import fs from 'fs-extra' import path from 'path' import slugify from 'slugify' import ora from 'ora' const templatePath = path.join(__dirname, '') const template = fs.readFileSync(templatePath).toString() const spinner = ora('Adding new project').start() if (!process.argv[2]) {'Use the format `npm run new "Title of post"`') } const title = process.argv[2] spinner.text = `Adding '${title}'.` const titleSlug = slugify(title, { lower: true }) const postsPath = path.join('.', 'content', 'posts') const date = new Date().toISOString() const newContents = template .split('TITLE') .join(title) .split('TITLE_SLUG') .join(titleSlug) .split('DATE') .join(date) const datePath = date.slice(0, 10) const file = `${postsPath}/${datePath}-${titleSlug}/` fs.outputFile(file, newContents) .then(() => fs.readFile(file, 'utf8')) .then(() => { spinner.succeed(`New post '${title}' created.`) }) .catch(err => {`Error creating post: ${err}`) }) // fs.appendFile(`${postsPath}/${datePath}-${titleSlug}.md`, newContents, err => { // if (err)`Error creating post: ${err}`) // spinner.succeed(`New post '${title}' created.`) // })