get_results( yourls_apply_filter( 'stat_query_referrer', $query ) ); // Loop through all results and build list of referrers, countries and hits per day foreach( (array)$rows as $row ) { if ( $row->referrer == 'direct' ) { $direct = $row->count; continue; } $host = yourls_get_domain( $row->referrer ); if( !array_key_exists( $host, $referrers ) ) $referrers[$host] = array( ); if( !array_key_exists( $row->referrer, $referrers[$host] ) ) { $referrers[$host][$row->referrer] = $row->count; $notdirect += $row->count; } else { $referrers[$host][$row->referrer] += $row->count; $notdirect += $row->count; } } // Sort referrers. $referrer_sort is a array of most frequent domains arsort( $referrers ); $referrer_sort = array(); $number_of_sites = count( array_keys( $referrers ) ); foreach( $referrers as $site => $urls ) { if( count($urls) > 1 || $number_of_sites == 1 ) $referrer_sort[$site] = array_sum( $urls ); } arsort($referrer_sort); // *** Countries *** $query = "SELECT `country_code`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `$table` WHERE `shorturl` $keyword_range GROUP BY `country_code`;"; $rows = $ydb->get_results( yourls_apply_filter( 'stat_query_country', $query ) ); // Loop through all results and build list of countries and hits foreach( (array)$rows as $row ) { if ("$row->country_code") $countries["$row->country_code"] = $row->count; } // Sort countries, most frequent first if ( $countries ) arsort( $countries ); // *** Dates : array of $dates[$year][$month][$day] = number of clicks *** $query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`click_time`, '%Y') AS `year`, DATE_FORMAT(`click_time`, '%m') AS `month`, DATE_FORMAT(`click_time`, '%d') AS `day`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `$table` WHERE `shorturl` $keyword_range GROUP BY `year`, `month`, `day`;"; $rows = $ydb->get_results( yourls_apply_filter( 'stat_query_dates', $query ) ); // Loop through all results and fill blanks foreach( (array)$rows as $row ) { if( !array_key_exists($row->year, $dates ) ) $dates[$row->year] = array(); if( !array_key_exists( $row->month, $dates[$row->year] ) ) $dates[$row->year][$row->month] = array(); if( !array_key_exists( $row->day, $dates[$row->year][$row->month] ) ) $dates[$row->year][$row->month][$row->day] = $row->count; else $dates[$row->year][$row->month][$row->day] += $row->count; } // Sort dates, chronologically from [2007][12][24] to [2009][02][19] ksort( $dates ); foreach( $dates as $year=>$months ) { ksort( $dates[$year] ); foreach( $months as $month=>$day ) { ksort( $dates[$year][$month] ); } } // Get $list_of_days, $list_of_months, $list_of_years reset( $dates ); if( $dates ) { extract( yourls_build_list_of_days( $dates ) ); } // *** Last 24 hours : array of $last_24h[ $hour ] = number of click *** $query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`click_time`, '%H %p') AS `time`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `$table` WHERE `shorturl` $keyword_range AND `click_time` > (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 DAY) GROUP BY `time`;"; $rows = $ydb->get_results( yourls_apply_filter( 'stat_query_last24h', $query ) ); $_last_24h = array(); foreach( (array)$rows as $row ) { if ( isset( $row->time ) ) $_last_24h[ "$row->time" ] = $row->count; } $now = intval( date('U') ); for ($i = 23; $i >= 0; $i--) { $h = date('H A', $now - ($i * 60 * 60) ); // If the $last_24h doesn't have all the hours, insert missing hours with value 0 $last_24h[ $h ] = array_key_exists( $h, $_last_24h ) ? $_last_24h[ $h ] : 0 ; } unset( $_last_24h ); // *** Queries all done, phew *** // Filter all this junk if applicable. Be warned, some are possibly huge datasets. $referrers = yourls_apply_filter( 'pre_yourls_info_referrers', $referrers ); $referrer_sort = yourls_apply_filter( 'pre_yourls_info_referrer_sort', $referrer_sort ); $direct = yourls_apply_filter( 'pre_yourls_info_direct', $direct ); $notdirect = yourls_apply_filter( 'pre_yourls_info_notdirect', $notdirect ); $dates = yourls_apply_filter( 'pre_yourls_info_dates', $dates ); $list_of_days = yourls_apply_filter( 'pre_yourls_info_list_of_days', $list_of_days ); $list_of_months = yourls_apply_filter( 'pre_yourls_info_list_of_months', $list_of_months ); $list_of_years = yourls_apply_filter( 'pre_yourls_info_list_of_years', $list_of_years ); $last_24h = yourls_apply_filter( 'pre_yourls_info_last_24h', $last_24h ); $countries = yourls_apply_filter( 'pre_yourls_info_countries', $countries ); // I can haz debug data /** echo "
"; echo "referrers: "; print_r( $referrers ); echo "referrer sort: "; print_r( $referrer_sort ); echo "direct: $direct\n"; echo "notdirect: $notdirect\n"; echo "dates: "; print_r( $dates ); echo "list of days: "; print_r( $list_of_days ); echo "list_of_months: "; print_r( $list_of_months ); echo "list_of_years: "; print_r( $list_of_years ); echo "last_24h: "; print_r( $last_24h ); echo "countries: "; print_r( $countries ); die(); /**/ } yourls_html_head( 'infos', yourls_s( 'Statistics for %s', YOURLS_SITE.'/'.$keyword ) ); yourls_html_logo(); yourls_html_menu(); ?>:
1 ) echo '
'; } ?>
yourls__( 'Last 24 hours' ), '7' => yourls__( 'Last 7 days' ), '30' => yourls__( 'Last 30 days' ), 'all'=> yourls__( 'All time' ), ); // Which graph to generate ? $do_all = $do_30 = $do_7 = $do_24 = false; $hits_all = array_sum( $list_of_days ); $hits_30 = array_sum( array_slice( $list_of_days, -30 ) ); $hits_7 = array_sum( array_slice( $list_of_days, -7 ) ); $hits_24 = array_sum( $last_24h ); if( $hits_all > 0 ) $do_all = true; // graph for all days range if( $hits_30 > 0 && count( array_slice( $list_of_days, -30 ) ) == 30 ) $do_30 = true; // graph for last 30 days if( $hits_7 > 0 && count( array_slice( $list_of_days, -7 ) ) == 7 ) $do_7 = true; // graph for last 7 days if( $hits_24 > 0 ) $do_24 = true; // graph for last 24 hours // Which graph to display ? $display_all = $display_30 = $display_7 = $display_24 = false; if( $do_24 ) { $display_24 = true; } elseif ( $do_7 ) { $display_7 = true; } elseif ( $do_30 ) { $display_30 = true; } elseif ( $do_all ) { $display_all = true; } ?>' . yourls__( 'No traffic yet. Get some clicks first!' ) . ''; } ?>
' . yourls__( 'Last 24 hours' ) . ''; if( $do_7 == true ) echo '
$graphtitle ) { if( ${'do_'.$graph} == true ) { $display = ( ${'display_'.$graph} === true ? 'display:block' : 'display:none' ); echo "- ' . yourls__( 'Last 7 days' ) . ''; if( $do_30 == true ) echo '
- ' . yourls__( 'Last 30 days' ) . ''; if( $do_all == true ) echo '
- ' . yourls__( 'All time' ) . ''; ?>
"; echo '\n"; } } ?>' . yourls_s( 'Number of hits : %s' , $graphtitle ) . '
'; switch( $graph ) { case '24': yourls_stats_line( $last_24h, "stat_line_$graph" ); break; case '7': case '30': $slice = array_slice( $list_of_days, intval( $graph ) * -1 ); yourls_stats_line( $slice, "stat_line_$graph" ); unset( $slice ); break; case 'all': yourls_stats_line( $list_of_days, "stat_line_$graph" ); break; } echo "$graphtitle ) { if ( ${'do_'.$graph} ) { $link = "$graphtitle"; } else { $link = $graphtitle; } $stat = ''; if( ${'do_'.$graph} ) { switch( $graph ) { case '7': case '30': $stat = yourls_s( '%s per day', round( ( ${'hits_'.$graph} / intval( $graph ) ) * 100 ) / 100 ); break; case '24': $stat = yourls_s( '%s per hour', round( ( ${'hits_'.$graph} / 24 ) * 100 ) / 100 ); break; case 'all': if( $ago > 0 ) $stat = yourls_s( '%s per day', round( ( ${'hits_'.$graph} / $ago ) * 100 ) / 100 ); } } $hits = sprintf( yourls_n( '%s hit', '%s hits', ${'hits_'.$graph} ), ${'hits_'.$graph} ); echo "
- $link $hits $stat
\n"; } ?>%1$s hit on %2$s', '%1$s hits on %2$s', $best['max'] ), $best['max'], yourls_date_i18n( "F j, Y", strtotime( $best['day'] ) ) ); ?>.
' . yourls__( 'No country data.' ) . ''; } ?>
' . yourls__( 'No referrer data.' ) . ''; } ?>
1 ) $referrer_sort[ yourls__( 'Others' ) ] = count( $referrers ); yourls_stats_pie( $referrer_sort, 5, '440x220', 'stat_tab_source_ref' ); unset( $referrer_sort['Others'] ); ?> $count ) { $i++; $favicon = yourls_get_favicon_url( $site ); echo "
- \n"; echo " \n"; unset( $referrers[$site] ); } // Any referrer left? Group in "various" if ( $referrers ) { echo "
$site: $count
- " . yourls__( 'Various:' ) . " ". count( $referrers ). "
\n"; echo " \n"; } ?>$direct, yourls__( 'Referrers' ) => $notdirect ), 5, '440x220', 'stat_tab_source_direct' ); ?> %s hit', '%s hits', $direct ), $direct ); ?>
%s hit', '%s hits', $notdirect ), $notdirect ); ?>