import { Story, Canvas, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
import { TextField, TextFieldBase } from '../';
import { FormTextField } from './form-text-field';
# FormTextField
The `FormTextField` is an input component to create forms. It bundles the [TextField](/docs/ui-components-component-library-text-field-text-field-stories-js--default-story), [Label](/docs/ui-components-component-library-label-label-stories-js--default-story) and [HelpText](/docs/ui-components-component-library-help-text-help-text-stories-js--default-story) components together.
The `FormTextField` accepts all props below as well as all [Box](/docs/ui-components-ui-box-box-stories-js--default-story#props) component props
<ArgsTable of={FormTextField} />
`FormTextField` accepts all [TextField](/docs/ui-components-component-library-text-field-text-field-stories-js--default-story#props)
component props
<ArgsTable of={TextField} />
`FormTextField` accepts all [TextFieldBase](/docs/ui-components-component-library-text-field-base-text-field-base-stories-js--default-story#props)
component props
<ArgsTable of={TextFieldBase} />
### Id
Use the `id` prop to set the `id` of the `FormTextField` component. This is required for accessibility when the `label` prop is set. It is also used internally to link the `label` and `input` elements using `htmlFor`, so clicking on the `label` will focus the `input`.
import { FormTextField } from '../../component-library';
label="If label prop exists id prop is required for accessibility"
### Label
Use the `label` prop to add a label to the `FormTextField` component. Uses the [Label](/docs/ui-components-component-library-label-label-stories-js--default-story) component. Use the `labelProps` prop to pass props to the `Label` component. To use a custom label component see the [Custom Label or HelpText](#custom-label-or-helptext) story example.
Use the `helpText` prop to add help text to the `FormTextField` component. Uses the [HelpText](/docs/ui-components-component-library-helpText-helpText-stories-js--default-story) component. Use the `helpTextProps` prop to pass props to the `HelpText` component. To use a custom help text component see the [Custom Label or HelpText](#custom-helpText-or-helptext) story example. When `error` is true the `helpText` will be rendered as an error message.
There will be times when you will want to use a custom `Label` or `HelpText`. This can be done by simply not providing `label` or `helpText` props to the `FormTextField` component. You can then use the `Label` and `HelpText` components to create your own custom label or help text.