2023-01-20 22:16:56 +01:00
import { BigNumber } from 'bignumber.js' ;
import BN from 'bn.js' ;
import { isHexString , isNullOrUndefined } from '@metamask/utils' ;
import { addHexPrefix } from 'ethereumjs-util' ;
import { EtherDenomination } from '../constants/common' ;
import { stripHexPrefix } from './hexstring-utils' ;
export type NumericValue = string | number | BN | BigNumber ;
export type NumericBase = 10 | 16 ;
/ * *
* A ll variations of isHexString from our own utilities and etherumjs - utils
* return false for a '-' prefixed hex string . This utility method strips the
* possible '-' from the string before testing its validity so that negative
* hex values can be properly handled .
* @param value - The string to check
* @returns true if the value is a hex string ( negative or otherwise )
* /
function isHexStringOrNegatedHexString ( value : string ) : value is string {
return isHexString ( value . replace ( '-' , '' ) ) || isHexString ( value ) ;
/ * *
* BigNumber supports hex strings with '.' ( aka decimals ) in the string .
* No version of isHexString returs true if the string contains a decimal so
* this method is used to check if both parts of the string split by the
* decimal are hex strings . If so we can feed this value into BigNumber to get
* a valid Numeric .
* @param value - The string to check
* @returns true if the string is a hexadecimal split by '.'
* /
function isDecimalHex ( value : string ) : boolean {
const parts = value . split ( '.' ) ;
if ( parts . length === 1 ) {
return false ;
return parts . every ( ( part ) = > isHexStringOrNegatedHexString ( part ) ) ;
/ * *
* Converts a hexadecimal in string or number format to a BigNumber .
* Note that in many places in our codebase we call 'addHexPrefix' on a negated
* hexadecimal string resulting in '0x-a' which will fail checks for
* isHexString . Sometimes we DO not add the 0 x so we have to check for '-a'
* as well .
* @param value - hexadecimal value in string or number format .
* @returns A BigNumber representation of the value
* /
function hexadecimalToBigNumber ( value : string | number ) : BigNumber {
const stringified = typeof value === 'number' ? ` ${ value } ` : value ;
const isNegative = stripHexPrefix ( stringified ) [ 0 ] === '-' ;
const valueWithoutNegation = stringified . replace ( '-' , '' ) ;
const valueAsBigNumber = new BigNumber (
stripHexPrefix ( valueWithoutNegation ) ,
16 ,
) ;
return isNegative ? valueAsBigNumber . negated ( ) : valueAsBigNumber ;
/ * *
* Converts a decimal in string or number format to a BigNumber .
* @param value - decimal value in string or number format .
* @returns A BigNumber representation of the value
* /
function decimalToBigNumber ( value : string | number ) {
return new BigNumber ( String ( value ) , 10 ) ;
/ * *
* This method is used to safely convert a string type value to a BigNumber .
* The only valid strings for this method are those that are either hexadecimal
* numeric values OR numeric strings that can be converted to BigNumbers . It is
* impossible to tell the difference between a hex value of 100000 vs a decimal
* value of 100000 so a second parameter indicating the numeric base of the
* string value must be provided .
* @param value - A hexadecimal or decimal string
* @param numericBase - Either 16 for a hexadeciaml or 10 for a decimal
* @returns A BigNumber representation of the value
* /
function stringToBigNumber ( value : string , numericBase : NumericBase ) {
if ( typeof value !== 'string' ) {
throw new Error (
` Value of type ${ typeof value } passed to stringToBigNumber ` ,
) ;
if (
numericBase === 16 &&
( isHexStringOrNegatedHexString ( value ) || isDecimalHex ( value ) )
) {
return hexadecimalToBigNumber ( value ) ;
} else if (
numericBase === 10 &&
// check if we have a finite integer or float
( isFinite ( parseInt ( value , 10 ) ) || isFinite ( parseFloat ( value ) ) )
) {
return decimalToBigNumber ( value ) ;
throw new Error (
` String provided to stringToBigNumber is not a hexadecimal or decimal string: ${ value } , ${ numericBase } ` ,
) ;
/ * *
* This method will convert a hexadecimal or deciaml number into a BigNumber .
* The second parameter must be supplied and determines whether to treat the
* value as a hexadecimal or decimal value .
* @param value - hexadecimal or decimal number [ ]
* @param numericBase - 10 for decimal , 16 for hexadecimal
* @returns BigNumber representation of the value
* /
function numberToBigNumber ( value : number , numericBase : NumericBase ) {
if ( typeof value !== 'number' ) {
throw new Error (
` Value of type ${ typeof value } passed to numberToBigNumber ` ,
) ;
if ( numericBase === 16 && isHexString ( ` ${ value } ` ) ) {
return new BigNumber ( ` ${ value } ` , 16 ) ;
return new BigNumber ( value , 10 ) ;
/ * *
* Method to convert a BN to a BigNumber
* @param value - A BN representation of a value
* @returns A BigNumber representation of the BN ' s underlying value
* /
function bnToBigNumber ( value : BN ) {
if ( value instanceof BN === false ) {
throw new Error (
` value passed to bnToBigNumber is not a BN. Received type ${ typeof value } ` ,
) ;
return new BigNumber ( value . toString ( 16 ) , 16 ) ;
/ * *
* Converts a value of the supported types ( string , number , BN ) to a BigNumber .
* @param value - The value to convert to a BigNumber
* @param numericBase - The numeric base of the underlying value
* @returns A BigNumber representation of the value
* /
function valueToBigNumber ( value : string | number , numericBase : NumericBase ) {
if ( typeof value === 'string' ) {
return stringToBigNumber ( value , numericBase ) ;
} else if ( typeof value === 'number' && isNaN ( value ) === false ) {
return numberToBigNumber ( value , numericBase ) ;
throw new Error (
` Value: ${ value } is not a string, number, BigNumber or BN. Type is: ${ typeof value } . ` ,
) ;
// Big Number Constants
const BIG_NUMBER_WEI_MULTIPLIER = new BigNumber ( '1000000000000000000' ) ;
const BIG_NUMBER_GWEI_MULTIPLIER = new BigNumber ( '1000000000' ) ;
const BIG_NUMBER_ETH_MULTIPLIER = new BigNumber ( '1' ) ;
const toNormalizedDenomination = {
WEI : ( bigNumber : BigNumber ) = > bigNumber . div ( BIG_NUMBER_WEI_MULTIPLIER ) ,
GWEI : ( bigNumber : BigNumber ) = > bigNumber . div ( BIG_NUMBER_GWEI_MULTIPLIER ) ,
ETH : ( bigNumber : BigNumber ) = > bigNumber . div ( BIG_NUMBER_ETH_MULTIPLIER ) ,
} ;
const toSpecifiedDenomination = {
WEI : ( bigNumber : BigNumber ) = >
bigNumber . times ( BIG_NUMBER_WEI_MULTIPLIER ) . round ( ) ,
GWEI : ( bigNumber : BigNumber ) = >
bigNumber . times ( BIG_NUMBER_GWEI_MULTIPLIER ) . round ( 9 ) ,
ETH : ( bigNumber : BigNumber ) = >
bigNumber . times ( BIG_NUMBER_ETH_MULTIPLIER ) . round ( 9 ) ,
} ;
/ * *
* Gets the value in ETH of the numeric supplied , used in this file only to
* convert to ETH prior to converting to another denomination . The following
* quirks were programmed into this method to replicate behavior of the
* predecessor to Numeric , which was 'conversionUtil' . If a denomination is
* not supplied , and toDenomination is called , then we assume the denomination
* was originally ETH , otherwise we convert it to ETH .
* @param numeric
* @returns value in ETH
* /
function getValueInETH ( numeric : Numeric ) {
if (
numeric . denomination === EtherDenomination . ETH ||
typeof numeric . denomination === 'undefined'
) {
return numeric . value ;
return toNormalizedDenomination [ numeric . denomination ] ( numeric . value ) ;
/ * *
* When applying operands to Numerics that have a specified Denomination then
* we should first convert the provided inputNumeric to the same Denomination
* as the baseNumeric . There are cases where this doesn ' t apply :
* 1 . If the denominations are already the same . No conversion is necessary .
* 2 . If the inputNumeric does not have a denomination set . We assume in this
* case that the value is already in the appropriate denomination .
* @param baseNumeric
* @param inputNumeric
* @returns
* /
function alignOperandDenominations (
baseNumeric : Numeric ,
inputNumeric : Numeric ,
) {
if (
typeof inputNumeric . denomination !== 'undefined' &&
baseNumeric . denomination !== inputNumeric . denomination
) {
return inputNumeric . toDenomination ( baseNumeric . denomination ) ;
return inputNumeric ;
/ * *
* Numeric is a class whose methods will always return a new , not mutated ,
* value . This allows for chaining of non - terminating methods . Previously we
* had near a hundred helper methods that composed one - another , making tracking
* through the chain near impossible . This API is designed such that no helper
* methods should be needed . Take the case of hexWEIToDecGWEI , a helper method
* for taking a hex string representing a value in WEI and converting that to a
* decimal of GWEI . Prior to this class the method would call into our root
* level 'conversionUtil' which was the proverbial kitchen sink doing
* everything from denomination conversion , currency conversion ( with provided
* conversionRate prop ) and more . The same opeartion can now be expressed as :
* new Numeric ( hexString , 16 , EtherDenomination . WEI )
* . toDenomination ( EtherDenomination . GWEI )
* . toBase ( 10 )
* . toString ( ) ;
* This has the benefit of being fairly transparent as you can read each step
* in the chain and have a good sense of what is being done . It also is highly
* composable so that we shouldn ' t need tons of helper methods for shortcuts .
* /
export class Numeric {
/ * *
* The underlying value of the Numeric , always in BigNumber form
* /
value : BigNumber ;
/ * *
* The numeric base for this Numeric , either 10 for decimal or 16 for Hex
* /
base? : NumericBase ;
/ * *
* The current denomination , if any . The only supported denominations are
* ETH , GWEI , WEI .
* /
denomination? : EtherDenomination ;
constructor (
value : NumericValue ,
base? : NumericBase ,
denomination? : EtherDenomination ,
) {
this . base = base ;
this . denomination = denomination ;
if ( value instanceof BigNumber ) {
this . value = value ;
} else if ( value instanceof BN ) {
this . value = bnToBigNumber ( value ) ;
} else if (
isNullOrUndefined ( value ) ||
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( typeof value === 'number' && isNaN ( value ) ) ||
( typeof value === 'string' && value === '' )
2023-01-20 22:16:56 +01:00
) {
// There are parts of the codebase that call this method without a value,
// or with a 'NaN' (which is probably a bug somewhere in our tests?).
// Over time of converting to TypeScript we will eradicate those, but the
// helper methods that those instances employ would default the value to
// 0. This block keeps that intact.
this . value = new BigNumber ( '0' , 10 ) ;
this . base = 10 ;
} else if ( base ) {
this . value = valueToBigNumber ( value , base ) ;
} else {
throw new Error (
` You must specify the base of the provided number if the value is not already a BigNumber ` ,
) ;
/ * *
* This is a tool used internally to check if a value is already a Numeric
* and return it if it is , otherwise it uses the other provided arguments to
* create a new Numeric .
* @param value - The value of the Numeric
* @param base - Either undefined , 10 for decimal or 16 for hexadecimal
* @param denomination - The Ether denomination to set , if any
* /
static from (
value : Numeric | NumericValue ,
base? : NumericBase ,
denomination? : EtherDenomination ,
) {
if ( value instanceof Numeric ) {
if ( base || denomination ) {
throw new Error (
` Numeric.from was called with a value ( ${ value . toString ( ) } ) that is already a Numeric but a base and/or denomination was provided. Only supply base or denomination when creating a new Numeric ` ,
) ;
return value ;
return new Numeric ( value , base , denomination ) ;
/** Conversions */
/ * *
* Returns a new Numeric with the base value changed to the provided base ,
* or the original Numeric if the base provided is the same as the current
* base . No computation or conversion happens here but rather the result of
* toString will be changed depending on the value of this . base when that
* method is invoked .
* @param base - The numeric base to change the Numeric to , either 10 or 16
* @returns A new Numeric with the base updated
* /
toBase ( base : NumericBase ) {
if ( this . base !== base ) {
return new Numeric ( this . value , base , this . denomination ) ;
return this ;
/ * *
* Converts the value to the specified denomination . The following quirks of
* the predecessor to Numeric , 'conversionUtil' , were programmed into this
* method :
* 1 . You may supply a denomination that is undefined , which will result in
* nothing happening . Coincidently this is also useful due to the nature of
* chaining operations on Numeric . You may pass an undefined value in this
* method without breaking the chain to conditionally apply a operator .
* 2 . If the numeric that . toDenomination is called on does not have a
* denomination set , that is it was constructed without the third parameter ,
* then it is assumed to be in ETH . Otherwise we convert it to ETH prior to
* attempting to convert it to another denomination because all of the
* toSpecifiedDenomination methods assume a value in ETH is passed .
* @param denomination - The denomination to convert to
* @returns A new numeric with the same base as the previous , but the
* value and denomination changed accordingly
* /
toDenomination ( denomination? : EtherDenomination ) {
if ( denomination && this . denomination !== denomination ) {
const result = new Numeric (
toSpecifiedDenomination [ denomination ] ( getValueInETH ( this ) ) ,
this . base ,
denomination ,
) ;
return result ;
return this ;
/ * *
* Replicates a method of BigNumber that is not in the version of BigNumber
* that we use currently . Essentially shifting the decimal point backwards by
* an amount equal to the positive number supplied to the decimals operator .
* For example , calling shiftedBy ( 10 ) on the value 10000000000 will result in
* a value of 1.0000000000 . If passing a negative number , then the decimal
* position will move forward . 1.0000000000 shiftedBy ( - 10 ) yields 10000000000
* @param decimals - The number of decimal places to move . Positive moves
* decimal backwards , creating a smaller number . Negative values move the
* decimal forwards , creating a larger number .
* @returns A new numeric with the same base and denomination as the current
* but with a new value .
* /
shiftedBy ( decimals : number ) {
const powerOf = new Numeric ( Math . pow ( 10 , decimals ) , 10 ) ;
return this . divide ( powerOf ) ;
/ * *
* Applies a conversion rate to the Numeric . If rate is undefined returns the
* same instance that was operated on . Allowing an undefined value makes
* chaining this operator feasible with undefined values from the user or
* state without manipulating the number . For example :
* new Numeric ( 5 , 10 )
* . applyConversionRate ( possiblyUndefinedRate )
* . toBase ( 16 )
* . toString ( ) ;
* Will return a valid result as long as possiblyUndefinedRate is undefined ,
* a BigNumber or a number . In some areas of the codebase we check to see if
* the target currency is different from the current currency before applying
* a conversionRate . This functionality is not built into Numeric and will
* require breaking the chain before calling this method :
* let value = new Numeric ( 5 , 10 ) ;
* if ( fromCurrency !== toCurrency ) {
* value = value . applyConversionRate ( possiblyUndefinedRate ) ;
* }
* return value . toBase ( 16 ) . toString ( ) ;
* @param rate - The multiplier to apply
* @param invert - if true , inverts the rate
* @returns New Numeric value with conversion rate applied .
* /
applyConversionRate ( rate? : number | BigNumber , invert? : boolean ) {
if ( typeof rate === 'undefined' ) {
return this ;
let conversionRate = new Numeric ( rate , 10 ) ;
if ( invert ) {
conversionRate = new Numeric ( new BigNumber ( 1.0 ) ) . divide ( conversionRate ) ;
return this . times ( conversionRate ) ;
round (
numberOfDecimals? : number ,
roundingMode : number = BigNumber . ROUND_HALF_DOWN ,
) {
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if ( typeof numberOfDecimals === 'number' ) {
2023-01-20 22:16:56 +01:00
return new Numeric (
this . value . round ( numberOfDecimals , roundingMode ) ,
this . base ,
this . denomination ,
) ;
return this ;
/ * *
* TODO : make it possible to add ETH + GWEI value . So if you have
* Numeric 1 with denomination ETH and Numeric 2 with Denomination WEI ,
* first convert Numeric 2 to ETH then add the amount to Numeric 1 .
* @param value
* @param base
* @param denomination
* /
add (
value : Numeric | NumericValue ,
base? : NumericBase ,
denomination? : EtherDenomination ,
) {
const numeric = Numeric . from ( value , base , denomination ) ;
return new Numeric (
this . value . add ( alignOperandDenominations ( this , numeric ) . value ) ,
this . base ,
this . denomination ,
) ;
/ * *
* TODO : make it possible to subtract ETH - GWEI value . So if you have
* Numeric 1 with denomination ETH and Numeric 2 with Denomination WEI ,
* first convert Numeric 2 to ETH then subtract the amount from Numeric 1 .
* @param value
* @param base
* @param denomination
* /
minus (
value : Numeric | NumericValue ,
base? : NumericBase ,
denomination? : EtherDenomination ,
) {
const numeric = Numeric . from ( value , base , denomination ) ;
return new Numeric (
this . value . minus ( alignOperandDenominations ( this , numeric ) . value ) ,
this . base ,
this . denomination ,
) ;
times (
multiplier : Numeric | NumericValue ,
base? : NumericBase ,
denomination? : EtherDenomination ,
) {
const multiplierNumeric = Numeric . from ( multiplier , base , denomination ) ;
return new Numeric (
this . value . times (
alignOperandDenominations ( this , multiplierNumeric ) . value ,
) ,
this . base ,
this . denomination ,
) ;
/ * *
* Divides the Numeric by another supplied Numeric , carrying over the base
* and denomination from the current Numeric .
* @param divisor - The Numeric to divide this Numeric by
* @param base
* @param denomination
* @returns A new Numeric that contains the result of the division
* /
divide (
divisor : Numeric | NumericValue ,
base? : NumericBase ,
denomination? : EtherDenomination ,
) {
return new Numeric (
this . value . div (
alignOperandDenominations (
this ,
Numeric . from ( divisor , base , denomination ) ,
) . value ,
) ,
this . base ,
this . denomination ,
) ;
greaterThan (
comparator : Numeric | NumericValue ,
base? : NumericBase ,
denomination? : EtherDenomination ,
) {
return this . value . greaterThan (
Numeric . from ( comparator , base , denomination ) . value ,
) ;
greaterThanOrEqualTo (
comparator : Numeric | NumericValue ,
base? : NumericBase ,
denomination? : EtherDenomination ,
) {
return this . value . greaterThanOrEqualTo (
Numeric . from ( comparator , base , denomination ) . value ,
) ;
lessThan (
comparator : Numeric | NumericValue ,
base? : NumericBase ,
denomination? : EtherDenomination ,
) {
return this . value . lessThan (
Numeric . from ( comparator , base , denomination ) . value ,
) ;
lessThanOrEqualTo (
comparator : Numeric | NumericValue ,
base? : NumericBase ,
denomination? : EtherDenomination ,
) {
return this . value . lessThanOrEqualTo (
Numeric . from ( comparator , base , denomination ) . value ,
) ;
isNegative() {
return this . value . isNegative ( ) ;
isPositive() {
return this . isNegative ( ) === false ;
/ * *
* Get a base 16 hexadecimal string representation of the Numeric that is
* 0 x prefixed . This operation bypasses the currently set base of the
* Numeric .
* @returns 0 x prefixed hexstring .
* /
toPrefixedHexString() {
return addHexPrefix ( this . value . toString ( 16 ) ) ;
/ * *
* Gets the string representation of the Numeric , using the current value of
* this . base to determine if it should be a decimal or hexadecimal string .
* @returns the string representation of the Numeric
* /
toString() {
return this . value . toString ( this . base ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a fixed - point decimal string representation of the Numeric
* @param decimals - the amount of decimal precision to use when rounding
* @returns A fixed point decimal string represenation of the Numeric
* /
toFixed ( decimals : number ) {
return this . value . toFixed ( decimals ) ;
/ * *
* Converts the value to a JavaScript Number , with all of the inaccuracy that
* could come with that .
* @returns The value as a JS Number
* /
toNumber() {
return this . value . toNumber ( ) ;