type: post

title: We Are Out Of Whale Oil
image: ../media/Teaser-Out-Of-Whale-Oil.jpg
download: ../media/out-of-whale-oil-wall-by-kremalicious.zip
author: Matthias Kretschmann

date: 2009-02-17 20:11:55+00:00

  - goodies
  - wallpaper
  - futurama

coinhive: true

    - /2009/02/out-of-whale-oil/

Simple, high-resolution Futurama tribute wallpaper pack inspired by the latest Futurama movie Into The Wild Green Yonder. This pack includes 4 versions of the Planet Express ship whale oil indicator in 2 different sizes for desktop and iPhone use. Vivid pink Feminista versions included too.

![Futurama: Out Of Whale Oil Wallpaper Detail](../media/out_of_whale_oil_detail.png)Here're the details for the whole pack:

  * 2 high-rez widescreen desktop versions with empty and full whale oil indicator (2560x1600)
  * 2 iPhone versions with empty and full whale oil indicator (320x480)
  * 2 Feminista versions high-rez widescreen desktop versions with empty and full whale oil indicator (2560x1600)
  * 2 Feminista iPhone versions with empty and full whale oil indicator (320x480)
  * Icon folder files for this wallpaper release

[![Futurama: Out Of Whale Oil Wallpaper Pack by kremalicious](../media/out-of-whale-oil-overview.png)](http://www.kremalicious.com/goodies/#wall)

Seriously, the pink versions are burning my eyes but the pink is a good reference to the events in the recent movie.

<p class="content-download">
    <a class="icon-download" href="../media/out-of-whale-oil-wall-by-kremalicious.zip">Download</a>