mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/blog.git synced 2025-02-14 21:10:25 +01:00
🍭 My blog kremalicious.com built with Astro. Neat. https://kremalicious.com
Go to file
2018-10-11 21:14:09 +02:00
_aws fixes 2018-09-27 22:25:00 +02:00
content build & lint updates 2018-09-30 03:11:08 +02:00
scripts new post script 2018-09-29 23:05:14 +02:00
src move QR functionality into own component 2018-10-11 21:14:09 +02:00
static build & lint updates 2018-09-30 03:11:08 +02:00
.codeclimate.yml footer refactor 2018-08-29 01:40:43 +02:00
.editorconfig start refactor 2018-07-21 13:33:05 +02:00
.eslintignore build & lint updates 2018-09-30 03:11:08 +02:00
.eslintrc build & lint updates 2018-09-30 03:11:08 +02:00
.gitignore package updates, add gatsby-redirect-from 2018-08-30 01:54:01 +02:00
.markdownlint.json post fixes 2018-09-29 03:02:05 +02:00
.prettierignore post metadata cleanup 2018-07-21 13:33:06 +02:00
.prettierrc cleanup 2018-09-12 23:48:59 +02:00
.stylelintrc lint fixes 2018-07-21 22:44:50 +02:00
.travis.yml fix build 2018-10-01 22:59:49 +02:00
assets sheet.psd cleanup apple-touch-icon, add Safari 9 pinned tab icon 2015-08-09 00:52:46 +02:00
config.js fix avatar 2018-10-01 19:57:49 +02:00
gatsby-browser.js add markdownlint 2018-09-24 01:09:50 +02:00
gatsby-config.js fix build 2018-10-01 22:59:49 +02:00
gatsby-node.js build & lint updates 2018-09-30 03:11:08 +02:00
LICENSE cleanup 2018-08-29 00:17:24 +02:00
LICENSE-content cleanup 2018-08-29 00:17:24 +02:00
LICENSE-photos cleanup 2018-08-29 00:17:24 +02:00
package.json basic transaction interaction 2018-10-11 19:25:46 +02:00
README.md some words on exif extraction 2018-10-10 00:08:05 +02:00

🍭 My blog built with Gatsby. Neat.


Table of Contents

🎉 Features

The whole blog is a React-based Single Page App built with Gatsby v2.

🎆 EXIF extraction

Automatically extracts EXIF metadata from my photos on build time. For minimal overhead, fast-exif parses every JPG file upon Gatsby file node creation and adds the extracted EXIF data as node fields. This way EXIF data is only extracted at build time and can be simply queried with GraphQL at run time.

In the end looks like this, including location display with pigeon-maps:

screen shot 2018-10-09 at 23 59 39

If you want to know how, have a look at the respective component under src/components/atoms/Exif.jsx and the EXIF node fields creation in gatsby-node.js.

Under each post a list of related posts is displayed which are based on the tags of the currently viewed post. Also allows loading more related posts in place.

If you want to know how, have a look at the respective component under src/components/molecules/Pagination.jsx

🏆 SEO component

Includes a SEO component which automatically switches all required meta tags for search engines, Twitter Cards, and Facebook OpenGraph tags based on the browsed route/page.

If you want to know how, have a look at the respective component under src/components/atoms/SEO.jsx

📈 Matomo (formerly Piwik) analytics tracking

Site sends usage statistics to my own Matomo installation. To make this work in Gatsby, I created and open sourced a plugin, gatsby-plugin-matomo, which is in use on this site.



💎 Importing SVG assets

All SVG assets under src/images/ will be converted to React components with the help of gatsby-plugin-svgr. Makes use of SVGR so SVG assets can be imported like so:

import { ReactComponent as Logo } from './components/svg/Logo'

<Logo />

🍬 Typekit component

Includes a component for adding the Typekit snippet.

If you want to know how, have a look at the respective component under src/components/atoms/Typekit.jsx


You need to have the following tools installed on your development machine before moving on:

Then install dependencies and start everything up:

npm i
npm start

🔮 Linting

ESlint, Prettier, and Stylelint are setup for all linting purposes:

npm run lint

To automatically format all code files:

npm run format
npm run format:css

🎈 Add a new project

npm run new "Hello"


🚚 Deployment

Automatic deployments are triggered upon successful tests & builds on Travis:

  • push to master initiates a live deployment
  • any Pull Request, and subsequent pushes to it, initiates a beta deployment

The deploy command simply calls the scripts/deploy.sh script, syncing the contents of the public/ folder to S3:

npm run deploy

The deploymeng script can be used locally too, the branch checks are only happening for Travis builds, allowing to deploy any branch from local machine.

🏛 Licenses

The MIT License (MIT)

except for:


Creative Commons License

All post content under ./content/posts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Photos & images

All photos & image assets under ./content/media, ./src/images, and assets sheet.psd are plain ol' copyright.

Copyright (c) 20082018 Matthias Kretschmann

Don't care if you fork & play with it, but you're not allowed to publish anything from it as a whole without my written permission.