title: Twitter Crisp
image: ../media/Teaser-Twitter-Crisp.jpg
download: ../media/twitter-crisp-by-kremalicious.zip
author: Matthias Kretschmann

date: 2009-06-04 00:16:40+00:00

  - goodies
  - icon

Here's a quick twitter icon for use on your websites which is kind of a by-product from one of my last projects. But I would consider it a waste to just bury this deep in my filesystem so I think it's best I'm throwing this out to you.

This icon comes in various formats (PNG, ICNS, iContainer) and in 4 different sizes (128px, 48px, 32px, 16px) with each icon size redrawn (of course). Just head over [to my Goodies page](http://www.kremalicious.com/goodies/) or click the following download button and grab these icons while they're hot.

<p class="content-download">
    <a class="icon-download btn btn-primary" href="../media/twitter-crisp-by-kremalicious.zip">Download</a>

Use them on any web project you like and/or [convert them into a send to twitter link](http://kremalicious.com/ultimate-coda-wordpress-share-link-bonanza/). Have fun!

These icons are free for **all your personal and commercial projects** following the [Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/). All I'm asking you is to link back to this URL if you use this twitter icon:


[![Creative Commons License](http://creativecommons.org/images/public/somerights20.png)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/)Twitter Crisp Icon by [Matthias Kretschmann](http://kremalicious.com) is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/).