# encoding: utf-8
# Jekyll category page generator.
# http://recursive-design.com/projects/jekyll-plugins/
# Version: 0.2.4 (201210160037)
# Copyright (c) 2010 Dave Perrett, http://recursive-design.com/
# Licensed under the MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
# A generator that creates category pages for jekyll sites.
# To use it, simply drop this script into the _plugins directory of your Jekyll site. You should
# also create a file called 'category_index.html' in the _layouts directory of your jekyll site
# with the following contents (note: you should remove the leading '# ' characters):
# ================================== COPY BELOW THIS LINE ==================================
# ---
# layout: default
# ---
# {% for post in site.categories[page.category] %}
# {{ post.date | date_to_html_string }}
# Filed under {{ post.categories | category_links }}
# {% endfor %}
# ================================== COPY ABOVE THIS LINE ==================================
# You can alter the _layout_ setting if you wish to use an alternate layout, and obviously you
# can change the HTML above as you see fit.
# When you compile your jekyll site, this plugin will loop through the list of categories in your
# site, and use the layout above to generate a page for each one with a list of links to the
# individual posts.
# You can also (optionally) generate an atom.xml feed for each category. To do this, copy
# the category_feed.xml file to the _includes/custom directory of your own project
# (https://github.com/recurser/jekyll-plugins/blob/master/_includes/custom/category_feed.xml).
# You'll also need to copy the octopress_filters.rb file into the _plugins directory of your
# project as the category_feed.xml requires a couple of extra filters
# (https://github.com/recurser/jekyll-plugins/blob/master/_plugins/octopress_filters.rb).
# Included filters :
# - category_links: Outputs the list of categories as comma-separated