import { Loader } from '@components/Loader' import { useSend } from '@features/Web3/hooks/useSend' import { $isInitSend } from '@features/Web3/stores' import { useEnsAddress, useEnsName } from 'wagmi' import { Data } from './Data' import siteConfig from '@config/blog.config' import styles from './Preview.module.css' export function Preview() { // Always resolve to address from ENS name and vice versa // so nobody has to trust my config values. const { ens } = const { data: to } = useEnsAddress({ name: ens, chainId: 1 }) const { data: ensResolved } = useEnsName({ address: to as `0x${string}` | undefined, chainId: 1 }) const { handleSend, isLoading, error } = useSend() // TODO: Cancel flow if chain changes in preview as this can mess with token selection // useEffect(() => { // if (!chain?.id || $isInitSend.get() === false) return // $isInitSend.set(false) // }, [chain?.id]) return ( <> {error ?
: null} ) }