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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
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import * as reactRedux from 'react-redux'
import assert from 'assert'
import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import transactions from '../../../../test/data/transaction-data.json'
import { useTransactionDisplayData } from '../useTransactionDisplayData'
import { tokenSelector, getPreferences, getShouldShowFiat, getNativeCurrency, getCurrentCurrency } from '../../selectors'
import * as i18nhooks from '../useI18nContext'
import { getMessage } from '../../helpers/utils/i18n-helper'
import messages from '../../../../app/_locales/en/messages.json'
const expectedResults = [
{ title: 'Send ETH',
category: 'send',
subtitle: 'To: 0xffe5...1a97',
date: 'May 12',
primaryCurrency: '-1 ETH',
senderAddress: '0x9eca64466f257793eaa52fcfff5066894b76a149',
recipientAddress: '0xffe5bc4e8f1f969934d773fa67da095d2e491a97',
secondaryCurrency: '-1 ETH',
isPending: false,
status: 'confirmed' },
{ title: 'Send ETH',
category: 'send',
subtitle: 'To: 0x0ccc...8848',
date: 'May 12',
primaryCurrency: '-2 ETH',
senderAddress: '0x9eca64466f257793eaa52fcfff5066894b76a149',
recipientAddress: '0x0ccc8aeeaf5ce790f3b448325981a143fdef8848',
secondaryCurrency: '-2 ETH',
isPending: false,
status: 'confirmed' },
{ title: 'Send ETH',
category: 'send',
subtitle: 'To: 0xffe5...1a97',
date: 'May 12',
primaryCurrency: '-2 ETH',
senderAddress: '0x9eca64466f257793eaa52fcfff5066894b76a149',
recipientAddress: '0xffe5bc4e8f1f969934d773fa67da095d2e491a97',
secondaryCurrency: '-2 ETH',
isPending: false,
status: 'confirmed' },
{ title: 'Receive',
category: 'receive',
subtitle: 'From: 0x31b9...4523',
date: 'May 12',
primaryCurrency: '18.75 ETH',
senderAddress: '0x31b98d14007bdee637298086988a0bbd31184523',
recipientAddress: '0x9eca64466f257793eaa52fcfff5066894b76a149',
secondaryCurrency: '18.75 ETH',
isPending: false,
status: 'confirmed' },
{ title: 'Receive',
category: 'receive',
subtitle: 'From: 0x9eca...a149',
date: 'May 8',
primaryCurrency: '0 ETH',
senderAddress: '0x9eca64466f257793eaa52fcfff5066894b76a149',
recipientAddress: '0x9eca64466f257793eaa52fcfff5066894b76a149',
secondaryCurrency: '0 ETH',
isPending: false,
status: 'confirmed' },
{ title: 'Receive',
category: 'receive',
subtitle: 'From: 0xee01...febb',
date: 'May 24',
primaryCurrency: '1 ETH',
senderAddress: '0xee014609ef9e09776ac5fe00bdbfef57bcdefebb',
recipientAddress: '0x9eca64466f257793eaa52fcfff5066894b76a149',
secondaryCurrency: '1 ETH',
isPending: false,
status: 'confirmed' },
let useSelector, useI18nContext
describe('useTransactionDisplayData', function () {
before(function () {
useSelector = sinon.stub(reactRedux, 'useSelector')
useI18nContext = sinon.stub(i18nhooks, 'useI18nContext')
useI18nContext.returns((key, variables) => getMessage('en', messages, key, variables))
useSelector.callsFake((selector) => {
if (selector === tokenSelector) {
return []
} else if (selector === getPreferences) {
return {
useNativeCurrencyAsPrimaryCurrency: true,
} else if (selector === getShouldShowFiat) {
return false
} else if (selector === getNativeCurrency) {
return 'ETH'
} else if (selector === getCurrentCurrency) {
return 'ETH'
} else {
return null
transactions.forEach((transactionGroup, idx) => {
describe(`when called with group containing primaryTransaction id ${transactionGroup.primaryTransaction.id}`, function () {
const expected = expectedResults[idx]
it(`should return a title of ${expected.title}`, function () {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useTransactionDisplayData(transactionGroup))
assert.equal(result.current.title, expected.title)
it(`should return a subtitle of ${expected.subtitle}`, function () {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useTransactionDisplayData(transactionGroup))
assert.equal(result.current.subtitle, expected.subtitle)
it(`should return a category of ${expected.category}`, function () {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useTransactionDisplayData(transactionGroup))
assert.equal(result.current.category, expected.category)
it(`should return a primaryCurrency of ${expected.primaryCurrency}`, function () {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useTransactionDisplayData(transactionGroup))
assert.equal(result.current.primaryCurrency, expected.primaryCurrency)
it(`should return a secondaryCurrency of ${expected.secondaryCurrency}`, function () {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useTransactionDisplayData(transactionGroup))
assert.equal(result.current.secondaryCurrency, expected.secondaryCurrency)
it(`should return a status of ${expected.status}`, function () {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useTransactionDisplayData(transactionGroup))
assert.equal(result.current.status, expected.status)
it(`should return a recipientAddress of ${expected.recipientAddress}`, function () {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useTransactionDisplayData(transactionGroup))
assert.equal(result.current.recipientAddress, expected.recipientAddress)
it(`should return a senderAddress of ${expected.senderAddress}`, function () {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useTransactionDisplayData(transactionGroup))
assert.equal(result.current.senderAddress, expected.senderAddress)
it('should return an appropriate object', function () {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useTransactionDisplayData(transactions[0]))
assert.deepEqual(result.current, expectedResults[0])
after(function () {