title: Delibar Interface Replacement Icons
image: ./Teaser-Delibar-Icons.jpg
download: ../media/delibar-by-kremalicious.zip
author: Matthias Kretschmann

date: 2009-09-05 19:07:31+00:00

  - goodies
  - icon

[Delibar](http://www.shinyfrog.net/en/software/delibar/) from [Shiny Frog](http://www.shinyfrog.net) is a [delicious.com](http://delicious.com/) desktop client for OS X which sits in your menubar and gives you quick access to your bookmarks on delicious.

But the default menubar icon and the other interface icons look quite disturbing so I've made these simple replacement icons for the [Delibar](http://www.shinyfrog.net/en/software/delibar/) interface.

<p class="alert alert-block alert-info">Please Note: Shinyfrog released a <a href="http://www.delibarapp.com/">refreshed version of Delibar</a> which sports a nice and completely different UI. So using these icons here along with this new version is probably no good idea.</p>

## Download

Just head over [to my Goodies page](http://www.kremalicious.com/goodies/) or click the following download button and grab these replacement icons.

<p class="content-download">
    <a class="icon-download btn btn-primary" href="/get/delibar-by-kremalicious.zip">Download</a>

## Icon Usage

We're going to replace the default app resources so you should do a backup of the Delibar app or just download a [fresh copy from Shiny Frog](http://www.shinyfrog.net/en/software/delibar/) if anything goes wrong or looks weird.

1. Close Delibar if it's running
2. Ctrl + click or right-click on the Delibar app in your Applications folder and choose _Show Package Contents_
3. In the opened Finder window browse to Contents > Resources
4. Drag the contents of the _Icon Resources_ folder from the download package into this place, replacing the current files
5. Start Delibar and enjoy!