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### Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
Generated by [`auto-changelog`](
2020-03-23 01:42:58 +01:00
#### [v1.4.3](
> 23 March 2020
- use SWR for price data fetching [`#68`](
- Update @testing-library/react to the latest version 🚀 [`#66`](
- Update release-it to the latest version 🚀 [`#64`](
- site: os detection for download links, style tweaks [`54277db`](
- package updates [`8072712`](
- site: move asset filtering to api path [`5978e2d`](
2020-03-04 12:59:25 +01:00
#### [v1.4.2](
> 4 March 2020
- add basic landing page [`e82ba61`](
- package updates [`70f80d6`](
2020-03-23 01:42:58 +01:00
- Release 1.4.2 [`41a311a`](
2020-03-04 12:59:25 +01:00
2020-02-26 22:18:04 +01:00
#### [v1.4.1](
> 26 February 2020
- get balance from chain [`#61`](
- test tweaks [`a2ed753`](
2020-03-04 12:59:25 +01:00
- Release 1.4.1 [`b30bc65`](
2020-02-26 22:18:04 +01:00
- update docs [`9c86c11`](
2020-02-25 22:09:26 +01:00
#### [v1.4.0](
> 25 February 2020
- Move to Next.js for renderer [`#60`](
- move renderer to Next.js [`6a1b1a4`](
- provider splitup and refactor [`2efee0e`](
- project organisation, fix build & test runs [`94312a6`](
2020-02-05 19:20:33 +01:00
#### [v1.3.1](
> 5 February 2020
- Update electron to the latest version 🚀 [`#57`](
- Update cross-env to the latest version 🚀 [`#55`](
- Update @testing-library/jest-dom to the latest version 🚀 [`#54`](
- Update @svgr/webpack to the latest version 🚀 [`#52`](
- Update mini-css-extract-plugin to the latest version 🚀 [`#51`](
- Update stylelint-config-css-modules to the latest version 🚀 [`#49`](
- Update stylelint to the latest version 🚀 [`#48`](
- package updates [`9e57046`](
2020-02-25 22:09:26 +01:00
- Release 1.3.1 [`fe84386`](
2020-02-05 19:20:33 +01:00
- chore(package): update electron to version 8.0.0 [`d005d8e`](
2019-11-10 17:28:58 +01:00
#### [v1.3.0](
> 10 November 2019
- split up platform builds [`#47`](
- Add test setup and tests [`#44`](
- Update cross-env to the latest version 🚀 [`#43`](
- Update stylelint-config-standard to the latest version 🚀 [`#41`](
- Update stylelint to the latest version 🚀 [`#40`](
- Update electron-store to the latest version 🚀 [`#39`](
- add unit tests [`89ba627`](
- move jest config [`2764f2e`](
- package updates [`4d9dcf6`](
2019-09-09 02:13:04 +02:00
#### [v1.2.1](
> 9 September 2019
- refactor for css modules [`#38`](
- reafactor for css modules [`3745051`](
- Preferences refactor [`959007f`](
- Accounts refactor [`1863778`](
2019-09-07 20:30:12 +02:00
#### [v1.2.0](
> 7 September 2019
- Windows fixes [`#37`](
- Update sass-loader to the latest version 🚀 [`#36`](
- fix reach-router in packaged Electron [`#5`](
- layout tweaks [`097ad33`](
- package updates [`4631622`](
2019-09-09 02:13:04 +02:00
- Release 1.2.0 [`e07b8be`](
2019-09-07 20:30:12 +02:00
2019-08-21 09:43:49 +02:00
#### [v1.1.9](
> 21 August 2019
- Update electron to the latest version 🚀 [`#33`](
- bump packages [`#32`](
2019-09-07 20:30:12 +02:00
- Release 1.1.9 [`6b6c311`](
2019-08-21 09:43:49 +02:00
- travis tweaks [`2660e87`](
- chore(package): update electron to version 6.0.0 [`58e2ec2`](
2019-07-08 02:07:44 +02:00
#### [v1.1.8](
> 8 July 2019
- test packaging on Travis [`#27`](
- Update eslint-config-prettier to the latest version 🚀 [`#26`](
- Update eslint to the latest version 🚀 [`#23`](
- Update eslint-config-prettier to the latest version 🚀 [`#22`](
- package updates [`4396a21`](
2019-08-21 09:43:49 +02:00
- Release 1.1.8 [`a63f46e`](
2019-07-08 02:07:44 +02:00
- chore(package): update eslint-config-prettier to version 6.0.0 [`abb20ca`](
2019-06-11 23:18:55 +02:00
#### [v1.1.7](
> 11 June 2019
- Update file-loader to the latest version 🚀 [`#20`](
- package updates, add changelog [`#21`](
- test fixes [`e86cade`](
2019-07-08 02:07:44 +02:00
- Release 1.1.7 [`3189f61`](
- update product screenshot [`ca6b8d1`](
2019-06-11 23:18:55 +02:00
#### [v1.1.6](
> 4 June 2019
- more release artifacts [`adaf8f6`](
- Release 1.1.6 [`2c7c81b`](
#### [v1.1.5](
> 4 June 2019
- support for scss modules [`#19`](
- identicon fixes [`#18`](
- fix Ticker highlight style [`65204fa`](
- Release 1.1.5 [`41ce088`](
#### [v1.1.4](
> 4 June 2019
- 24hr price changes [`#17`](
- number formatting tweaks [`0a1feaf`](
- output 24hr price changes [`1c59257`](
- bump packages [`c4e9b2f`](
#### [v1.1.3](
> 29 May 2019
- Linux UI fixes, and some Windows fixes [`#16`](
- Linux fixes [`6ea9f7f`](
- fix title bar [`9f7a72c`](
- Linux build fixes [`1c8ec7e`](
#### [v1.1.2](
> 28 May 2019
- fix release assets [`6e813c2`](
- Release 1.1.2 [`5c5e21f`](
#### [v1.1.1](
> 28 May 2019
- release process with release-it [`#15`](
- bump electron-builder [`6a2c76d`](
- Release 1.1.1 [`a589ec5`](
#### [v1.1.0](
> 25 May 2019
- Electron Touch Bar [`#10`](
- refactor and code cleanup [`#12`](
- refactor [`8097306`](
- switch between currencies [`498909a`](
- update touchbar with data [`d5b43be`](
#### [v1.0.2](
> 20 May 2019
- consistent number formatting based on system locale [`#11`](
- Release v1.0.2 [`09f37af`](
#### v1.0.1
> 19 May 2019
- change primary color based on system accent color [`#9`](
- Touch Bar support [`#2`](
- user preferences & router setup [`#1`](
- fix dark mode detection [`#6`](
- initial commit 🐡 [`a296148`](
- setup user preferences [`bfe2a76`](
- balance data fetching refactor, preferences tweaks [`057f27a`](