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2012-02-26 03:28:54 +01:00
// json_encode for PHP prior to 5.2
if( !function_exists( 'json_encode' ) ) {
function json_encode( $array ) {
return yourls_array_to_json( $array );
* Converts an associative array of arbitrary depth and dimension into JSON representation. Used for compatibility with older PHP builds.
* @param $array The array to convert.
* @return mixed The resulting JSON string, or false if the argument was not an array.
* @author Andy Rusterholz
* @link http://php.net/json_encode (see comments)
function yourls_array_to_json( $array ){
if( !is_array( $array ) ){
return false;
$associative = count( array_diff( array_keys($array), array_keys( array_keys( $array )) ));
if( $associative ){
$construct = array();
foreach( $array as $key => $value ){
// We first copy each key/value pair into a staging array,
// formatting each key and value properly as we go.
// Format the key:
if( is_numeric($key) ){
$key = "key_$key";
$key = '"'.addslashes($key).'"';
// Format the value:
if( is_array( $value )){
$value = yourls_array_to_json( $value );
} else if( !is_numeric( $value ) || is_string( $value ) ){
$value = '"'.addslashes($value).'"';
// Add to staging array:
$construct[] = "$key: $value";
// Then we collapse the staging array into the JSON form:
$result = "{ " . implode( ", ", $construct ) . " }";
} else { // If the array is a vector (not associative):
$construct = array();
foreach( $array as $value ){
// Format the value:
if( is_array( $value )){
$value = yourls_array_to_json( $value );
} else if( !is_numeric( $value ) || is_string( $value ) ){
$value = '"'.addslashes($value).'"';
// Add to staging array:
$construct[] = $value;
// Then we collapse the staging array into the JSON form:
$result = "[ " . implode( ", ", $construct ) . " ]";
return $result;
// Compat http_build_query for PHP4
if (!function_exists('http_build_query')) {
function http_build_query($data, $prefix=null, $sep=null) {
return yourls_http_build_query($data, $prefix, $sep);
// from php.net (modified by Mark Jaquith to behave like the native PHP5 function)
function yourls_http_build_query($data, $prefix=null, $sep=null, $key='', $urlencode=true) {
$ret = array();
foreach ( (array) $data as $k => $v ) {
if ( $urlencode)
$k = urlencode($k);
if ( is_int($k) && $prefix != null )
$k = $prefix.$k;
if ( !empty($key) )
$k = $key . '%5B' . $k . '%5D';
if ( $v === NULL )
elseif ( $v === FALSE )
$v = '0';
if ( is_array($v) || is_object($v) )
array_push($ret,yourls_http_build_query($v, '', $sep, $k, $urlencode));
elseif ( $urlencode )
array_push($ret, $k.'='.urlencode($v));
array_push($ret, $k.'='.$v);
if ( NULL === $sep )
$sep = ini_get('arg_separator.output');
return implode($sep, $ret);
// htmlspecialchars_decode for PHP < 5.1
if ( !function_exists('htmlspecialchars_decode') ) {
function htmlspecialchars_decode($text) {
return strtr($text, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS)));
// BC Math functions (assuming if one doesn't exist, none does)
if ( !function_exists( 'bcdiv' )) {
function bcdiv( $dividend, $divisor ) {
$quotient = floor( $dividend/$divisor );
return $quotient;
function bcmod( $dividend, $modulo ) {
$remainder = $dividend%$modulo;
return $remainder;
function bcmul( $left, $right ) {
return $left * $right;
function bcadd( $left, $right ) {
return $left + $right;
function bcpow( $base, $power ) {
return pow( $base, $power );
// Replacement for property_exists() (5.1+)
if ( !function_exists( 'property_exists' ) ) {
function property_exists( $class, $property ) {
if ( is_object( $class ) ) {
$vars = get_object_vars( $class );
} else {
$vars = get_class_vars( $class );
return array_key_exists( $property, $vars );