{% if post.layout == "link" %} {% elsif post.layout == "photo" %}
{% picture phototeaser {{ post.image }} %}
{{ post.title | titlecase }}
{% else %}

{{ post.title | titlecase }}

{% if post.image %} {% picture {{ post.image }} %} {% endif %} {% capture has_more %}{{ post.content | has_excerpt }}{% endcapture %} {% if has_more == 'true' %} {{ post.content | post.excerpt | excerpt | markdownify }} {% else %} {% unless post.categories contains "goodies" and page.path contains "goodies" %} {{ post.excerpt | markdownify }} {% endunless %} {% endif %} {% if post.categories contains "goodies" and page.path contains "goodies" %} {% endif %} {% unless page.path contains "goodies" %} Continue reading {% endunless %}
{% endif %}