2023-03-08 22:27:24 +01:00
import React , { useState } from 'react' ;
import {
Size ,
} from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system' ;
import Box from '../../ui/box/box' ;
2023-04-05 18:11:10 +02:00
import { ButtonLink , ButtonPrimary , Icon , IconName } from '..' ;
2023-03-08 22:27:24 +01:00
import README from './README.mdx' ;
import { BannerTip , BannerTipLogoType } from '.' ;
const marginSizeControlOptions = [
undefined ,
0 ,
1 ,
2 ,
3 ,
4 ,
5 ,
6 ,
7 ,
8 ,
9 ,
10 ,
11 ,
12 ,
'auto' ,
] ;
export default {
title : 'Components/ComponentLibrary/BannerTip' ,
component : BannerTip ,
parameters : {
docs : {
page : README ,
} ,
backgrounds : { default : 'alternative' } ,
} ,
argTypes : {
logoType : {
options : Object . values ( BannerTipLogoType ) ,
control : 'select' ,
} ,
className : {
control : 'text' ,
} ,
marginTop : {
options : marginSizeControlOptions ,
control : 'select' ,
table : { category : 'box props' } ,
} ,
marginRight : {
options : marginSizeControlOptions ,
control : 'select' ,
table : { category : 'box props' } ,
} ,
marginBottom : {
options : marginSizeControlOptions ,
control : 'select' ,
table : { category : 'box props' } ,
} ,
marginLeft : {
options : marginSizeControlOptions ,
control : 'select' ,
table : { category : 'box props' } ,
} ,
} ,
} ;
export const DefaultStory = ( args ) => {
const onClose = ( ) => console . log ( 'BannerTip onClose trigger' ) ;
return < BannerTip { ... args } onClose = { onClose } / > ;
} ;
DefaultStory . args = {
title : 'Title is sentence case no period' ,
children : "Description shouldn't repeat title. 1-3 lines." ,
actionButtonLabel : 'Action' ,
} ;
DefaultStory . storyName = 'Default' ;
export const LogoType = ( args ) => {
return (
< Box display = { DISPLAY . FLEX } flexDirection = { FLEX _DIRECTION . COLUMN } gap = { 3 } >
< BannerTip
{ ... args }
logoType = { BannerTipLogoType . Greeting }
title = "Greeting"
This is a demo of greeting .
< / B a n n e r T i p >
< BannerTip { ... args } logoType = { BannerTipLogoType . Chat } title = "Chat" >
This is a demo of chat .
< / B a n n e r T i p >
< / B o x >
) ;
} ;
export const Title = ( args ) => {
return < BannerTip { ... args } / > ;
} ;
Title . args = {
title : 'Title is sentence case no period' ,
children : 'Pass only a string through the title prop' ,
} ;
export const Description = ( args ) => {
return < BannerTip { ... args } / > ;
} ;
Description . args = {
title : 'Description vs children' ,
description :
'Pass only a string through the description prop or you can use children if the contents require more' ,
} ;
export const Children = ( args ) => {
return (
< BannerTip { ... args } >
Description shouldn & apos ; t repeat title . 1 - 3 lines . Can contain a { ' ' }
< ButtonLink
size = { Size . inherit }
href = "https://metamask.io/"
target = "_blank"
hyperlink .
< / B u t t o n L i n k >
< / B a n n e r T i p >
) ;
} ;
export const ActionButton = ( args ) => {
return < BannerTip { ... args } / > ;
} ;
ActionButton . args = {
title : 'Action prop demo' ,
actionButtonLabel : 'Action' ,
actionButtonOnClick : ( ) => console . log ( 'ButtonLink actionButtonOnClick demo' ) ,
actionButtonProps : {
2023-04-05 18:11:10 +02:00
iconName : IconName . Arrow2Right ,
2023-03-08 22:27:24 +01:00
iconPositionRight : true ,
} ,
children :
'Use actionButtonLabel for action text, actionButtonOnClick for the onClick handler, and actionButtonProps to pass any ButtonLink prop types such as iconName' ,
} ;
export const OnClose = ( args ) => {
const [ isShown , setShown ] = useState ( true ) ;
const bannerTipToggle = ( ) => {
if ( isShown ) {
console . log ( 'close button clicked' ) ;
setShown ( ! isShown ) ;
} ;
return (
< >
{ isShown ? (
< BannerTip { ... args } onClose = { bannerTipToggle } / >
) : (
< ButtonPrimary onClick = { bannerTipToggle } > View BannerTip < / B u t t o n P r i m a r y >
) }
< / >
) ;
} ;
OnClose . args = {
title : 'onClose demo' ,
children : 'Click the close button icon to hide this notifcation' ,
} ;
export const StartAccessory = ( args ) => {
return (
< BannerTip
{ ... args }
2023-04-05 18:11:10 +02:00
startAccessory = { < Icon name = { IconName . Messages } / > }
2023-03-08 22:27:24 +01:00
title = "StartAccessory"
onClose = { ( ) => console . log ( 'close button clicked' ) }
This is a demo of startAccessory override .
< / B a n n e r T i p >
) ;
} ;