import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { PriceContext } from './createContext' import { refreshInterval, conversions } from '../../config' import { fetchData } from '../../utils' import { convertPrices } from './helpers' import useSWR from 'swr' import ms from 'ms' import electron from 'electron' const ipcRenderer = electron.ipcRenderer || false export default function PriceProvider({ children }) { // construct initial prices Map to get consistent // order for Ticker and Touchbar let pricesMap = new Map() pricesMap.set('ocean', 1) => pricesMap.set(key, 0)) const [prices, setPrices] = useState(pricesMap) const [priceChanges, setPriceChanges] = useState( Object.assign( => ({ [key]: 0 })) ) ) // Fetch new prices periodically with swr const currencies = conversions.join(',') const url = `${currencies}&include_24hr_change=true` const { data } = useSWR(url, fetchData, { refreshInterval: ms(refreshInterval), onSuccess }) async function onSuccess() { if (!data) return console.log('Got new prices.') const { newPrices, newPriceChanges } = await convertPrices(data, prices) setPrices(newPrices) setPriceChanges(newPriceChanges) ipcRenderer && ipcRenderer.send('prices-updated', Array.from(newPrices)) // convert Map to array, ipc messages seem to kill it } useEffect(() => { async function init() { await onSuccess() } init() }, [data]) return ( {children} ) } PriceProvider.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.any.isRequired }