mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/blog.git synced 2024-06-28 16:48:00 +02:00

72 lines
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import { getCollection, type CollectionEntry } from 'astro:content'
import { readOutExif } from '@lib/exif'
import path from 'path'
import config from '@config/blog.config'
import { sortPosts } from './sortPosts'
import { getSlug } from './getSlug'
// Main loader for all collections content.
// ---
// Astro's `getCollection()` is never called
// from components, but this helper method instead.
export async function loadAndFormatCollection(
name: 'articles' | 'links' | 'photos'
): Promise<CollectionEntry<'articles' | 'links' | 'photos'>[]> {
let postsCollection = await getCollection(name)
// filter out drafts, but only in production
if (import.meta.env.PROD) {
postsCollection = postsCollection.filter(({ data }) => data.draft !== true)
for await (const post of postsCollection) {
// use date from frontmatter, or grab from folder path
const date = post.data.date
? post.data.date
: new Date(post.id.split('/')[0].substring(0, 10))
// construct slug from folder or file name
const slug = getSlug(`${post.collection}/${post.id}`)
const githubLink = `${config.repoContentPath}/${post.collection}/${post.id}`
post.slug = slug as CollectionEntry<'articles' | 'links' | 'photos'>['slug']
post.data.date = date
post.data.githubLink = githubLink
// extract exif & iptc data from photos
if (post.collection === 'photos') {
const isProd = import.meta.env.PROD
// Get the absolute image path from post.data.image
// to read exif from
// production image.src:
// `/_astro/filename.hash.jpg`
// development image.src:
// `/@fs/absolute/system/path/project/src/content/photos/postSlug/filename.jpg?origWidth=3873&origHeight=2796&origFormat=jpg`
const imagePath = isProd
? path.join(
: post.data.image.src.split('?')[0].split('/@fs')[1]
const exif = await readOutExif(imagePath)
post.data.exif = exif
const posts = sortPosts(postsCollection)
return posts