import * as dotenv from 'dotenv' dotenv.config() const myQuery = ` { posts: allMarkdownRemark { edges { node { id excerpt frontmatter { title image { fields { exif { formatted { iso model fstop shutterspeed focalLength lensModel exposure gps { latitude longitude } } } } } toc author updated tags linkurl style { publicURL } changelog } fields { type slug date githubLink } rawMarkdownBody } } } } ` const queries = [ { query: myQuery, // queryVariables: {}, // optional. Allows you to use graphql query variables in the query transformer: ({ data }) =>{ node }) => node), // optional // indexName: 'index name to target', // overrides main index name, optional settings: { // optional, any index settings // Note: by supplying settings, you will overwrite all existing settings on the index }, mergeSettings: false // optional, defaults to false. See notes on mergeSettings below } ] export default { // This plugin must be placed last in your list of plugins to ensure that it can query all the GraphQL data resolve: `gatsby-plugin-algolia`, options: { appId: process.env.ALGOLIA_APP_ID, apiKey: process.env.ALGOLIA_API_KEY, indexName: process.env.ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME, queries, chunkSize: 10000, // default: 1000 settings: { // optional, any index settings // Note: by supplying settings, you will overwrite all existing settings on the index }, mergeSettings: false, // optional, defaults to false. See notes on mergeSettings below concurrentQueries: false, // default: true dryRun: false, // default: false, only calculate which objects would be indexed, but do not push to Algolia continueOnFailure: false, // default: false, don't fail the build if Algolia indexing fails algoliasearchOptions: undefined // default: { timeouts: { connect: 1, read: 30, write: 30 } }, pass any different options to the algoliasearch constructor } }