na maaaring magresulta sa pagkawala ng mga pondo. $1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "Magtakda ng advanced privacy settings"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "Ginagamit ng MetaMask ang mga pinagkakatiwalaang serbisyo ng third-party na ito para mapahusay ang kakayahang magamit at kaligtasan ng produkto."
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Itakda ang Pag-apruba para sa Lahat"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "Aprubahan ang $1 nang walang limitasyon sa paggastos",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "Mga Setting"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "Piliin ito para direktang maipakita ang presyo ng gas at mga kontrol sa limitasyon sa mga screen ng pagpapadala at pagkumpirma."
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "Ipakita ang Listahan ng Custom na Network"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "Piliin ito para magpakita ng listahan ng mga network na may prefilled na mga detalye kapag nagdaragdag ng bagong network."
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "Ipakita ang Conversion sa Testnets"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "Tatakbo lamang ang snap kapag pinagana ito"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "Maaaring magdulot ang ilang network ng mga panganib sa seguridad at/o pagkapribado. Unawain ang mga panganib bago idagdag o gamitin ang isang network."
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "Oops! Nagkaproblema."
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "Lumipat ng Network"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "Lumipat sa $1",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "Lumipat sa account na ito"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "Ooops! Nagkaproblema...."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "Walang pangalang koleksyon"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Hindi Alam na Pribadong Network"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "Matagumpay ang paggawa ng wallet"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "Gusto mo bang idagdag ang network na ito?"
"warning": {
"message": "Babala"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "Oo, subukan natin"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "Idinagdag mo ang lahat ng sikat na network. Maaari kang makatuklas ng higit pang mga network $1 O maaari kang",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "Kailangan mong payagan ang pag-access sa camera para magamit ang feature na ito."

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "Not ekleyin"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "manuel olarak daha fazla ağ ekleyin"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "Ağ ekle"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "Uyarılar"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "Sahip olduğunuz tüm $1",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "Bu harici uzantının şunu yapmasına izin ver:"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "Harcama limitini onayla"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Sahip olduğunuz tüm $1 için erişim izni verilsin mi?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "Onayla ve Yükle"
@ -438,7 +449,7 @@
"message": "Wyre ile $1 satın al"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Wyre, doğrudan MetaMask hesabınıza $1 yatırma işlemleri için banka kartı kullanmanıza izin verir."
"message": "1000$'a kadar satın alma işlemlerinde kolay oryantasyon. Banka Kartı/Kredi Kartı, Apple Pay, Banka Transferlerini destekler. +100 ülkede kullanılabilir. Token'lar MetaMask Hesabına yatırılır"
"bytes": {
"message": "Bayt"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "İşlemi $1 için, gaz ücretinin ağ tarafından tanınması amacıyla en az %10 oranında artırılması gerekir.",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "~$1 için swap işlemini iptal edin",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "Swap işlemini ücretsiz iptal edin"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "İptal İşlemi Gaz Ücreti"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "İşlev: Onayla"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "İşlev: TümüİçinOnayVer"
"functionType": {
"message": "İşlev Türü"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Gizli Kurtarma İfadesi geçersiz"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "Giriş geçersiz! Gizli Kurtarma İfadesi büyük/küçük harf duyarlıdır."
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "IPFS Ağ Geçidi"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "ağ bilgilerini doğrula",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "İlerlemeden önce şunu öneririz: $1.",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "Kayıtlarımıza göre, ağ adı bu zincir kimliği ile doğru bir şekilde uyumlu olmayabilir."
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "Sunulan para birimi sembolü bu zincir kimliği için beklediğimiz sembolle uyumlu değil."
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "Kayıtlarımıza göre, sunulan RPC URL adresi değeri bu zincir kimliğinin bilinen bir sağlayıcısı ile uyumlu değil."
"missingNFT": {
"message": "NFT'nizi görmüyor musunuz?"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "Ağ:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "Ağ başarılı bir şekilde eklendi!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "Ağ Bilgileri"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "Geçici anahtar, önerilen $1 geçici anahtarından daha büyük",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "Toplanabilir kimliğini girin"
@ -2154,11 +2197,21 @@
"message": "Karanlık modu etkinleştir"
"notifications12Description": {
"message": "Karanlık Mod, sistem tercihlerine bağlı olarak yeni kullanıcılar için etkinleştirilecektir. Mevcut kullanıcılar için, Ayarlar -> Deneysel altında Karanlık Modu manuel olarak etkinleştir."
"message": "Uzantıda karanlık mod sonunda burada! Bunu açmak için Ayarlar -> Deneysel kısmına git ve ekran seçeneklerinden birini seç: Aydınlık, Karanlık, Sistem."
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "Karanlık mod mu? Şimdi karanlık mod! 🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "Özel ağ listesini göster"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "Artık şu popüler özel ağları kolayca ekleyebilirsiniz: Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Harmony, Optimism, Palm ve Polygon! Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için Ayarlar -> Deneysel kısmına gidip \"Özel ağ listesini göster\" seçeneğini açın!",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "Popüler Ağları Ekle"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "MetaMask Mobil kullanıcıları artık mobil cüzdanları içinde token takas edebilirler. Mobil uygulamayı edinmek ve takas yapmaya başlamak için QR kodunu tarayın.",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Tohum ifadesini ortaya çıkar"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Sahip olduğunuz tüm $1 için izin geri çekilsin mi?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "İzni geri çektiğinizde aşağıdaki $1 artık $2 alanınıza erişim sağlayamayacak",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Rinkeby Test Ağı"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "$1 Gönderiliyor",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "Uyarı: Para kaybı ile sonuçlanabilecek bir token sözleşmesi göndermek üzeresiniz. $1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "Gelişmiş gizlilik ayarlarını yapın"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "MetaMask, ürünün kullanılabilirliğini ve güvenliğini iyileştirmek amacıyla bu güvenilir üçüncü taraf hizmetlerini kullanır."
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Tümüne Onay Ver"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "$1 için harcama limiti olmadan onay ver",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "Ayarlar"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "Gaz fiyatı ve limit kontrollerini doğrudan gönder ve onayla ekranlarında göstermek için bunu seçin."
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "Özel Ağ Listesini Göster"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "Yeni bir ağ eklerken önceden doldurulan bilgilerle ağ listesini görüntülenmesi için bunu seçin."
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "Test ağlarında Dönüşümü göster"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "Bir snap yalnızca etkinleştirilmişse çalışır"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "Bazı ağlar güvenlik ve/veya gizlilik riskleri teşkil edebilir. Bir ağ eklemeden ve kullanmadan önce riskleri anlayın."
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "Eyvah! Bir şeyler ters gitti."
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "Ağları Değiştir"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "$1 ağına geçin",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "Bu hesaba geç"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "Eyvah! Bir şeyler ters gitti...."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "İsimsiz koleksiyon"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Bilinmeyen Özel Ağ"
@ -3962,7 +4050,7 @@
"description": "$1 is the action type. e.g (Account, Transaction, Swap)"
"visitWebSite": {
"message": "Web sitemizi ziyaret edin"
"message": "Web sitemizi ziyaret et"
"walletConnectionGuide": {
"message": "donanım cüzdanı bağlantı kılavuzumuz"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "Cüzdan oluşturma başarılı"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "Bu ağı eklemek istiyor musunuz?"
"warning": {
"message": "Uyarı"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "Evet, deneyelim"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "Tüm popüler ağları eklediniz. $1 daha fazla ağ gekşefedebilir veya $2 seçeneğini seçebilirsiniz",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "Bu özelliği kullanmak için kamera erişimine izin vermeniz gerekir."

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "Thêm bản ghi nhớ"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "thêm thủ công các mạng khác"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "Thêm mạng"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "Cảnh báo"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "Tất cả $1 của bạn",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "Cho phép tiện ích bên ngoài này:"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "Phê duyệt giới hạn chi tiêu"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Cấp quyền truy cập vào tất cả $1 của bạn?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "Chấp nhận và cài đặt"
@ -438,7 +449,7 @@
"message": "Mua $1 qua Wyre"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "Wyre cho phép bạn dùng thẻ ghi nợ để nạp $1 trực tiếp vào tài khoản MetaMask của mình."
"message": "Dễ dàng tham gia đối với các giao dịch mua lên đến $1.000. Xác minh mua hàng giới hạn cao và tương tác nhanh. Hỗ trợ Thẻ Tín dụng/Ghi nợ, Apple Pay, Chuyển khoản Ngân hàng. Hiện có tại hơn 100 quốc gia. Nạp token vào Tài khoản MetaMask của bạn"
"bytes": {
"message": "Byte"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "Để $1 một giao dịch, phí gas phải tăng tối thiểu 10% để mạng nhận ra giao dịch này.",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "Hủy hoán đổi với giá ~$1",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "Hủy hoán đổi miễn phí"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "Phí gas hủy"
@ -650,7 +668,7 @@
"message": "Tương tác với hợp đồng"
"convertTokenToNFTDescription": {
"message": "Chúng tôi phát hiện tài sản này là một NFT. MetaMask hiện đã hỗ trợ gốc đầy đủ cho NFT. Bạn có muốn xóa tài sản khỏi danh sách token và thêm tài sản dưới dạng NFT không?"
"message": "Chúng tôi phát hiện tài sản này là một NFT. MetaMask hiện đã hỗ trợ toàn diện và đầy đủ cho NFT. Bạn có muốn xóa tài sản khỏi danh sách token và thêm tài sản dưới dạng NFT không?"
"convertTokenToNFTExistDescription": {
"message": "Chúng tôi phát hiện tài sản này đã được thêm dưới dạng NFT. Bạn có muốn xóa tài sản khỏi danh sách token không?"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "Chức năng: Phê duyệt"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Chức năng: SetApprovalForAll"
"functionType": {
"message": "Loại chức năng"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Cụm mật khẩu khôi phục bí mật không hợp lệ"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "Nội dung nhập không hợp lệ! Cụm từ khôi phục bí mật phân biệt chữ hoa và chữ thường."
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "Cổng kết nối IPFS"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "xác minh thông tin về mạng",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "Bạn nên $1 trước khi tiếp tục.",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "Theo hồ sơ của chúng tôi, tên mạng có thể không khớp hoàn toàn với ID chuỗi này."
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "Ký hiệu đơn vị tiền tệ đã gửi không khớp với những gì chúng tôi mong đợi cho ID chuỗi này."
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "Theo hồ sơ của chúng tôi, giá trị RPC URL đã gửi không khớp với một nhà cung cấp đã biết cho ID chuỗi này."
"missingNFT": {
"message": "Không thấy NFT của mình?"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "Mạng:"
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "Đã thêm mạng thành công!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "Thông tin về mạng"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "Số chỉ dùng một lần lớn hơn số chỉ dùng một lần gợi ý là $1",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "NFT"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "Nhập ID bộ sưu tập"
@ -2154,11 +2197,21 @@
"message": "Bật chế độ tối"
"notifications12Description": {
"message": "Chế độ tối sẽ được kích hoạt dành cho người dùng mới tùy theo tùy chọn hệ thống của họ. Đối với người dùng hiện tại, có thể bật Chế độ tối theo cách thủ công trong phần Cài đặt -> Thử nghiệm."
"message": "Tiện ích Chế độ tối hiện đã ra mắt! Để bật, hãy vào Cài đặt -> Thử nghiệm và chọn một trong các tùy chọn hiển thị: Sáng, Tối, Hệ thống."
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "Dùng chế độ tối khi nào? Ngay bây giờ! 🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "Hiển thị danh sách mạng tùy chỉnh"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "Giờ đây, bạn có thể dễ dàng thêm các mạng tùy chỉnh phổ biến sau: Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Harmony, Optimism, Palm và Polygon! Để bật tính năng này, hãy chuyển đến Cài đặt -> Thử nghiệm và bật \"Hiển thị danh sách mạng tùy chỉnh\"!",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "Thêm các mạng phổ biến"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "Giờ đây, người dùng MetaMask trên điện thoại di động có thể hoán đổi token trong ví di động của họ. Quét mã QR để tải ứng dụng di động và bắt đầu hoán đổi.",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "Hiện cụm từ khôi phục bí mật"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "Thu hồi quyền truy cập vào tất cả $1 của bạn?",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "Bằng cách thu hồi quyền truy cập, $1 sau đây sẽ không thể truy cập vào $2 của bạn nữa",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Mạng thử nghiệm Rinkeby"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "Gửi $1",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "Cảnh báo: bạn sắp gửi đến một hợp đồng token và điều này có thể dẫn đến nguy cơ mất tiền. $1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "Thiết lập cài đặt quyền riêng tư nâng cao"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "MetaMask sử dụng các dịch vụ của bên thứ ba đáng tin cậy này để nâng cao sự hữu ích và an toàn của sản phẩm."
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "Cài đặt phê duyệt tất cả"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "Phê duyệt $1 không có giới hạn chi tiêu",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "Cài đặt"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "Chọn tùy chọn này để hiển thị các quyền kiểm soát giá gas và giới hạn ngay trên màn hình gửi và xác nhận."
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "Hiển thị danh sách mạng tùy chỉnh"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "Chọn tùy chọn này để hiển thị danh sách các mạng có thông tin được điền sẵn khi thêm mạng mới."
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "Hiển thị tỷ lệ quy đổi trên các mạng thử nghiệm"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "Snap chỉ hoạt động khi đã bật"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "Một số mạng có thể gây ra rủi ro về bảo mật và/hoặc quyền riêng tư. Bạn cần hiểu rõ các rủi ro này trước khi thêm và sử dụng mạng."
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "Rất tiếc! Đã xảy ra sự cố."
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "Chuyển mạng"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "Chuyển sang $1",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "Chuyển sang tài khoản này"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "Rất tiếc! Đã xảy ra sự cố...."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "Bộ sưu tập chưa có tên"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Mạng riêng không xác định"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "Tạo ví thành công"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "Bạn muốn thêm mạng này?"
"warning": {
"message": "Cảnh báo"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "Có, hãy thử"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "Bạn đã thêm tất cả các mạng phổ biến. Bạn có thể khám phá thêm nhiều mạng khác $1 Hoặc bạn có thể $2",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "Bạn cần cho phép truy cập vào máy ảnh để sử dụng tính năng này."

View File

@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"addMemo": {
"message": "添加备忘录"
"addMoreNetworks": {
"message": "手动添加更多网络"
"addNetwork": {
"message": "添加网络"
@ -227,6 +230,10 @@
"alerts": {
"message": "提醒"
"allOfYour": {
"message": "您的所有$1",
"description": "$1 is the symbol or name of the token that the user is approving spending"
"allowExternalExtensionTo": {
"message": "允许此外部扩展程序:"
@ -263,6 +270,10 @@
"approve": {
"message": "批准消费限额"
"approveAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "是否允许访问您的所有$1",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is granting approval"
"approveAndInstall": {
"message": "批准并安装"
@ -435,10 +446,10 @@
"description": "$1 represents the crypto symbol to be purchased"
"buyWithWyre": {
"message": "使用 Wyre 购买 $1"
"message": "使用Wyre购买$1"
"buyWithWyreDescription": {
"message": "您可以通过 Wyre 使用借记卡将 $1 存入您的 MetaMask 账户。"
"message": "购买不超过$1000可以轻松开通。快速交互式上限购买验证。支持借记卡/信用卡、Apple Pay、银行转账。适用于100多个国家。代币存入您的MetaMask账户"
"bytes": {
"message": "字节"
@ -466,6 +477,13 @@
"message": "若要$1交易燃料费用必须增加至少10%才能被网络认可。",
"description": "$1 is string 'cancel' or 'speed up'"
"cancelSwapForFee": {
"message": "以~$1取消兑换",
"description": "$1 could be e.g. $2.98, it is a cost for cancelling a Smart Transaction"
"cancelSwapForFree": {
"message": "免费取消兑换"
"cancellationGasFee": {
"message": "取消燃料费用"
@ -1277,6 +1295,9 @@
"functionApprove": {
"message": "功能:批准"
"functionSetApprovalForAll": {
"message": "功能SetApprovalForAll"
"functionType": {
"message": "功能类型"
@ -1617,6 +1638,9 @@
"invalidSeedPhrase": {
"message": "助记词无效"
"invalidSeedPhraseCaseSensitive": {
"message": "输入无效!助记词须区分大小写。"
"ipfsGateway": {
"message": "IPFS 网关"
@ -1646,7 +1670,7 @@
"message": "已知合约地址。"
"knownTokenWarning": {
"message": "此操作将编辑已经在您的钱包中列出的代币,有能被用来欺骗您。只有确定要更改这些代币的内容时,才通过此操作。了解更多关于 $1"
"message": "此操作将编辑已经在您的钱包中列出的代币,有能被用来欺骗您。只有确定要更改这些代币的内容时,才通过此操作。了解更多关于 $1"
"kovan": {
"message": "Kovan 测试网络"
@ -1892,6 +1916,19 @@
"message": "验证网络信息",
"description": "Serves as link text for the 'mismatchedChain' key. This text will be embedded inside the translation for that key."
"mismatchedChainRecommendation": {
"message": "我们建议您在继续之前$1。",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'mismatchedChainLinkText' key. The link will open to instructions for users to validate custom network details."
"mismatchedNetworkName": {
"message": "根据我们的记录该网络名称可能与此链ID不匹配。"
"mismatchedNetworkSymbol": {
"message": "所提交的货币符号与我们对此链ID的预期不匹配。"
"mismatchedRpcUrl": {
"message": "根据我们的记录所提交的RPC URL值与此链ID的已知提供者不匹配。"
"missingNFT": {
"message": "找不到您的 NFT"
@ -1943,6 +1980,9 @@
"network": {
"message": "网络: "
"networkAddedSuccessfully": {
"message": "网络添加成功!"
"networkDetails": {
"message": "网络详情"
@ -2059,6 +2099,9 @@
"message": "Nonce 高于建议的 nouce 值 $1",
"description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic"
"nft": {
"message": "非同质化代币(NFT)"
"nftTokenIdPlaceholder": {
"message": "输入代币ID"
@ -2154,11 +2197,21 @@
"message": "启用黑暗模式"
"notifications12Description": {
"message": "将根据新用户的系统偏好设置为其启用黑暗模式。对于现有用户,请在“设置 -> 实验项”下手动启用黑暗模式。"
"message": "扩展程序的深色模式终于来了!若要开启,请前往“设置 -> 实验项”,然后选择一个显示选项:浅色、深色、系统。"
"notifications12Title": {
"message": "何时启用黑暗模式?现在启用黑暗模式! 🕶️🦊"
"notifications13ActionText": {
"message": "显示自定义网络列表"
"notifications13Description": {
"message": "您现在可以轻松添加以下热门自定义网络Arbitrum、Avalanche、Binance Smart Chain、Fantom、Harmony、Optimism、Palm和Polygon如需启用此功能请转到“设置” -> “实验”,然后打开“显示自定义网络列表”!",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes popular network feature."
"notifications13Title": {
"message": "添加热门网络"
"notifications1Description": {
"message": "MetaMask Mobile 用户现在可以在他们的移动钱包中交换代币。扫描二维码以获取移动应用程序并开始交换。",
"description": "Description of a notification in the 'See What's New' popup. Describes the swapping on mobile feature."
@ -2676,6 +2729,14 @@
"revealTheSeedPhrase": {
"message": "显示助记词"
"revokeAllTokensTitle": {
"message": "撤销访问您的所有$1的权限",
"description": "$1 is the symbol of the token for which the user is revoking approval"
"revokeApproveForAllDescription": {
"message": "通过撤销权限,以下$1将无法再访问您的$2",
"description": "$1 is either key 'account' or 'contract', and $2 is either a string or link of a given token symbol or name"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Rinkeby 测试网络"
@ -2852,12 +2913,23 @@
"message": "正在发送 $1",
"description": "$1 represents the native currency symbol for the current network (e.g. ETH or BNB)"
"sendingToTokenContractWarning": {
"message": "警告:您将要发送到代币合约,这可能会导致资金损失。$1",
"description": "$1 is a clickable link with text defined by the 'learnMoreUpperCase' key. The link will open to a support article regarding the known contract address warning"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettings": {
"message": "设置高级隐私设置"
"setAdvancedPrivacySettingsDetails": {
"message": "MetaMask 使用这些可信的第三方服务来提高产品可用性和安全性。"
"setApprovalForAll": {
"message": "设置批准所有"
"setApprovalForAllTitle": {
"message": "批准$1且无消费限制",
"description": "The token symbol that is being approved"
"settings": {
"message": "设置"
@ -2877,6 +2949,12 @@
"showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": {
"message": "选择此项可直接在发送和确认界面显示燃料价格和上限控制。"
"showCustomNetworkList": {
"message": "显示自定义网络列表"
"showCustomNetworkListDescription": {
"message": "选择此项,在添加新网络时就会显示附有预填详细信息的网络列表。"
"showFiatConversionInTestnets": {
"message": "在测试网络上显示转换"
@ -2986,6 +3064,9 @@
"snapsToggle": {
"message": "Snap仅在启用后才会运行"
"someNetworksMayPoseSecurity": {
"message": "某些网络可能会带来安全和/或隐私风险。在添加和使用网络之前,请先了解风险。"
"somethingWentWrong": {
"message": "哎呀!出了点问题。"
@ -3548,6 +3629,10 @@
"switchNetworks": {
"message": "切换网络"
"switchToNetwork": {
"message": "切换至$1",
"description": "$1 represents the custom network that has previously been added"
"switchToThisAccount": {
"message": "切换到该账户"
@ -3851,6 +3936,9 @@
"unknownCameraErrorTitle": {
"message": "糟糕!出问题了...."
"unknownCollection": {
"message": "未命名的收藏"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "未知的私有网络"
@ -3987,6 +4075,9 @@
"walletCreationSuccessTitle": {
"message": "钱包创建成功"
"wantToAddThisNetwork": {
"message": "想要添加此网络吗?"
"warning": {
"message": "警告"
@ -4049,6 +4140,10 @@
"yesLetsTry": {
"message": "是的,我们试一下"
"youHaveAddedAll": {
"message": "您已经添加了所有热门网络。您可以探索更多网络$1或者您可以$2",
"description": "$1 is a link with the text 'here' and $2 is a button with the text 'add more networks manually'"
"youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": {
"message": "需要开启相机访问权限,才能使用该功能。"