--- author: Matthias Kretschmann comments: true date: 2012-05-26 05:13:58+00:00 layout: post slug: html-for-icon-font-usage title: HTML for Icon Font Usage wordpress_id: 2154 categories: - design post_format: - Link --- Chris Coyier on an accessible implementation for icon fonts: > Where are we at right now in terms of the best markup for using icon fonts? Let's cover some options I think are currently the best. [...] And our major goals here are: > > > 1. As good of semantics as we can get > > 2. As little awkwardness for screen readers as possible > Spoiler: the key is to map the icons to the _Private Use Area_ instead of "real" characters in the font files and injecting them with pseudo elements. I'm using [Font Awesome](http://fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome/) on this site which comes with icons mapped to PUA, so everything should be good for screen readers. Only concern to me are the quite ineffective CSS selectors like `[class*=" icon-"]` but this makes it nicely flexible.