mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/metamask-extension.git synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00

138 lines
4.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs').promises;
const assert = require('assert').strict;
const path = require('path');
const { version } = require('../app/manifest/_base.json');
const runCommand = require('./lib/runCommand');
const URL = 'https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension';
async function main() {
await runCommand('git', ['fetch', '--tags']);
const [mostRecentTagCommitHash] = await runCommand('git', [
const [mostRecentTag] = await runCommand('git', [
assert.equal(mostRecentTag[0], 'v', 'Most recent tag should start with v');
const commitsSinceLastRelease = await runCommand('git', [
const commitEntries = [];
for (const commit of commitsSinceLastRelease) {
const [subject] = await runCommand('git', [
let prNumber;
let description = subject;
// Squash & Merge: the commit subject is parsed as `<description> (#<PR ID>)`
if (subject.match(/\(#\d+\)/u)) {
const matchResults = subject.match(/\(#(\d+)\)/u);
prNumber = matchResults[1];
description = subject.match(/^(.+)\s\(#\d+\)/u)[1];
// Merge: the PR ID is parsed from the git subject (which is of the form `Merge pull request
// #<PR ID> from <branch>`, and the description is assumed to be the first line of the body.
// If no body is found, the description is set to the commit subject
} else if (subject.match(/#\d+\sfrom/u)) {
const matchResults = subject.match(/#(\d+)\sfrom/u);
prNumber = matchResults[1];
const [firstLineOfBody] = await runCommand('git', [
description = firstLineOfBody || subject;
// Otherwise:
// Normal commits: The commit subject is the description, and the PR ID is omitted.
commitEntries.push({ prNumber, description });
const changelogFilename = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'CHANGELOG.md');
const changelog = await fs.readFile(changelogFilename, { encoding: 'utf8' });
const changelogLines = changelog.split('\n');
// remove the "v" prefix
const mostRecentVersion = mostRecentTag.slice(1);
const isReleaseCandidate = mostRecentVersion !== version;
const versionHeader = `## ${version}`;
const currentDevelopBranchHeader = '## Current Develop Branch';
const currentReleaseHeaderPattern = isReleaseCandidate
? // This ensures this doesn't match on a version with a suffix
// e.g. v9.0.0 should not match on the header v9.0.0-beta.0
: currentDevelopBranchHeader;
let releaseHeaderIndex = changelogLines.findIndex((line) =>
line.match(new RegExp(currentReleaseHeaderPattern, 'u')),
if (releaseHeaderIndex === -1) {
if (!isReleaseCandidate) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to find release header '${currentDevelopBranchHeader}'`,
// Add release header if not found
const firstReleaseHeaderIndex = changelogLines.findIndex((line) =>
line.match(/## \d+\.\d+\.\d+/u),
changelogLines.splice(firstReleaseHeaderIndex, 0, versionHeader, '');
releaseHeaderIndex = firstReleaseHeaderIndex;
const prNumbersWithChangelogEntries = [];
for (const line of changelogLines) {
const matchResults = line.match(/- \[#(\d+)\]/u);
if (matchResults === null) {
const prNumber = matchResults[1];
const changelogEntries = [];
for (const { prNumber, description } of commitEntries) {
if (prNumbersWithChangelogEntries.includes(prNumber)) {
let changelogEntry;
if (prNumber) {
const prefix = `[#${prNumber}](${URL}/pull/${prNumber})`;
changelogEntry = `- ${prefix}: ${description}`;
} else {
changelogEntry = `- ${description}`;
changelogLines.splice(releaseHeaderIndex + 1, 0, ...changelogEntries);
const updatedChangelog = changelogLines.join('\n');
await fs.writeFile(changelogFilename, updatedChangelog);
console.log('CHANGELOG updated');
main().catch((error) => {