import { VercelRequest, VercelResponse } from '@vercel/node' import axios, { AxiosResponse } from 'axios' interface NomadListLocation { city: string country: string country_code: string latitude: number longitude: number epoch_start: number epoch_end: number date_start: string date_end: string place_photo: string } interface NomadListLocationResponse { location: { now: NomadListLocation previous: NomadListLocation next: NomadListLocation } } export default async (req: VercelRequest, res: VercelResponse) => { if (!process.env.NOMADLIST_PROFILE) return try { const response: AxiosResponse<NomadListLocationResponse> = await axios( `${process.env.NOMADLIST_PROFILE}.json?key=${process.env.NOMADLIST_KEY}` ) if (!response?.data) return // return only the location part of the data res.json( } catch (error) { res.status(500).send(error) } }