# adapted based on https://github.com/necolas/dotfiles/blob/master/shell/bash_paths # Directories to be prepended to PATH declare -a dirs_to_prepend=( "$HOME/.bin" "/usr/local/sbin" "/usr/local/bin" # Ensure that this bin always takes precedence over `/usr/bin` ) # Directories to be appended to PATH declare -a dirs_to_append=( "/usr/bin" "$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin" # Add brew-installed GNU core utilities bin "$(brew --prefix)/share/npm/bin" # Add npm-installed package bin "$(brew --prefix android-sdk)/tools" "$(brew --prefix android-sdk)/platform-tools" "$(brew --prefix mysql)/bin" ) # Prepend directories to PATH for index in ${!dirs_to_prepend[*]} do if [ -d ${dirs_to_prepend[$index]} ]; then # If these directories exist, then prepend them to existing PATH PATH="${dirs_to_prepend[$index]}:$PATH" fi done # Append directories to PATH for index in ${!dirs_to_append[*]} do if [ -d ${dirs_to_append[$index]} ]; then # If these bins exist, then append them to existing PATH PATH="$PATH:${dirs_to_append[$index]}" fi done unset dirs_to_prepend dirs_to_append export PATH # define CDPATHs which are autocompleted from when doing cd export CDPATH=$CDPATH:~/Code:~/Projects