#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Pull in changes and make new symlinks # # adapted from @mathiasbynens & @michaeljsmalley # https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles/blob/master/bootstrap.sh # https://github.com/michaeljsmalley/dotfiles/blob/master/makesymlinks.sh ######################################################################## # list of files/folders to symlink in homedir FILES="aliases exports private zshrc zprofile editorconfig gitconfig gitignore hushlogin bin tmux.conf vimrc" for FILE in $FILES; do # remove old symlinks if present if [ -h "$HOME/.$FILE" ]; then rm "$HOME/.$FILE" echo "$(tput setaf 64)✓$(tput sgr0) Removed old symlink to $(tput setaf 37)$FILE$(tput sgr0)" fi # symlink files ln -s "$PWD/$FILE" "$HOME/.$FILE" echo "$(tput setaf 64)✓$(tput sgr0) Created new symlink to $(tput setaf 37)$FILE$(tput sgr0)" done exit